Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/438

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4oo Lands aflisned towards the Maintenance of a Preacher or Schoolmafter. ■Endowment ^f a Vicar, Aligning one or more Priefts in a Pariih, and Lands for their Maintenance, The Commiffio- ners fhall affign yearly Penfions to every Go- vernor, Fellow and Servant of every Chantrv, &c. diffolved.' Money or yearly Benefit affured tocertainPerfons out of a Chan- try, &c. fhall be ib continued and paid. Lands afligned towards the Maintenance of the Walls and Banks of the Sea. The Commifiic- ners Obligation to the favourable Execution of the Commiflion. The Force of the Commiffioners ■Alignments and Ordinances. No Offices, An- nuity or Penfion, fhall extend to more than it iii before. C. 14, Anno prinio Edward i VI. A. D. 1547. XI. And alfo that the fame Commiflloners, or two of them at the leaft, by Virtue of this Aft, and of the Commiffion to them direfted, fhall have full Power and Authority to affign, and (hall appoint (in every fuch Place where Guild, Fraternity, the Prieft or Incumbent of any Chantry in ejj'e, the firft Day of this prefent Parliament, by the Foundation, Ordinance, or the firft Inititution thereof, fhould or ought to have kept a Grammar School or a Preacher, and fo hath done fithen the Feaft of St. Michael the Archano-el laft paft) Lands, Tenements and other Hereditaments of every fuch Chantry, Guild and Fraternity, to remain and continue in Succeffion to a Schoolmafter or Preacher for ever, for and toward the keeping of a Gram- mar School or Preaching, and for fuch godly Intents and Purpofes, and in fuch Manner and Form, as the fame"CommifTioners, or two of them at the leaft, fhall affign or appoint: (2) And alfo to make andorJain a Vicar to have Perpetuity for ever in every Parifh Church, the firft Day of this prefent Parliament being a College, Free Chapel or Chantry, or appropriated, annexed or united' to any College, Free Chapel or Chantry, that fhall come to the King's Hands by Vertue of this Aft, and to endow every fuch Vicar fuffi- ciently, having refpeft to his Cure and Charge ; the fame Endowment to be to every fuch Vicar, and to his Succeffors for ever, without any other Licence or Grant of the King, the Bifhop, or other Officers of the Diocefs. (3) And alfo the faid Commiffioners, or two of them at the leaft, fhall have Authority by Force of this Aft, to affign in every great Town or Parifh, where they fhall think necefTary to have more Priefts than one, for the miniftring of the Sacraments within the fame Town or Parifh, Lands and Tenements be- longing to any Chantry, Chapel or ftipendary Priefts, being within the fame Town or Parifh the firft Day of this prefent Parliament, to be to fuch Perfon and Perfons, as the faid Commiffioners, or two of them at the leaft, fhall afiign or appoint to continue in Succeffion for ever, for and towards the fufficient Finding and Maintenance of one or more Priefts within the fame Town or Parifh, as by the faid Commiffioners, or two of them, fhall be thought necefTary or convenient : (4) And as well to make Ordinances and Rules concerning the Service, Ufe and Demeanor of every fuch Prieft and Schoolmafter, as is aforefaid, to be ap- pointed, as alfo by what Name or Names he and they fhall from henceforth be named and called. (5) And alfo that the faid Commiffioners, or two of them at the leaft, fhall have full Power and Authority by Virtue of this Aft, and of the faid Commiffion to them direfted, to affign as well to every Dean, Mafter, War- den, Provoft, and other Incumbent and Minifter of any of the faid Colleges, Free Chapels or Chantries, being within the Limits of their Commiffion, which hereafter fhall be diffolved or determined by Virtue of this Aft, as to .every ftipendary Prieft and other Prieft, whofe Salary the King fhall be intituled unto by this Aft, as to every Fellow and poor Parfon having yearly Relief out of any of the faid Colleges, Free Chapels or Chantries being within the Limits of their Commiffion, fuch feveral yearly Annuities, Penfions or other Recompences during their feveral Lives, as to the fame Commiffioners, or two of them, fhall be thought meet and convenient. XII. And over that, the faid Commiffioners, or two of them at the leaft, fhall have full Power and Au- thority by Vertue of this Aft, and of the Commiffion to them direfted, to enquire and try by fuch Ways and Means as they fhall think meet and convenient, what Money, Profit and Benefit any poor Perfon or Perfons by Virtue of any Conveyance, Affurance, Compofition, Will, Device, or otherwife, heretofore had or made, intended or meant to have Continuance for ever, had or enjoyed within five Years next be- fore the Beginning of this prefent Parliament, out of any College, Free Chapel or Chantry, and other the Premiffes, given, limited or appointed to the King by this Aft, being within the Limits of their Com- miffion ; (2) and thereupon to make Affign.ments and Orders in fuch Manner and Form as all and Angu- lar fuch faid Money, Profit and Commodity fhall be paid to poor People for ever, according to fuch faid Af- furance, Compofition, Will, Device, or other Thing had or made for the fame; and to affign and appoint Lands, Tenements or other Hereditaments, Parcel of the PremilTes, for the Maintenance and Continuance of the fame for ever : (3) And alfo to appoint to Fraternities, Brotherhoods and Guilds, Lands, Tene- ments and Hereditaments, Parcel of the Premiffes, towards and for the Maintenance of Piers, Jutties, Walls or Banks againft the Rages of the Sea, Havens and Creeks. (4) And that all and lingular Annui- ties, Penfions, and other Recompences fhall be half-yearly paid to the Perfons to whom the fame ought to be paid, by the King's Receiver for the Time being, of his Lands commonly called the fuppreiied Lands, or other his Revenues, lying in the County or City where fuch College, Free Chapel or Chantry, or other the Premiffes, given, limited or appointed to the King by this Aft, the firft Day of this prefent Parliament were or remained, without any Fee or Reward therefore to be paid : The firft Payment to be begun at the Feaft of St. Michael the Archangel next coming: (5) And that every fuch Receiver, upon his Accompt, fhall have full and due Allowance of all fuch Annuities, Penfions and other Recompences by him paid, by Vertue of any fuch Affignment to be made by the faid Commiffioners, or two of them at the leaft. XIII. And it is ordained and enafted by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, That the faid Cora- i miffioners, and every of them, that flrall take upon him the Execution of any of the faid Commiffions, fnall be bound, as he will anfwer before God, to execute the Commiffion to him and other direfted, bene- ficially towards the Deans, Mafters, Wardens, Provofts and other Incumbents and Minifters aforefaid, and towards the poor People, concerning the faid Affignments, and alfo toward the Maintenance of Piers, Jut- ties, Walls or Banks againft the Rages of the Sea, Havens and Creeks. (2) And that all Manner of Affignments and Ordinances to be made by the faid Commiffioners, or two of them at the leaft, and cer- tified under their Seals, or the Seals of two of them at the leaft, into the King's Court of the Augmenta- tions and Revenues of his Crown, or to any other Court or Courts, by the King's Majefry to be' made or affigned, fhall by Vertue of this Aft and of the faid Commiffions, be~as good and effeftual in the Law, to all Intents, Conftruftions and Purpofes, as though the fame had been affigned and ordained by Authority of this prefent Parliament, by exprefs and apt WorJs, Terms and Sentences. XIV. Provided alfo, That fuch Annuities, Penfions or other Recompences, that the faid Commiffioners, or any of them, fhall affign or appoint to be paid yearly to any fuch Dean, Mafter, Warden, Governor, or other Incumbent, Fellow or Minifter, fhall not extend to any more clear yearly Value, than fuch Dean, Mafter,