Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/442

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4.04 C. 14. Anno primo Edward 1 Vf. A. D. 1547,, K s i.i|ofany any Archbifhop, Bifhop, Dean, Archdeacon, Treafurer, Prebendary, Mafter, Provoft, Governor or other pmtual Pro- the ^jj Lcclefiaftical or Spiritual Perfon or Perfons, or by any Patrons, Donor or Founder or' any of the Governors' ' = ^'^ Deanaries, Chantries or other of the faid Spiritual or Ecclefiaftical Promotions, or of all or any of the thereof. Manors, Lands, Tenements, Tithes, Rents, Reverfions, Penfions, Portions, Annuities or other Heredi- 11 Coke 73. laments, Revenues, Emoluments, Profits or Commodities to any of the faid Benefices, Offices, Prebends, Promotions or Dignities belonging, appertaining, united or annexed, or which any of the fame Archbifhops, Bifhops, Deans, Archdeacons, Treafurers, Matters, Provofts, Prebendaries, Rulers, Governors, Officers or Minifters, Patrons, Founders or Doners, had or enjoyed or have or enjoy, or ought to have or enjoy in the Right, or by Reafon or Means of any of the fame Promotions, Offices or Dignities, fhall be good and A Saving of the effectual in the Law to all Intents and Purpofes : (z) Saving to all and every Perfon and Perfons and Bo- Ri£hr. of others, dies Politick and Corporate, their Heirs, Succeffors and Affigns, and to the Heirs, Succeffors and Affigns of every of them (other than the Archbifhops, Bifhops, Deans, Archdeacons, Treafurers, Prebendaries, Rulers, Governors, Wardens, Provofts, Givers and Granters of any of the Premiffes, and their Heirs, Succeffors and Affigns; and other than fuch Ecclefiaftical or Spiritual Perfon, Bodies Politick or Corporate, as are or pretend to be Founders, Donors, Patrons or Ordinaries of the Premiffes, or any of them) (z) all fuch Rights, Titles, Interefts, Claims, Entries, Rents, Reverfions, Remainders, Fees, Offices, An- nuities, Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments, Profits, Commodities and Emoluments, as they or any of them have or fhould or ought to have had, of, in or to the Premiffes next above mentioned or any Part thereof, as if this Act had never been had or made; any Thing in thio Act to the contrary in any wife not- withstanding. This AA ex- XXXIL Provided always, That this A£t, or any Thing therein contained, fhall not in any wife extend tendeth not to to make good or effectual any Gift, Grant, Bargain, Sale or Alienation made by any Parfon or Vicar of car." °" ° r '" the i r Parfonages or Vicarages, or of any Part or Parcel thereof, or of any Thing to them or any of them belonging or appertaining. Lord Cobham XXXlfl. Provided alfo, That this Act, or any Thing therein contained, {hall not in any wife extend for the College to hinder or prejudice George Brook, Knight, Lord Cobham, his Heirs or Affigns, for or concerning the late of Cobham. College of Cobba?n in the County of Kent, or the Manors, Lands, Tenements or Poffeffions thereof; any Thing above mentioned to the contrary in any wife notwithftanding. This (hall not XXXIV. Provided alfo, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That this prefent Act, nor any extend to the Thing therein contained, mail in any wife extend or be prejudicial or hurtful to the general Corporation of a city Borough an y City, Borough or Town within this Realm, or any other the King's Dominions, ne fhall extend to or Town. ' an Y the Lands or Hereditaments of them or any of them; any Thing herein contained to the contrary in any wife notwithftanding. Colleges, Chan- XXXV. Provided alfo, and be it enacted by the Authoritay aforefaid, That all fuch of the faid Colleges, tries, &c. with- Free Chapels, Chantries or other the Premiffes, being appointed and given to the King's Highnefs by the La tl c'fte UCllJ ° f Authority of this Act, as be within the Duchy of Lancafter,^ and all Manors, Lands, Tenements and He- reditaments pertaining or belonging to the fame Colleges, Free Chapels and Chantries, fhall after the faid Pyer 232. Feaft of Eajler next coming, be within the Survey and Order of the Court of the D ucn y of Lane after, in fuch Manner and Form as other the PremifTes be affigned or appointed by Authority of this Act to be in the Survey and Order of the Court of the Augmentations and Revenues of the King's Crown, or other Court by the King to be affigned; (2) and that all Commiffions that hereafter fhall be awarded by Virtue and Force of this Act concerning fuch Colleges, Free Chapels, Chantries and other the Premiffes as be within the faid Duchy of Lancafter, fhall be awarded under the Great Seal of England, and fhall be certified into the fame Court of the Duchy of Lancajler; any Thing abovefaid to the contrary in any wife notwith- fhnding. The c ° ile |= « XXXVI. Provided always, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That this Act, ne any Thing tii-brTrou h in tnere ' n contained, fhall extend to the College or Chantry of Attlebourgh in the County of Norfolk, which Norfolk. ^ the f a 'd ^ ate King Henry the Eighth gave to Robert late Earl of Sujfex and to his Heirs; but that Henry now Earl of EJfex, Son and Heir to the faid late Earl, his Heirs and Affigns, fhall and may by the Authority of this Act have and enjoy the faid College and Chantry, and all Manors, Lands, Tenements, Advowfons, Tithes, Penfions, Portions and other Hereditaments thereunto belonging or appertaining; any Thing in this Act to the contrary in any wife notwithftanding. Altering the N2- XXXVII. Provided always, and by the Authority aforefaid be it enacted, That the King's Majefty at .hire and Con- any Time when it fhall feem to him good, may give Authority to certain his Grace's Commiffioners, to 01 Ob lts .? ] ter t k e isj- ature anc j Condition of all Manner of Obits, as well within the Univerfities of Cambridge and >>. Oxford, as in any other Place within this his Grace's Realm of England and Wales, being not fuppreffed ne annihilate by Virtue of this prefent Act, and the fame Obits fo altered to difpofe to a better Ufe, as to the Relief of fome poor Men being Students, or otherwife. No Perfon fhall XXXVIII. Provided alfo, and be it enacted by Authority aforefaid, That it fhall not be lawful to any Per- uke Advantage fon or Perfons, Bodies Politick or Corporate, by Reafon of any Remainder, TUfe or Condition, to enter in- <>t any Conation t05 c ] a j m or challenge any Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments, for the non-doing, not naming or non- oTonyVrkfi" 6 finding ot " an y fuch Prieft or Priefts or poor Folks as is aforefaid, Obit, Anniverfary, Light or Lamp Obit, Li'ght.&c. fr° m henceforth to be founded or done; any I hing herein contained to the contrary in any wife notwith- ftanding. ThisStatme XXXIX. Provided always that this Act, nor any Thing therein contained, fhall in any wife extend to fiiaiigisieno a?iy Lands, Tenements, Poffeffions or Hereditaments whatfoever, that any Mafter, Dean, Prebendary, d Warden or Chantry or any ftipendary Prieft of any- College, Chantry, Prebend, Fraternity, Guild or any other Corporations, have or held of any Perfon or Perfons by Copy of Couit Roll, or at Will accord- ing to the Cuftom of any Manor or Manors; nor gjve or grant any Copyhold Lands to the King's Highnefs. XL. And to the King.