Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/437

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A. D. 1547. Anno primo Edwardi VI. C. 14. Th'ng, Intent or Purpofe, or of any Light or I, amp, in any Church or Chapel, to have Continuance 1 ever : Thai -ii n our faid Sovereign I ,oid the Kin;; thai] from tin.- (aid Feafl ol Eqftir next comin have, i id enjoy every fuch Sums of Money, that in any one Year within I next before * the firft Day of this prefent Parliament, hath been expended and bellowed about dn- Finding 01 M untc- of any fuch Annivcrfary or Obit, or other like 'filing. Intent or Purpofe, of any Light or Lamp, to him, his Heirs and SucccfTbrs for ever, as a Rent-charge to be i>;id yearly at the Feaft of Sr. Michael the ingcl, and the Annunciation of our Lady St. Afjry the Virgin, by even Portion! in th( KiniA Court Augmentations and Revenues of his Crown, or in any other Court or Courts, 1 the K;n^ hcrc- Ihall appoint. (2) And that it fhall be lawful to our faid Sovereign Lord the Kine, hi. Heirs and The Klnj'iDi- R>rs, for Non-payment of any fuch Sum or Sums of Money, to diltrain in the faid Manors, Land-. "■" Tenements, of the [flues and Revenues whereof the faid Annivcrfary or Obit, or other like Thing, or SfrjrfJIj^ 00 ' any fuch Light or Lamp was found, fuftained or maintained : (%) And that for lack of fufficicnt Diirrcls t j,creof. in or upon any of the Premifles, whereof any of the faid yearly Rents or Sums of Money fbould be paid, hy the Space of one Month next after that any of the faid Rents fliould be paid, and be not paid within ul Month : That then it fhall be lawful to and for our Sovereign Lord the King, his Heirs and Suc- eeflbrs, by Vcrtuc of this prefent AcT, to enter into, and to have and poflefs as much of the Lands, Te- nements and Hereditaments whereof the faid Rent or Rents fliould be levied or paid, as the Rent or Rents that fhould be levied or paid out of the fame doth or fliall amount or come to in yearly Value, and the fame Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, to hold and keep, and to have to our faid Sovereign Lord the Ring, his Heirs, and Affigns for ever, or for fuch Eftate as our Sovereign Lord the King, his Heirs or Succeflbrs, had or ought to hive had of or in the faid Rent or Rents. VII. And it is alio ordained and enacted by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, That our Sovereign Ivfoney gircn ?• Lord the King fhall from the faid Feaft of Eajler next coming have, perceive and enjoy, all and Angular the finding of » fuch Sums of Money, Profits, Commodities and Emoluments, which by Virtue of any manner of AJTii- £, ' J* ',', ranee, Conveyance, Compofltion, Will, Device or othcrwifc, heretofore have been given, afligned, li- bjjCoipirii.'.i. niited or appointed to have Continuance for ever, which in any one Year within five Years next before the "Beginning of this prefent Parliament have been paid, bellowed or employed by any manner of Corporations, Guilds, Fraternities, Companies or Fellowfhips of Myftcrics or Crafts, or any of them, being in England, Wakt and other the King's Dominions, or by the Mailers, Wardens, Governors or other Officers or Mi- nifters, or by the Mafter, Warden, Governor or other Officer or Minifter of them or any of them, to- ward or about the Finding, Maintenance or Suftentation of any Pried or Priefts, of any Annivcrfary or Obit, Lamp, Light or Lights, or other like Thing as is aforefaid, to our faid Sovereign Lord the King, his Heirs and Succeflbrs for ever, to be paid yearly as a Rent-charge at the Feafts of S. Michael the Archangel and the Annunciation of our Lads', by even Portions, in the King's Court of the Augmentations and Re- venues of his Crown, or in any otber Court or Courts, as the King hereafter fhall appoint. VIII. And that it fhall be lawful to our faid Sovereign Lord the King, his Heirs and Succeflbrs, forNon- The King may" payment of any fuch Sum or Sums of Money, Profit, Commodity or Emolument, or for Non-payment of diftr.un for the any of them, to diflrain in all the Manors, Lands and Tenements, of every fuch Crafts, Corporations, Mon y 'orProfiti Guilds, Fraternities, Companies or Fellowfhips of Myfreries or Crafts, or any of them, by whom, or by the Mailers, Wardens, Governors or other Officers or Minifters,- or Mafter, Warden, Governor or Mini- fter, of the which any fuch Sum or Sums of Money, Profit, Commodity or Emolument, have or hath been paid, bellowed or employed : (2) And that all and every of the faid Sums of Money, Profits, Commodities and Emoluments, fliall from the Feaft of Eafter next coming, without any manner of Inquifition or Of- fice to be had or found, be judged and deemed to be in the actual and real Pofleflion of our faid Sovereign ' Lord the King, in like manner and Form to all Intents, Conftructions and Purpofes, as if the fame had been particularly and fpecially mentioned in this prefent Acl. IX. And furthermore be it ordained and enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the King our Sove- Fraternities, reign Lord fliall from the faid Feaft of Eqftcr next coming have and enjoy to him, his Heirs and Succeflbrs Brotherhoods forever, all Fraternities, Brotherhoods and Guilds, being within the Realm of England and IP'aics, and an(1 Guilds other the King's Dominions ; and all Manors, Lands, Tenements and other Flereditaments belonging to ^ c " t0 them or any of them (other than fuch Corporations, Guilds, Fraternities, Companies and Fellowlhips of lnE ' Myfteiics or Crafts, and the Manors, Lands, Tenements and other Hereditaments pertaining to the faid Corporations, Guilds, Fraternities, Companies and Fellowfhips of Myfteries or Crafts above mentioned) (2) And fhall by Vertue of this Act be judged and deemed in the actual and real Pofleflion of our faid So- vereign Lord the King, his Heirs and Succeflbrs, from the faid Feaft of Eajler next coming, for ever, • without any Inquifition or Office thereof to be had or found. X. And be it ordained and enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That our faid Sovereign Lord the King, Commiifas his Heirs and Succeflbrs, at his and their Will and Pleafure may direct his and their Commiflion and Com- "«" bedirefted millions under the Great Seal of England to fuch Perfons as it fhall pleafe him : (2) And that the fame [° ferera j r "-_ Commiflioners, or two of them at the leaft. fhall have full Power and Authority by Virtue of this Act, and t °"-^ " lh " : :^. of the faid Commiflion, as well to furvey all and Angular Lay-Corporations, Guilds, Fraternities, Compa- flu]) t^, nies and Fellowfhips of Mvfteries or Crafts incorporate, and every of them, as all other the faid Frater- nities, Brotherhoods and Guilds within the Limits of their Commiflion to them directed, (3) and all the Evidences, Compofitions, Books of Accompts and other Writings of every of them, to the intent thereby to know what Money and other Things was paid or bellowed to the Finding or Maintenance of any Prieil or Priefts, Anniverfary or Obit, or other like Thing, Light or Lamp, by them or any of them : (4) As alfo to enquire, fearch and try by all fuch Ways and Means as to them fhall be thought meet and conve- nient, what Manors, Lands, Tenements, Rents and other Hereditaments, Profits, Commodities, Emolu- ments and other Things, be given, limited or appointed to our faid Sovereign Lord the King by this Acl, within the Limits of their Commiilion, XI, And