Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/429

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A. D. 1547. Anno primo Edwardi VI. C. 9, 10. 391 ' fii I Letters Patents which hereafter might happen to be moved, furmiftd or procured jcair.fl the I . EXP.' Recompense Co the King for llic Overplus of i) II which fl. ill not le contained in the Letter. P->tn.: ■',. «. j. C A P. IX. The Bill for the City of York. 'TT7IIERE in the ancient City of York and Suburbs of the fame there arc many Parifh Churcl

  • W which heretofore the. fame being well inhabited and re pi enifhed with People were goo

or I 1 Incumbents, by reafon of the privy Tithes of the rich Merchants, and of tiie .' •* un "'* . ol a great Multitude ; which Livings Le now fo much decayed by the Ruin and De ; y ol ' faid City and ol the Trade of Merch tndife there, that the Revenues and Profits of div< 1 i of th 1: this pre fent not above the clear yearly Value of fix and twenty Shillings and eight Pence ; fol m the Mayor ' laid City is not only rcplcnifhed with blind Guides and Pallors, but alfo the People much kept in Igno- convenient. ' ranee, as well of their Duties towards God, as alfo towards the King's Majefty and the common Wealth P«"«n| Jown of « of this Realm, and to the great Danger of their Souls, &c. P R.' chu,ch« and ° ' bellowing Uicm. A Provifion for the Incnmlicnts of the Churches pulled down. By whom the Tenth to the King fh;ill be paid, and how levied. Who fliall pay the ' jeeording to V.Juc. St: farther 12 Ann. flat. I. c. 4. fir inchftng Common! in tie ffcfi Riding for enjoining poor Vuaiagei, CAP. X. The Bill for Exigents and Proclamations in Wales, and in the County Palatine of Chejier. ' XT 7 HERE in the High Court of Parliament holden at Wcjhninjler in the feven and twentieth Year 11 Ed. r. ' VV of the moftprofperous Reign of the late famous King Henry the Eighth, by the Aflcnt of the *8 £<i 3- '• J. ' Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, alTcmbled in the faid High Court of Parliament, it 9 "• ^' '■*' ' was enacted and eftablifhed by Authority of the fame Parliament, That his Highnefs Dominion and Prin- ' cipality of Wales, and all Manors, Lands, Tenements, and other Dominions within the faid Dominion ' and Principality of Wales, fhould be divided into twelve Shires or Counties, that is to fay, the Shires or 1 Counties of Glamorgan, Radnor, Brecknock, Caermarthen, Pembroke, Cardigan, Merioneth, Montgomery, ' Flint, Caernarvon, Anglefey and Denbigh ; (z) In every of which faid Counties and Shires, amongft the ' Officers yearly appointed, it was then ordained, that there fhould be diftinct and feveral Sheriffs yearly; ' (3) And alfo where the Counties Palatine of Chejier, and of the City of Chejier, be ancient and feveral ' Counties Palatine of themfelves, in all which faid Counties the King's Writ hath not nor yet doth run ; ' fo that the Proclamation awarded upon any Exigent againft any Perfon or Perfons in any Action wherein ' Procefs of Outlawry doth lie, according to the Statute made in the lixth Year of the Reign of the laid late ' King, cannot be directed unto the Sheriff or Sheriffs of any of the faid Shires or Counties, but unto the ' Sheriff of the County next adjoining : (4) So that the Party dwelling in any of the faid Shires or Coun- ' ties againfl whom any fuch Exigent and Proclamation fhall be fo awarded, fhall not, nor can have any ' Knowledge of the fame Suit or Procefs, by Reafon whereof many of the Perfons inhabiting in the faid ' Shires and Counties, without Knowledge or Caufe of Suit, have been wrongfully and unjuftly outlawed- • ' to their utter Undoing :' II. Be it therefore, and for divers other good Confiderations, by the King our Sovereign Lord, with the 27 H. S. c. zS. Aflent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament allembled, and Exigents and by the Authority of the fame, enacted, ordained and eftablifhed, That if and whenfoever any Writ of ^"m'JT -1 " 01 ', a Exigent, at any Time after the firft Day of Jpril next coming, fhall be awarded at the Suit of the King, ontoftheKine's or of any other Perfon or Perfons, Plaintiff or Plaintiffs in any Action or Suit in any of the Courts of our Bench and Com- faid Sovereign Lord the King, his Heirs or Succcffors, commonly called the King's Bench and the Com- mon Plena a- mon Place, againft any Perfon or Perfons dwelling in any of the aforefaid Counties in Wales, or in the faid Pc '- Counties Palatine of Chejier, or of the City of Chejier, or in any of them, that then immediately upon the ™ 1 „r f awarding of every fuch Exigent, the Juftice or Juftices before whom any fuch Writ of Exigent upon fuch (ij ri Suit or Aclion fhall be fued, fhall have full Power and Authority to award one Writ of Proclamation r.c- 6H. S. c. 4, cording to the Tenor and Effect of Proclamations awarded upon Exigents, and directed out of any of the laid Courts into London againft any Perfon dwelling in any other Shire where the King's Writ is current, according to the Order and Form of the laid Statute made in the fixth Year of the faid late King, to be directed to fuch of the aforefaid Sheriffs of any of the aforefaid Counties in Wales, and of the Counties Palatine of Chejier, and of the City of Chejier for the Time being, where it fhall happen the faid De- fendant, againft whom any fuch Action (hall be fued as is aforefaid, to be dwelling : (z) And that ev fuch Writ of Proclamation fnall have the fame Tejle and Day of Return, as the Exigents wherei | Inch Writ of Proclamation fhall be awarded fhall have ; (?) and that every fuch Sheriff to whom any fuch Writ of Proclamation fhall be directed, Ihall make Proclamation of the faid Writ of Proclamation ac- cording to the Tenor of the fame, and fhall make true Return of the fame in ft:ch Court, and before fuch Jufticcs, as the Tenor of the fame Writ fhall require and demand. (4) And that all Outlawries hereafter to be promulged or pronounced againft any Perfon or Perfons upon any fuch Exigent or Exigents awarded againft any Perfon or Perfons dwelling in any of the faid Counties ot Wales, and in the Counties Palatine- oi*