Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/436

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398 C 14.. Anno primo Edwardi VI. A. D. 1547. ' any of them were founded, erected, ordained, eftablifhed, named, called or known, then had or enjoyed, 413. 693. pi. ' or t h at hereafter fhould have or enjoy, to the faid Chantries, Hofpitals, Free Chapels, Colleges, Frater- ' nitiits, Brotherhoods, Guilds and other the faid Promotions that then were chargeable to the Payment of ' the Firft-fruits and Tenths, and all Colleges that were chargeable or not chargeable to the faid Payment ' of the Firft-fruits and Tenths as is aforefaid, or to any of them, as fhould be named, expreffed and ap- ' pointed in the fame Commiflion or Commifiions; (2) And to feife and take the fame Chantries, Hof- 2 77- ' pitals, Colleges, Free Chapels, Fraternities, Brotherhoods, Guilds and other the faid Promotions, Ma- C^N; "' 'Free ' nors > Lands, Tenements, and other the Premiffes mentioned in the faid Commiflion or Commiffions and chapeb,' Chan- ' ln every of them, and every Part, Parcel and Member of the fame, into the King's Poffeflion and Hands, trie: and their ' to have and to hold the fame to the faid late King and to his Heirs and Succefibrs for ever, as by the Lands, given to ' faid former Act, amongft other Things, more at large appeareth :' (3) It is now ordained and enacted die King. by the King our Sovereign Lord, with the Affent of the Lords and Commons in this prefent Parliament 1 a'ic P i'ii°nc affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That all manner of Colleges, Free Chapels and Chantries, liver Si, 2.67, ' having, being or in ejji within five Years next before the firft Day of this prefent Parliament, (which 387. 2 Co. 49. were not in actual and real Poffeflion of the faid late King, nor in the actual and real Poffeflion of the 1 Roll 357. King our Sovereign Lord that now is, nor excepted in the faid former Act in Form abovefaid, other than % } "»' fuch as by the King's Commifiions in Form hereafter mentioned fhall be altered, tranfpofed or changed) and all Manors, Lands, Tenements, Rents, Tithes, Penfions, Portions and other Hereditaments and Land;; and an- Things above mentioned, belonging to them or any of them : (4) And alfo all A4anors, Lands Tenements, frened "the " R ents ant ^ other Hereditaments and Things above mentioned, by any manner of Affurance, Conveyance, f riding of a Will, Devife, or otherwife had, made, fuffered, knowledged or declared, given, affigned, limited or ap- Pricflto have pointed, to the finding of any Prielt, to have Continuance for ever, and wherewith or whereby any Prieft Continuance for W as fuflained, maintained or found within five Years next before the firft Day of this prefent Parliament, cyermven. to ( w hich were not in the actual and real Poffeflion of the faid late King, nor in the actual and real PofTeflion . Co f". of our Sovereign Lord the King that now is) (5) And alfo all annual Rents, Profits and Emoluments, Go. EI. 799. a t any Time within five Years next before the Beginning of this prefent Parliament, employed, paid or 449. beftowed, toward or for the Maintenance, Supportation or finding of any ftipendary Prieft, intended by CreJ^ar. 24S. an y Act or Writing to have Continuance for ever, (6) fhall by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, immediately after the Feall of Eajier next coming, be adjudged and deemed, and alfo be in the very actual and real Poffeflion and Seifin of the King our Sovereign Lord, and his Heirs and Succefibrs for ever, with- out any Office or other Inquifition thereof to be had or found, (7) and in as large and ample Manner and Form as the Priefts, Wardens, Matters, Minifters, Governors, Rulers, or other Incumbents of them or any of them, at any Time within five Years next before the Beginning of this prefent Parliament, had, occupied or enjoyed, or now hath, occupieth or enjoyeth the fame, (8) and as though all and fingular the faid Colleges, Free Chapels, Chantries, Stipends, Salaries of Priefts, and the faid Manors, Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments and other the Premifies, whatfoever they be, and every of them, were in this prefent act fpecialjy, particularly and certainly rehearfed, named and expreffed, by ex prefs Words, Names, Surnames, Corporations, Titles and Faculties, and in their Natures, Kinds and Qualities. Where Lands IH. And over that, be it ordained and enacted by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, That where to a the findin'g o" an y Manors, Lands, Tenements, Tithes, Penfions, Portions, Rents, Profits or other Hereditaments, by Priefts forYcars. a nv manner of Affurance, Conveyance, Will, Devife or otherwife, at any Time heretofore had, made, fuffered, knowledged or declared, were given, affigned or appointed, to or for the Maintenance, Suften- tation or finding of one Prieft or divers Priefts, for Term of certain Years yet continuing, and that any Prieft hath been maintained, fuftained or found with the fame, or with the Revenues or Profits thereof, within five Years laft paft, that the King from the faid Feaft of Eajier next coming, fhall have and enjoy in every Behalf, for and during all fuch Time to come, every fuch and like Things, Tenements, Heredita- ments, Profits and Emoluments, as the Prieft or Priefts ought or fhould have had for or toward his or their Maintenance, Suftenance or Finding, and for no longer or further Time, nor for any other Profit, Ad- vantage or Commodity thereof to be taken. HeinReverfion IV. Provided always, and it is ordained and enacted by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, That may enter after wnen a nf j as f oon as^iie Time affigned for the Maintenance, Suftentation or Finding of the Prieft or Priefts, pired, r ^h a " be expired and run, that then it fhall be lawful to every Perfon and Perfons, to whom any Manors, Lands, Tenements, Tithes, Portions, Penfions, Rents and other Hereditaments, or any of them, fhould » have belonged or appertained if the faid former Act and this Act had never been had or made, to enter into, take, perceive, have and enjoy the fame, without any manner of Livery, Oiifier le maim, Petition or other Suit to be made to the King-, in like Manner, Form and Condition, to all Intents, Conftruftions 1 and Purpofes, as though the faid former Act and this Aft had never'been had or made, and as though the t King had never had any Seifin or Poffeflion thereof; any Thing jn the faid former Aft, or in this Aft, to the contrary in any wife notwithstanding, lands wholly V. And be it ordained and enacted by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, That the King our given to the Sovereign Lord, his Heirs and Succefibrs, from the faid Fe.ift of Eajier next coming, fhall have, hold, per- il n^OMt"^^" ° ce ' ve and enjoy for ever, all Lands, Tenements, Rents and other Hereditaments, which by any manner of Co. Ent' 377. Affurance, Conveyance, Will, Wills, Devife or otherwife, at any Time heretofore had, made, fuffered, Gcdb. 309. knowledged or declared, were given, affigned or appointed to go or to be employed wholly to the Finding Dyer 337. or Maintenance of any Anniverfary or Obit, or other like Thing, Intent or Purpofe, or of any Light or Lamp, in any Church or Chapel, to have Continuance for ever, which hath been kept or maintained within five Years next before the faid firft Day of this prefent Parliament. Part of the if- VI. And alfo that where but Part of the Iflues or Revenues of any Manors, Lands, Tenements, Rents fues of Lands 0l - other Hereditaments, hath by any of the Ways or Meins aboyefaid been giyen, affigned or appointed jwaploy.edwthe to be beftowed or employed to the Finding or Maintenance of any Anniverfary or Obit or other like; a Thing,