Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/422

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.384 C. 24, 25. Anno tricefimo feptimo Henrici VIII. A. D. 1545 n what Cafes HI. And be it further ena<Efed by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Perfon or Perfons that now have Chief Officers of or hereafter fhall have, any Manner of Wines to fell in Grofs within any City, Borough, Town Corporate Cities or Corpo- Qr an y ot jj er Haven, Corporate Town or Towns within this Realm, or within any the King's Dominions "nothe^MenY or Territories of the fame, and do at any Time hereafter refufe to fell any Kind of the fame Wines, ac Wines. cording to the Price as now or at any Time hereafter fhall be limited and appointed by the faid Lord Chan 24 H. 8. c. 6. cellor, Lord Treafurer, Lord Prefident, Lord Privy Seal, and other the faid Chief Juftices, or by any five For farther Pro- f our> or three of them ; that then it fhall be lawful to the Mayor of the City of London, Recorder of th ■vifiam concerning fa mQ Cjty } and two of the ancient Aldermen of the fame City, being no Vintners for the Time being, am 6. '"'5. «£/. ' the Mayor, Bailiffs, Aldermen and other the head Officers, or to any two of them, whereof the Mayor i.'s' 1* Car > or chief Alderman or Bailiff to be one, within all and every other City, Borough and Port Town withii this Realm, wherein any Wines now be or hereafter fhall be to fell, to enter into the Houfes, Cellars am Places of all and every fuch Owner and Owners of the fame Wines, in any of the faid Cities, Borough and Port Towns, and the fame Wines lawfully to fell to the Ufe of the Owners of the fame Wines, to an; Perfon and Perfons willing to buy the fame, according to fuch Prices and Rate as by the faid Lord Chancel lor, Lord Treafurer, Lord Prefident, Lord Privy Seal, and the faid two Chief Juftices, or by any five four, or three of them is or hereafter fhall be fet, limited and affigned, according to the Tenor of the fail I I' Vs /"J? i°' A& made in the faid eight and twentieth Year of the King's Majefty's Reign. l%Gco. 1. c. ii.fccj. 20.; I Geo. z. fiat. 2. c. 17. 10 Geo. 2. c. 19. 17 Geo. 2. c. 40. 18 Geo. z. c, 0. 26 Geo. 2. c. 12, 30 Geo. 2. c. 19. and 32 Geo, 3 f. 19. CAP. XXIV. IXP. A Confirmation of a Subfidy granted to the King by the Clergy of the Province of Canterbury, of fix Shil- 4 Inft. 44. lings in the Pound, to be paid in two Years. CAP. XXV.

E X P A Subfidy by the Temporality,,

I. c. 2 c.. 18 Car. 2 c. 5. fin. 6. 1 y«. 2. c. 3. 1 Ann fiat. 1. t. 12. s Ann. <■*!■ 6 Geo. Anno primo EDWARDI VI. STATUTES made in the Parliament begun at Wejlminfier the fourth Day of November in the firft Year of the Reign of our moft dread Sovereign Lord Edward the Sixth, by the Grace of God King of England^ France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, and of the Church of England, and alfo o£ Ireland, in Earth the Supream Head: And from thence continued to the twenty-fourth Day of December then next enfuing; that is to fay, in the firft Seilion of the fame Parliament, as followeth. C A P. I. An Act againft fuch as fhall unrevererrtly fpeak againft the Sacrament of the Altar, and of the The Penalty for Receiving thereof under both Kinds. nnreverent fpeaking againft f |"MiE King s moft excellent Majefly minding the Governance and Order of his moft loving Subjeas the Sacrament ' to be in moft perfect Unity and Concord in all Things, and in efpecial in the true Faith and Re- ef the Body and t JL. ligion of God, and wifhingthe fame to be brought to pafs with all Clemency and Mercy on his or a° g ainft the" '* Highnefs Part towards them, as his moft Princely Serenity and Majefty hath already declared by evident receiving there- ' Proof, to the Intent that his moft loving Subjects provoked by Clemency and Goodnefs of their Prince and of in both ' King, fhall ftudy rather for Love than for Fear to do their Duties, firft to Almighty God, and then to his Kinds. ' Highnefs and the Common Wealth, nourifhing Concord and Love amongft themfelves ; (2) Yet confi- -lt } e , K ! ng ■ ' dereth and perceiveth that in a Multitude all be not on that Sort, that Reafon and the Knowledge of their Un?tvin Reii? Ve * Duties can move them from Offence, but many which had need have fome Bridle of Fear, and that the gion.byCle- ' Men moft contentious and arrogant for the moft Part, or elfe moft blind and ignorant: (3) Fv

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