Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/417

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A.D. t 545.- Anno tricefimo feptimo Hbnr'ici VIII. C. 1 j, ' his own l ; that the then Pcrfon fo holding the fame, (nail pay no Till; • ne : Rut if any , which holdeth, or (hall hold anj rden, contain 1 doth or fhall make any yearly Profit thcrcol by ..... ... Salej that then he or they fhall pay i me, aftei fuch Kate of his Rem, as is herein firfl above fpecified. , v. Provided alfo, Thai ii any fuch I the Quantity of half an Acre, or m ■ be hereafter by Fraud or Covin divided into lcl's Quantity or Quantities, then to pay Tithe according to

  • the Rate abovefaid.

' XVI. Provided alway, Thai this Decree fhall not extend to the Houfes of great Men, or n

  • Men, or noble Women, kept in their own Hands, and not lettcn for any Rent, which in Tun .

' paft hath paid no Tithes, I" long as they (hall fo continue unletten : (z) Nor to any Hall . ol I Companies, fo long as they be kept unletten, fo that the fame Halls in Times paft have not ufed

  • to pay any Tithes.

' XVII. Provided always, and it is decreed, That this prefent Order and Decree fhall not in any wife ' extend to bind or charge any Sheds, Stables, Cellars, Timber-yards, ne Teinter-yards, which were ne- 4 vcr Parcel of any Dwclling-houfe, ne appertaining or belonging to any Dwclling-houfe, nc have ! ' accuflomed to pay any Tithes; but that the faid Citizens and Inhabitants (hull thereof be quit of l'ay- ' ment of any Tithes, as it hath been ufed and accuftomed. 4 XV1I1. Provided alfo and it is decreed, That where lefs Sum than after fixtecn Pence Half-pcny in the ' ten Shillings Rent, or lefs Sum than two Shillings nine Pence in the twenty Shillings Rent, hath been ' accuftomed to be paid for Tithes ; that then in fuch Places the faid Citizens and Inhabitants fhall pay

  • but only after fuch Rate as hath been accuftomed,

' XIX. Item, It is alfo decreed, That if any Variance, Controvcrfy or Strife, do or fhall hereafter arifc ' in the faid City for Non-payment of any Tithes; or if any Variance or Doubt arife upon the true ' Knowledge or Divifton of any Rent or Tithes, within the Liberties of the faid City, or of any Extent ' or Afieflment thereof, or if any Doubt arife upon any other Thing contained within this Decree ; that 4 then upon Complaint made by the Party grieved, to the Mayor of the City of London for the Time be- ' ing, the faid Mayor by the Advice of Council, fhall call the faid Parties before him, and make a final ' End in the fame, with Cofts to be awarded by the Difcretion of the faid Mayor and his Affiftants, ac- ' cording to the Intent and Purport of this prefent Decree. ' XX. And if the faid Mayor make not an End thereof within two Months after Complaint to him ' made, oi if any of the faid Parties find thcmfelvcs aggrieved, that then the Lord Chancellor of 'England

  • for the Time being, upon Complaint to him made within three Months then next following, fhall make

' an End in the fame, with fuch Cofts to be awarded as fhall be thought convenient, according to the In- ' tent and Purport of the faid Decree. ' XXI. Provided always, That if any Perfon or Perfons take any Tenement for a lefs Rent than it was

  • accuftomed to be lettcn for, by Reafon of great Ruin or Decay, brenning, or fuch like Occafions or Mif-
  • fortunes ; that then fuch Perfon or Perfons, his Executors or Afligns, fhall pay Tithes only after the
  • Rate of the Rent referved in his or their Leafe, and none otherwife, as long as the fame Leafe fhall ^' r J""_ Pr

' endure.' r£'///17ci 23 Car. 1. c. 15. 7 6f 8 W. 3. c. 6. ar.i 1 1 & 12 W. 3. c. 1 6. tublcb is made perpetual by I Ceo. .fiit. 2. t, 26. CAP. XIII. An Aft repealing the Aft for made Pins.

  • HERE in the Parliament holdcn upon Prorogation at Wejlminfter the twenty-fecond Day of 'Ja- A Repeal of the

1 VV mtary in the thirty-third Year of our Sovereign Lord's Reign that now is, and there continued and Statute^ & 35 ' kept till the twenty-fecond Day of May in the thirty-fifth Year of his faid Reign, it was enacted, That "j„ e ' d C r 6 ' ?*" ' no manner Perfon nor Perfons, from and after the firft Day of Augujl then next enfuing, fhould vent, ut- making f pi ns . ' ter or put to Sale, by Retail, in grofs or otherwife, any manner Pins within this Realm, but only fuch as

  • fhould be double-headed, and have the Heads foudered faft to the Shank of the Pins well fmothed, the

' Shank well fhaven, the Point well and round filed, canted and fharped ; upon Pain that every Offender 1 in that Behalf fhould lofe and forfeit for every thoufand of Pins, not fufficiently wrought and made, ' vented, uttered or put to Sale, contrary to the Purport of the faid Ait, forty Shillings; the one Half of ' the faid Forfeiture to be to the King's Majefty, and the other Half to his Grace's Subjects that would ' iue for the fame by Bill, Plaint, Action of Debt, Information or otherwife, in any Court of Record, wherein the Defendant fhould not wage his Law, nor any EfToin, Protection or foreign Plea allowed or admitted; any Law, Statute or Ordinance before that Time made to the contrary in any wife notwith- ftanding, as by this faid Aft more at large doth appear. At which Time the Pinners plainly affirmed and promifed to ferve the King's liege People well and fufficiently, and at a reafonable Price. And foraf- much as fince the making of the faid Act there hath been Scarcity of Pins within this Realm, that the King's liege People have not been well nor competently ferved of fuch Pins, nor are like to be ferved, nor the Pinners of this Realm according to their faid Promrfe. In Confederation whereof, it may pleafe the King our Sovereign Lord, by the Advice of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament afTembled, and by Authority of the fame, That it may be eftablifhed and enacted, that the faid Act made in the faid thirty-fourth and thirty-fifth Years of his gracious Reign, concerning making of Pins, and every thing therein contained, may be made, adjudged and deemed from henceforth fruit-rate and nihilated, and to be repealed for ever, as though the faid Act in that Behalf had never been made or provided. C c c 2 II. Pro-