Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/443

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A. D. 1547. Anno primo Edwardi VI. C. 15. 405 XI-. Ami alfo provided that the King' hi. Heirs or SucccfTor:, fhall not in any wife have, v hold, enjoy or take by Virtue ol thi iv Article therein contained, any Manner ol Copyhold , lenements, Pollbifions or Hereditaments whatfocver they be: but that all and every ol the laid IV-r- n>l Incumbent, Ihall have, hold and enjoy the Cum- <lu:in:; their Lives toward* their Penfion ily Living, paying their Rents and doing their Cufloms and Servicea thereof due and. accuftomed ; any fhing in this Aft to the contrary notwiihffmding. c 11I XI A. Provided that this Ad mill riot extend to any Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments afligncd, ap- L,n> pointed or intended tor the finding and rVfiinh nance of any Chantry Pricft or flipendary Piicff, which by £°" . M» former Right and good Title without Fraud or Covin were liwrully recovered fiom the PoffcrTion of -fVue. ahy fuch Chantry Pried or ffipendary Pricfl before li" 1 fi rfl Da i ' >■ ' r in the faid feven and thirtieth ol the Reign of the laid late King Henry the Eighth, which Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments were not charged nor chargeable to the Payment of the perpetual Tenth ; any Thing in this Aft to the contrary hereof notwithstanding. XLI1. Provided always, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all and fingular Grants, Li- AConnrnmloe cences, Confirmation;; and Letters Patents which our late Sovereign Lord King Henry the Eighth, or our of Lcttcrt H»- Sovereign Lord the King that now is, have made under the Great Seal of England to any Perfon or Per- £"" ™g C b J f fons, Hodics Politick or Corporate, of any College, Chapel or Chantry now being in ejfe or Handing, or K !"| E j, j°^r now not being in ejje or not (landing, or of any Lordfhips, Manors, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments any Chantry, annexed, united, belonging or appertaining to any College, Chapel or Chantry now being in ejjt or Hand- &c- or of Lanrfi ing, or now not being in ej/'e or not Handing, or of any other Thing or Things mentioned or expreffed in unlteJ t0 ,te!n ' this Act, and all and every Matter and Thing mentioned, exprcflcd or contained in any fuch Grant, Li- cence, Confirmation or Letters, Patents, fhall from henceforth be deemed, taken, expounded and judged good and effectual in the Law, according to the Word:;, Sentences, Meanings, Intents, Form and Ef- fects of the fame Grants, Licences, Confirmations and Letters Patents, to all Intents, Conflruftions and Purpofes, as if this Act, and the faid Aft made in the faid (even and thirtieth Year of the faid late King Henry the Eighth, had never been had or made : (2) And that this Aft, or the faid Act made in the faid 37 H- ,- Cl 4 ' feven and thirtieth Year of the Rci.;ti of our faid late Sovereign Lord King Henry the Eighth, or any Claufe, Article, Sentence or other Thing therein contained, Ihall not extend to any Colleges, Chapels, Chantries or other Thing or Things mentioned in this Aft, now being in c£'e or ftanding, or now not being in ejje or not Handing, or to any Manors, Lands, Tenements, Poffeflions, Revenues or Hereditaments annexed, united, belonging or appertaining to any College, Chapel, Chantry or other Thing mentioned in this Aft, now being in effe or Handing, or now not being in ejje or not Handing, or to any other Thing or Things mentioned or expreffed in this Aft, which any Perfon or Perfons, Bodies Politick or Corporate have had or obtained by the AfTent, Licence, Confirmation, Grant or Letters Patents of the faid late King, or of the King's Majefly that now is ; nor fhall extend to any Manors, Lands, Tenements, Revenues, Poffeflions, Hereditaments or other Thing or Things mentioned, expreffed or contained in any fuch Licence, Confir- mation, Grant or Letters Patents : [■$) But that every fuch Perfon and Perfons, Bodies Politick and Cor- porate, their Heirs, Succeffors and Afligns, and the Heirs, Succeffors and Afligns of every of them, fhall have, hold and enjoy all and every the fame Colleges, Chapels, Chantries, Manors, Lands, Tenements, Revenues, Poffeflions and Hereditaments, and all and every other Thing and Things whatfoever, fo by them had or obtained by the Affent, Licence, Confirmation, Grant or Letters Patents of the faid late King, or of the King's Majefly that now is, according to the Words, Sentences, Form, Effect, Meaning and Intent of the fame Licences, Confirmations, Grants and Letters Patents ; this Aft, or the faid Aft made in the faid feven and thirtieth Year of the Reign of the faid late King Henry the Eighth, or any Claufe, Article, Sentence, Matter or Thing mentioned, exprefled or contained in any of the lame Acts to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithstanding. CAP. XV. The King's general and free Pardon confirmed by Parliament, except, cr Anno fecundo & tertio Edwardi Sexti. CTS made in the fecond Seflion of this prefent Parliament holden upon Prorogation ■oX.Wefl?ninJIer the [twenty] * fourth Day of November in the fecond Year of our mofl dread Sovereign Lord Ed- * in the P»r- ward the Sixth, by the Grace of God, King of England, France and- Ireland, Defender of the jiament Journal ' Faith, and of the Church of England, and alfo of Ireland, in Earth the Supreme Head, and there con- ' r 1S the **"&?- ' tinued and kept to the fourteenth Day of March in the Third Year of our laid Sovereign Lord, as fol- c° u /n' loweth. Yclv. n 7 . 2rteb. 34. CAP. I. An Afl for Uniformity of Service and Adminiftration of the Sacraments throughout the Realm. WHERE of long Time there hath been had in this Realm of England and in Wales divers Forms of Revived by i Common Prayer, commonly called the Service of the Church ; that is to fay, The Ufe of Sarum^ Eliz. c. 1. §. 14, ' of lork, of Banm and of Lincoln-, and beiides the lame now of late much more divers and fundry The Penalty ftp < Forms °° tuC *s Ul »-