Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/427

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A.D. 1547. Anno primo Edward 1 VI. ( '. 7. J, Rufll-ls, Staminc, Says and fuch hin the faid City or County, , or caul /oven or wrought in Worfted, Staminc. Ruflel fa id City or County, in the or in fomc M i within the I n the Pain and Forfei- fo bought within the faid County or it, i id, within thi lillinga ; th< 1 lu- to K on reof to be to him or them thir 1 fhould then " in any Court of ord ; in which i id Acti (loin, Wageroi Law, foreign PleaorProi ' tii.n fhould be allowed.

  • III. And where it isalfoorda i at if any Pcrfon or Perfons did after the firft Day N'o Worded

.' of April then nextafti i the faid i nfi iiij . fl ip or carry, or convey, or caufe to be fhipped to carry or yarn not made ' convey, into the Parts 1 y I the Sea, 01 did cai mvey into the Parts beyond the Sea, any Yarn j^'"^.

  • . called Worfted Yarn, i n Cloth, fo that fuch Yarn were {pun within this Realm,

' that then every Perfon and Perfons fo {hipping, conveying and carrying, or caufing-fuch Yarn fo to be '.fhipped, carried and conveyed fhou (hipped, conveyed or ncd, forty Shillings ; the on( to be 10 our laid Sovereign Lord the King, and the other ' Half thereof to him or them that fh< for by Bill, Information or Action of Debt, in any ' of the King's Courts of Record, as in the faid Ac , the fame or the like in Effect, more plainly doth and ' may appear. (2) And forafmue'h as the ; made and ordain* lue and endure until the ' Parliament then after that next enfuin ath been fithence by oth . , inued until this Pent Parliament, ami was not by any of the faid Acts ordained to continue for ever:' It may now The Statute of plcafe the King's moft excellci fry, with the Aflent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the 33 H - s - c - ' 6 - Commons, in this prcfent Parliament aff mblcd, and by Authority of the fame, That all the afore recited rcl, j arIcd J ' J Acts for Yam, with all the Words, Forfeitures, Pains and Sentences before recited, as the fame is before ™ ade .P e, P eta »*' I and declared, may from henceforth be enacted to continue and to be taken for an Act to continue for ever, to all Intents and Purpofes, according to the faid Words, Sentences and the Purport thereof before in this Act recited. IV. Provided always, That it fhall be lawful to every Pcrfon and Perfons, being a Hat-maker or Hat- Hat-maker; xay makers, dwelling within the faid City of Norwich, to buy fuch of the faid Worfted Yarn as is called and bu ^ f *' , ^ c!le " known by the Name of Middle-wufre Yarn, as they and every of them have heretofore done and ufed to Serfirit'"' do, fo that the fame Middle-wufre Yarn fo bought by the faid Hat-maker or Hat-makers be wrought in ctrlinrwJfltdt Hats, or employed to Hat-making, within the faid City; any Thing before recited to the contrary thereof 13 i/14 c. . a, notwithftanding. 5 & 6 Ed. 6. c.7. '-5- CAP VII. The Continuation of Actions after the Death of any King. HERE the King's Subjects heretofore have to their great Ccfts, Charges and Expences profecuted Hutt. 82. and fued divers and fundry Actions, as well real and perfonal, as all other Actions mixt or other- The Death of ' wife, in the King's Majefty's Courts, and other Courts of Record, not only by Writs, but alfoby Plaint the King fliall ' or Bills; which Aftions, Suits, Bills and Plaints, by the Death er Demife of the Kings of this Realm ™ s^ ™"" 6 ' have been difcontinued ; (2) and the Parties in every fuch Actions, Suits, Bills and Plaints, thereby have ., Bulrt.'-il'. ' been put without Day, whereby the Demandants, Plaintiffs and Actors in every fuch Action and Suit, J

  • were compelled and driven by the Older of the Laws of this Realm, for their further Remedy, to com-

' mence and begin again his or their faid Actions, Suits or Plaint, or elfe to profecute and fue Refummons, ' Attachments, Scire facias, or fuch other like Procefs, to revive his or their faid Actions, Suits or Plaints ; ' (3) which was not> only to their great Cofts, Charges, Expences, Hindrances and Delay of their Caufes ' and Suits, but alfo a great Let and Hindrance of Juftice :' (4) For Reformation whereof, be it ordained, eftabliftied and enacted by the King our Sovereign Lord, and the Lords and Commons in this prefent Par- liament aflembfed, and by the Authority of the fame, That from thenceforth by the Death or Demife of the King's Majefty that now is, (whole Life Almighty GOD long preferve, keep and maintain in his moft Royal Eftatej nor by the Death or Demife of any that hereafter fhall be King of this Realm, any Ac- tion, Suit, Bill or Plaint, now or that hereafter fliall depend between Party and Party, in any of the Courts aforefaid, fliall not in any wife be difcontinued or put without Day : (5) But that the Procefs, Pleas, De- D jg% murrers and Continuances in every Action, Actions, Suits, Bills or Plaints, which now or that hereafter 7 Co. 3c/.' fliall depend, fliall ftand good and effectual, and be profecuted and fued forth, in fuch Manner and Form, Cro. Car. 10. and in the fame Eftate, Condition and Order, as if the fame King had lived or continued in full Life, the Death or Demife hereafter of any King of this Realm notwithftanding. (6) And that all and all manner TheVariancebe- of judicial Procefs, that hereafter fhall be had or purfued in the Time of the Reign of any other King, then tween theorist- reigning at the Time- of the Purfuit of the original or former Procefs, fhall be made in the Name of the " al and judicial Kino, that for the Time fhall reign and be King of this Realm, and that Variance touching the fame Pro- ^""••u^ci'l!* eels between the Names of the Kings fhall not be in any wife material, as concerning any Default to be al- ledged or objected therefore. It. And alfo be it further eftablifhed and enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every Affize of Suits not dii'ccn- Novel dijfeifin, Affize of Mortdancejhr, Juris utrum and Attaint, which at any Time hereafter fhall be ar- tinuetl by Deaih, raigned, commenced or fued before any of the King's Juftices of Affize, fhall not'from henceforth be dif- newCoraroiffioia, continued, or put without Day, by reafon of Death, new Commiffion, Affociation or not coming of the °^ no ' t ° c c ^;°"' fame J uftices of Affize, or any of them ; but fhall ftand good and effectual in the Law, to all Intents, Con- 0) - joftices, * ftructions