Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/416

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378 C 12. Anno triceiimo feptimo Henrici VIII. A. D. 1545- Co. Inft. 2 Par.. ' III. Item, That where any Leafe is or fhall be made of any dwelling Houfe or Houfes, Shops, Ware-- 6 59- ' houfes, Cellars or Stables, or any of them, by Fraud or Covin, referving lefs Rent than hath been ac- ' cuftomed, or is, or that any fuch Leafe fhall be made without any Rent referved upon the fame, by Rea- 4 fon of any Fine or Income paid beforehand, or by any other Fraud or Covin ; that then in every fuch 4 Cafe the Tenant or Farmer, Tenants and Farmers thereof fhall pay, for his or their Tithes of the fame ' after the Rate aforefaid, according to the Quality of fuch Rent or Rents, as the fame Houfe or Houfes, 4 Shops, Ware-houfes, Cellars or Stables, or any of them were laft lettcn for, wkhout Fraud or Covin, ' before the making of fuch Leafe. 'IV. Item, That every Owner or Owners, Inheritor or Inheritors of any dwelling Houfe or Houfes, ' Shops, Ware-houfes, Cellars or Stables, or any of them, within the laid City and Liberties, inhabiting ' or occupying the fame himfelf, or themfelves, fhall pay after fuch Rate or Tithes as is abovefaid, after ' the Quantity of fuch yearly Rent as the fame was laft' letten for, without Fraud or Covin. Ljafes, ' V. Item, If any Perfon or Perfons have taken, or hereafter fhall take any Meafe or Manfion Place by '■ Leafe, and the Taker or Takers thereof, his or their Executors or Affigns, doth or fhall inhabit in any

  • Part thereof, and have or hath within eight Years laft paft before this Order, or hereafter will or fhall

' let out the Refidue of the fame; that then in fuch Cafe the principal Farmer or Farmers, or firft Taker or

  • Takers thereof, his or their Executors or Affigns, fhall pay his or their Tithes after the Rate aforefaid,

' according to his or their Quantity therein, and that his or .their Executors, Affignee or Affignees, fhall ' pay his 6r their Tithes after the Rate abovefaid, according to the Quantity of their Rent by Year. ' VI. And that if any Perfon or Perfons have, or fhall take divers Manfion-houfes, Shops, Ware-houfes,

  • - Cellars or Stables, in one Leafe, and letteth or fhall let out one or more of the faid Houfes, and keepeth

4 or fhall keep one or more in his or their own Hands, and inhabiteth or inhabit in the fame ; that then the

  • faid Taker or Takers, and his and their Executors or Affigns fhall pay his or their Tithes after the Rate

' abovefaid, according to the Quantity of the yearly R.ent of fuch Manfion Houfe or Houfes, retained in

  • his or their Hands ; and that his Affignee or Affignees of the Refidue of the faid Manfion Houfe or

4 Houfes, fhall pay his or their Tithes after the Rate abovefaid, according to the Quantity of their yearly '■ Rents. ' VII. Item, If fuch Farmer or Farmers, or his or their Affigns of any Manfion Houfe or Houfes, Ware- 4 houfes, Shops, Cellars or Stables, hath at any Time within eight Years laft paft, or fhall hereafter, let ' over all the faid Manfion Houfe or Houfes contained in his or their Leafe, to one Perfon or to divers Per- 4 fons ; that then the Inhabitants, LefTees or Occupiers of them, and every of them, fhall pay their Tithes 4 after the Rate of fuch Rents as the Inhabitants, LefTees or Occupiers, and their Affignee or Affignees s - have been or fhall be charged withal, without Fraud or Covin.. ' VIII. Item, If any dwelling Houfe, within eight Years laft paft, was or hereafter fhall be converted 4 into a Ware-Houfe, Store-houfe, or fuch like, or if a Ware-houfe, Store-houfe, or fuch like, within ' the faid eight Years, was or hereafter fhall be converted into a dwelling Houfe ; that then the Occupiers 4 thereof fhall pay Tithes for the fame, after the Rate above declared of Manfion Houfe Rents. ' IX. Item, That where any Perfon fhall demife any Dye-houfe or Brew-houfe, with Implements con- 4 venient and neceffary for Dying or Brewing, referving a Rent upon the fame, as well in refpect of fuch ' Implements, as in refpeft of fuch Dye-houfe or Brew-houfe ; that then the Tenant fhall pay his Tithes ' after fuch Rate as is abovefaid, the third Peny abated : (z) And that every principal Houfe or Houfes, ' with Key or Wharf, having any Crane or Gibet belonging to the fame, fhall pay after the like Rate

  • of their Rents, as is aforefaid, the third Peny abated ; (3J and that other Wharfs belonging to Houfes

4 having no Crane or Gibet, fhall pay for his Tithes as fhall be paid for Manfion Houfes, in Form 4 aforefaid. ' X. Item, That where any Manfion-houfe with a Shop, Stable,. Ware-houfe, Wharf with Crane, 4 Timber-yard, Teinter-yard, or Garden belonging to the fame, or as Parcel of the fame, is or mall ' be occupied together, that if the fame be hereafter fevered or divided, or at any Time within eight Years " ' laft paft were fevered or divided ; that then the Farmer or Farmers, Occupier or Occupiers thereof, fhall

  • pay fuch Tithes as is abovefaid, for fuch Shops, Stable, Ware-houfes, Wharf with Crane, Timber-

' yard, Teinter-yard or Gardenaforefaid, fo fevered or divided, after the Rate of their feveral Rents there- 5 upon referved. ' XI. Item, That the faid Citizens and Inhabitants fhall pay their Tithes quarterly, that is to fay, at the 4 Fe'aft of Eajler, the Nativity of St. John Baptijl, the Feart of St. Michael the Archangel, and the Nati- ' vity of our Lord, by even Portions. ' XII. Item, That every Houlholder paying ten Shillings Rent or above, {hall, for him or herfelf, be ' difcharged of their fear Offering-days : But his Wife, Children, Servant, or others of their Family, 4 taking the Rights of the Church at Eajler, fhall pay two Pence for their four Offering-days yearly. ' XIII. Provided always, and it is decreed, That if any Houfe or Houfes which hath been or hereafter

  • ■ fnall be letten for ten Shillings R.ent by Year, or more, be or hath at any Time within eight Years laft

4 paffed, or hereafter fhall be, divided and leafed into fmall Parcels or Members, yielding lefs yearly Rent ' than ten Shillings by the Year; that then the Owner or Owners, if he or they dwell in any Part of fuch ' Houfe, or elfe the principal Leffee and LefTees, if the Owner or Owners do not dwell in fome Part of 4 the fame, fhall from henceforth pay for his or their Tithes after fuch Rate of Rent as the fame Houfe ' was accuftomed to be letten for, before fuch Divifion or dividing into Parts or Members : (2) And the 4 under Farmer and Farmers, Leffee and LefTees, to be difcharged of all Tithes for fuch fmall Parcels, 4 Parts or Members, rented at lefs yearly Rent than ten Shillings by Year without Fraud or Covin, paying . ' two Pence yearly for four Offering-days. 4 XIV. Provided alway, and it is decreed, That for fuch Gardens as appertain not to any Manfion

  • ■ Houfe, and which any Perfon. or Perfons holdeth or fhall hold in his or their Hands for Pleaiure, or to

a 'his