Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/415

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A. D. 1545. Anno triccfimo feptimo Henrici VI IF. C. 1 2. 37" « was made thereof by the moft Reverend Father in God Thomas Archbifhop of C . ' ' - " ' tane, Chief Primate of all England, Thomas Audley Knight, Lord Audley of It 'aid, a, and ii> 4 cellor "(" England, now deccafed, and other of the King's M.ijefly's moft 11 ami alfo the king's L tl i : Patents and Proclamation was made thi repf, and di , for Tithes, Oblations and other Duties, as the faid Citizens and Inhab of the 5'//.. ' faid late Lord Chancellor, and other of the King's moft honourable Council, and th ,| a - 1 mation, paid or ought to have paid by Force and Virtue of the faid Order at E,q/i the 1 of our Lord God, MDXXXV, (2) and the fame Payments fo to continue from Time to 1 1 until fuch Time as any oilier Older or Law mould be made, publilbed, ratified and confirmed by the ig's Highnefs, and the two and thirty Perfons by his Grace to be named, as well for the full £fta- 1 blifhment concerning the Payment of all Tithes, Oblations, and other Duties of the Inhabitants within ' the faid City, Suburbs and Liberties of the fame, as for the making of other Eccleliaftical Laws of this ' Realm of England, (3) and that every Perfon denying to pay, as is aforefaid, mould, by the Comand- ' ment of the Mayor of London for the Time being, be committed to Prifon, there to remain until foch ' Time as he or they fhould have agreed with the Curate or Curates for their faid Tithes, Oblations and ' other Duties, as is aforefaid, as in the faid Actmorc plainly appearcth : (4) Sithcn which Act divers ' Variances, Contentions and Strifes are newly rifen and grown between the faid Parfons, Vicai and Cu- • rates, and the laid Citizens and Inhabitants, touching the Payments of the Tithes, Oblations and other

  • Duties, by Reafon of certain Words and Terms fpecified in the faid Order, which are not fo plainly and

' fully let forth, as is thought convenient and meet to be ; for appealing whereof, as well the faid Parfons, ' Vicars and Curates, as the faid Citizens and Inhabitants, have compromised and put themfelves to ftand Artimtors ch«. ' to fuch Order and Decree touching the Premiffes, as fhall be made by the faid Right Reverend Father in fen b - • Hoafhold, the Right Honourable Sir John Ruft'el Knight, Lord RitJJil and Lord Privy Seal, the Right ; hcl > mc » touch- ' Honourable Edward Earl of Hertford, Lord great Chamberlain of England, the Right Honourable John ,nlhe ['■ 1 >' rti = nt ' ' Vifcount Lift, High Admiral of England, Sir Richard Lifter Knight, Chief Juftice of England, Sir Ed- °' thc '" ' ward Mountague Knight, Chief Juftice of the Common Bench at IFeftminJlcr, and Sir Roger Cholmely ' Knight, Chief Baron of the Exchequer, for a final End and Conclulion to be had and made touching ' the PrcmiiTes for ever.' (5) And to the Intent to have a full Peace and perfect End between the faid Parties, their Heirs and Succeflbrs, touching the faid Tithes, Oblations and o.her Duties for ever, be it enacted by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, That fuch End, Order and Direction, as fhall be made, decreed, and concluded by the forenamed Archbifhop, Lords and Knights, or any fix of them, be- fore the firft Day of March next enfuing, of, for, and concerning the Payments of the Tithes, Oblations and other Duties within the faid City, and the Liberties of the fame, and inrolled in the King's High Court of Chancery of Record, fhall ftand, remain, and be as an Act of Parliament, and fhall bind as well all Citizens and Inhabitants of the laid City and Liberties for the Time being, as the faid Parfons, Vicars, Curates, and their Succeflbrs for ever, according to the Effect:, Purport and Intent of the faid Order and Decree fo to be made and inrolled ; (6) and that every Perfon denying to pay any of his or their Tithes, The Penalty of Oblations or other Duties, contrary to the faid Decree fo to be made, fhall, by the Commandment of the them which re- Mayor of London for the Time being, and in his Default or Negligence, by the Lord Chancellor of Eng- f "f e t0 P a >' the " land for the Time being, be committed to Prifon, there to remain till fuch Time as he or they have J "thc A^'" 5 agreed with the Curate and Curates for his or their faid Tithes, Oblations and other Dutiess as is aforefaid. tors Decree. *~ y-n. V. S. 5S6. The Decree. II. A S touching the Payment of Tithes in the City of London, and the Liberties of the fame, it is Cr0 E) g / fully ordered and decreed by the moft Reverend Father in God, Thomas Archbifhop of Can- , ci . 595, ' terbury, Primate and Metropolitane of England, Thomas Lord Wryathtfly, Lord Chancellor of England, William Lord St. John, Prefident of the King's Majefty's Council, and Lord great Matter of his Highnefs of February, Anno Domini, fecundum curfum & computationem EccLjia Anglicana, milLJi/no quingentefimo quadra- gefimo quinto, according to the Statute in fuch Cafe lately provided, (z) that the Citizens and Inhabi- tants of the laid City of London and Liberties of the lame, for the Time being, fhall yearly without Fraud or Covin for ever pay their Tithes to the Paribus, Vicars and Curates of the laid City, and their p 3r f onS) vicars Succeflbrs for the Time being, after the Rate hereafter following, that is to wit, Of every x. s. Rent by Curate.',' Tithe»! the Year of all and every Houfe and Hou-fes, Shop?, Warehouses, Cellars, Stables, and every of them within the laid City and Liberty of the fame, xvj. d. ob. (5) And every of xx. s. Rent by the Year of all and every fuch Houfe and Houfes, Shops, Warehbufes, Cellars and Stables, and every of them within the laid City and Liberties, ij. s. and ix. d. And fo above the Rent of xx. s. by the Year, afcending from x. s. to x. s. according to the Rate aforefaid. Vol. II. Ccc ' III. Item,