Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/435

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A. D.i 547. Anno primo E d w a r d 1 VI. C. 14. 397 C A P. XIV. The Adt for Chantries Collegiate. THE King's moft loving Subjects,, and the Commons rnthil*t, Cent Parliament aflembled, confidcring that a great Part of Superftition and Krrors in Chriitian B pwtet gion hatli been brought into the Minds and Eilimations of Men, by Reafon of the Ignorance of il. Kmg. true and perfect Salvation through the Death of Jelus Chrift, and by deviling and MtaBtafying van. Opi- [/ b ri ; ' lions of Purgatory and M.ill'cs latisfactory, to be done for them which be departed; (he which Doctrine M« | % ■'. and vain Opinion, by nothing more is maintained and upholden, than by the Abufe of Trcntals ', Chan- > k<ii 151,417. ind other Provifions made for the Continuance of the laid Blindnels and Ignorance ; (2) And fur- * Ro " °- ther confidcring and undeillanding, that the Alteration, Change and Amendment of the fame, and con- 93 " verting to good ami godly Uies, as in erecting of Grammar Schools to the Education of Youth in Vertuc and Grodlinefs, the further Augmenting ol the Univerflties, and better Provifion for the Poor and Needy, cannot in this prefent Parliament be provided and conveniently done, nor cannot, ne ought to any other manner Perfon be committed, tlian to the King's Highnefs, whole Majcfty, with and by the Advice of his Highnefs moft prudent Council, can and will moil wifely and beneficially, both for the Honour of God, and the Weal of this his Majefty's Realm, order, alter, convert and difpofe the fame ; (3) and call- A Rchratfalof ing further to their Remembrance, that in the Parliament- holden -at Wtftmitifttr- the feven and thirtieth «l>e Stato-e of Year of the Rfign of our late Sovereign Lord King Henry the Eighth, Father to our moft Dread and ^ 7 ud Natural Sovereign Lord the King that now is, it was ordained, enacted and eftablifhed amongft other Dim.: {Things, That all and fingular, Colleges, Free Chapels, Chantries, Hofpitals, Fraternities, Brotherhoods, Chantries, fte. Guilds, and other Promotions mentioned in the faid former Act, had or made to have Continuance in S:i,c 3 6 » '*• Perpetuity for ever, and then being, or that had or ought to be contributory or chargeable to the Payment of the Firft-fruits and Tenths, according to the Laws and Statutes in that Behalf had and made, by what Name, Surname, Degree or Corporation, they or any of them were founded, ordained, eftablifhed, erected, named, called or known: And all and fingular theManlion Houfes, Manors, Orchards, Gardens, * Eu '-- I »°' Lands, Tenements, Paftures, Woods, Waters, Rents, Reverfions, Services, Commons, Tithes, Pen- fions, Portions, Churches, Chapels, Advowlbns, Nominations, Patronages, Annuities, Rights, Interefts, Entries, Conditions, Leets, Courts, Liberties, Privileges, Franchifes and other Hereditaments whatfo- ever, then appertaining or belonging, or that did appertain or belong, or were afligned or appointed to any fuch College, Free Chapel, Chantry, Hofpital, Fraternity, Brotherhood, Guild, Stipendary Prieft, or other the faid Promotions, or to any of them, or accepted, known, or taken as Part, Parcel or Mem- ber of them or of any of them, and to the faid Colleges, Chantries, Free Chapels, Hofpitals, Fraterni- ties, Brotherhoods, Guilds, Stipendary Priefts, or other Promotions, or to any of them united or an- nexed, which between the fourth Day of February in the feven and twentieth Year of the faid late King's Reign, and the five and twentieth Day of December in the feven and thirtieth of his Grace's Reign, by Reafon of any Entry, Expulfion, Bargain, Sale, Feoffment, Fine, Recovery, Lcafe, or other Convey- ance thereof made, were difiblved, determined or relinquifhed by any of the Ways, Means or Convey- ances mentioned in the faid Act, or otherwife, other than fuch of them as then were in the PolTeffion of the (aid late King, or that were granted or allured by his Licence, Agreement, Content or Letters Pa- tents to any Perfon or Perfons, or then had been lawfully obtained or recovered by any Perfon by any former Right or Title, without Fraud or Covin, or by the King's Licence, fhould from thenceforth by Authority of the fame former Act, be adjudged and deemed, and alfo be in the very actual and real Poffemon and Seifin of the faid late King, and of his Heirs and SucceiTors for ever, (4) in as large and ample Manner as the faid Priefts, Wardens, Mafters, Minifters, Governors, Rulers or other Incum- bents, or any of them, or the Patrons, Donors or Founders of any of them, at any Time fithence the faid fourth Day of February in the feven and twentieth Year aforelaid, had occupied or enjoyed or then had occupied or enjoyed the fame, and as though all and fingular the faid Colleges, Chantries, Hofpitals, Free Chapels, Fraternities, Brotherhoods, Guilds and other the faid Promotions, and the (aid Manors, Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments and other the Premiffes whatsoever they be, and every of them, had been in the faid former Act fpecially, particularly and certainly rehearfed, named and expreffed by ex- prefs Words, Names, Surnames, Corporations, Titles and Faculties, and in their Natural Kinds and Qualities ; the faid Entries, Expulsions, Bargains, Sales, Fines, Feoffments, Recoveries, or other Af- furance and Conveyance whatfoever they were, had or made (except before in the former Act excepted) to the contrary notwithstanding.

  • II. And where alfo it was enacted and granted to the faid late King, by the (aid former Act, That The King's

the fame late King during his Natural Life, might make and direct his Commiffion and Commiffions un- Commiflions to der his Great Seal, to enter into all and fingular fuch and as many Chantries, Free Chapels, Hofpi- ^ r,a ' n f ! er,on *- tals, Colleges, and other the Promotions mentioned in the faid former Act, and into all and fin- chantries, &c. gular fuch Manors, Manfions, Houfes, Meafes, Lands, Tenements, Paftures, Woods, Waters, Rents, and their Lands. Reverfions, Services, Pofleflions and other Hereditaments whatfoever, or into any Part or Parcel there- 1 Leonard 33,. of, in the Name, Seifin and PoffefTion of all the Hereditaments annexed, united, belonging or appcr- 3 Eulrt - »5*! taining to any Chantry, Hofpital, Free Chapel, College, Fraternity, Brotherhood, Guild, or other the faid Promotions, or whereof any Priefts, Provofts, Governors, Rulers or other Incumbents of them or of any of them, by what Name, Surname, Degree, Title or Corporation, they and every of them or » Trentel, is an CJficefor the Dead, continuing thirty Days, or intjifiitig of ibir'.y ItkJJis, 3 * atl T