Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/421

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A. D. 1 5 Anno triccfimo fcptimo He nrici VIII. C. 23. 383 C A P. XXIII. An A J Tor the Continuance of certain Statutes. « I T 7 HE R E in the Parliament begun and li ! Icn at London the third Day of November in the twenty- • V ' ;n of our moft dread Sove i the Eighth, and fiom thence 1 and tin re holdi u and i oni i livers 1 'ron | ition ning, 1! how aged poor, :l1 "' intpof- ssH. g.c.K, npelled cu live by Alms, fnall h alfo how nd mighty ggers fliould be whipped and puniJh d ; ai I id Parliament one other Act Was made and *i H. 8. c. j, a tor the Rcltraint of carrying and conveyins orl 'J ^ outof this Realm; which faid ' two f i were all' j made to endure to the lad Day of the next Parliament, as by the fame two feve- i lore plainly appeareth : And alfo one other Aft was there made in the laid Parliament for the ' true making of Cab! s, i [alfers and Ropes ; and alfo one oilier Act for the true Winding <>f W'oolls, and n r-f. 8. c. is. ■ other Aft to rcftrain killing of Wainlings, Bullocks, Steers and Heifers, being under the Age of two -3 '"'• |- c - »"• rs ; which faid three feveral Acts laft before remembred, were then made to endure and continue unto ** ' the next Parliament, as by the fame three feveral Acts more plainly appeareth : And where alfo in the fame z; H. c. c. 3. ' Parliament one oilier Aft was made and eftablifhcd, for the Attaints to be fucd for the Punifhment of Pcr- ' jury upon untrue V erdifts; and alfo one other Aft was made there in the faid Parliament, concerning fow- 24H. 2,c 4. ' ing of Flax and Hemp; all which two feveral Acts Iaft before rche.rfed, were then made and ordained to ' continue and endure to the lalt Day of the next Parliament, as by the fame two feveral Afts more plainly ' at large is flicwed, ami may appear : And where alfo in the laid Parliament one other Aft was made and 23 H. S. c. :. 1 eftablifhcd for making of Gaols in divers Shires of this Realm, which fame A£t was then made to conti- 1 ' nuc and endure for one Year r.cxt alter the End of the fame Parliament, as by the fame Aft alfo more ' plainly appeareth : And where alfo in the Parliament begun and holder! at Wejiminjler the eighth Day of ' June in the twenty-eighth Year of the Reign of our faid moft dread Sovereign Lord King Henry the 4 Eighth, and there continued and kept until the Diffolution thereof; it was ordained and enacted, that all , ' and fmgular the faid Afts above remembred, and every of them, fhould continue and endure in their Force ' and Strength, and rlfo be obferved and kept until the laft Day of the next Parliament, as by the fame ' 1 ' Afts amongft other Things therein contained more plainly appeareth : And where alfo in the Parliament

  • begun and holden at Wejiminjler the twenty-eighth Day of April* ar >d there continued until the twenty-

' eighth of June, in the thirty-firft Year of the Reign of our moft dread Sovereign Lord King Henry the ' Eighth, it was ordained and enacted by the Authority of the fame Parliament, that all and fmgular the ' faid feveral Afts above remembred, and every of them, and all Claufes, Articles and Provifions in them and 'every of them contained, fliould continue and endure in their Force and Strength, and alfo be obferved ■

  • and kept until the laft Day of the next Parliament, as by the fame Aft amongft other Things therein con-

' taincd more plainly appeareth : And where alfo in the laft Seffion of the fame Parliament begun at Wejl- ' minjler the twelfth Day of April in the faid thirty-firft Year of the King's moft noble R'ign, and there ' by divers Prorogations continued until the twenty-fourth Day of July in the thirty-fecond Year of our (aid ' Sovereign Lord the King's Reign, there was one other Aft made and eftablifhed for and concerning the Reformation of Mifpleading, jeofails and Attorneys; which faid Aft laft mentioned, with the Provifo, 32H. S. 30. ' were made to endure until the laft Day of the next Parliament, as by the fame Aft amongft other Things 'therein contained more plainly appeareth : And where in the fame Parliament an Aft was made concern- 33 H - 8. c. :. ing buying of Fifh upon the Sea, and one other Aft was made concerning the making of Worfted Yarn, 33 H. 8. c. it'. in the County of Norfolk, as by the fame two Afts more at large it may and doth appear ; and alfo one 3 •. h. S. c. 7 ' other Aft was there made in the faid Parliament for reafonable Prices of Wines to be fet, and one other 34 h. S. c. 1 ' Aft was made there in the faid Parliament concerning the Ordering and Difcharging of Sheriffs by their E xp . i£| ' Oaths, upon their Accompts, as by the fame two Afts laft recited more plainly in the fame Afts it doth appear: And forafmuch as all and fmgular the faid feveral Afts above mentioned be good and beneficial ' for the common Weal of this Realm,' be it therefore enafted and ordained by the Authority of this pre- feht Parliament, That the faid Aft concerning the buying of Fifh upon the Sea, and the laid Aft concern- ing and declaring how aged and impotent Perfons, compelled to live by Alms, fliould be ordered and ufed, and alfo how Vagabonds and mighty ftrongBeggers fliould be whipped and puniftied, and all the Rc-fidue of the Afts and Statutes above mentioned, and every of them, and all Claufes, Articles and Provifions in them and every of them contained, fhall continue ahd endure in their Force and Strength, and be obferved and kept in all Things, unto the laft- Day of the next Parliament. ' II. And wherein the faid Aft concerning the fetting of Prices of Wines it is contained, that the Lord ' Chancellor of England, Lord Treafurer, Lord Prefident of the King's Council, Lord Privy Seal, and the ' two Chief Juftices, or five, four or three of them, fhould have Power and Authority By their Difcretions to fet the Prices of all Kinds of Wines, as by the fame Aft more plainly appeareth :' Be it now ordained and enafted by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, That the faid Lord Chancellor, Lord Treafurer, ^^J™ Lord Prefident, Lord Privy Seal and the two Chief Juftices, or five, four or three of them, fhall yearly fet wln/s'ftalTbe the Prices of all Kinds of the faid Wines mentioned in the faid former Aft, between the twentieth Day of r ?t i, v the Lords November and the laft Day of December, and at no other Time or Times ; and that all and every Perfon gtothe ling in Grofs or by Retail any of the faid Wines mentioned in the fame Aft, (hall not fell any of the fame Statute ot'-.s Wines above the Prices fo by them fet, upon fuch Pains and Forfeitures as be made and provided in the ^ ^'.' J'; lame Statute made at Wejiminjler the eight and twentieth Year of the Reign of our moft dread Sovereign Ti Lord the King, HI. And iS,