Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/444

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4-o6 C i. Anno fecundo & tertio Edwardi VI. A. D. i ^4.8, (2) And as the Doers and Executors of the faid 1 Rite's and Ceremonies, in other Form than of late Years they have been u fed, were pleafed therewith: ! " So other not'ufing the fame Rites and Ceremonies were thereby greatly offended: (3) And albeit the ' King's Majefty, with the Advice of his moft entirely beloved Uncle the Lord Protector and other of his , ' .' Highnefs Council, hath heretofore divers Times affayed to flay Innovations or new Rites concerning the ' Premises; yet the fame hath not had fuch good Succefs as his Highnefs required in that Behalf; where- Innovatei-s not ' '^p°n his Highnefs by the moft prudent Advice aforefaid, being pleafed to bear with the Frailty and Weak- puni/hcd, for ' -nefs pf his Subjects in that Behalf, of his great Clemency hath not been only content to abftain from Pu- they diJ it ' nifhment of thole that have offended in that Behalf, for that his Highnefs taketh that they did it of a good ujjon good Z-.a.h « Zeal; but alfo to the Intent a uniform, quiet and godly Order fhould be had concerning the Premiffes, ' hath appointed the Archbifhop of Canterbury, and certain of the moft learned and difcreet Bifhops, and

  • other learned Men of this Realm, to confider and ponder the Premiffes ; (4) and thereupon having a*

" 1 ' well Eye and Refpedt to the moft fincere and pure Chriftian Religion taught by the Scripture, as to the ' Ufages in the primitive Church, fhould draw 'and make one convenient and meet Order, Rite and Fafhion ' of common and open Prayer and Adminiftration of the Sacraments, to be had and ufed in his Majefty's The Book of ' Realm of England and in Wales ; the which at this Time, by the Aid of the Holy Ghoft, with one uni- CommonPrayer,.' f orm Agreement is of ' them concluded, fet forth and delivered to his Highnefs, to_ his great Comfort and the' Holy 1 GhofT * Qm'etnefs of Mind, in a Book intituled, The Book of the Common Prayer and Adminijlration of the Sacra- is fet forth by ~ : ' meats, and other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church, after theUfe of the Church 0/^ England, (rj Where- the Biihopsand : -' fore the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent parliament affembled, confi- rmed Men of ' dering as well the moft godly Travel of the King's Highnefs, of the Lord Protector, and of other his the Realm. . * HigbnefsCouncil, in gathering and collecting the faid Archbifhop, Bifhops and learned Men together, as ' the godly Prayers, Orders, Rites and Ceremonies in the faid Book mentioned, and theConfiderations of

  • altering thofe Things which be altered, and retaining thofe Things which be retained in the faid Book,

5 but alfo the Honour of God and great Quietnefs, which by the Grace of God fliall enfue upon the one ' and uniform Rite and Order in fuch Common Prayer and Rites and external Ceremonies to be ufed ' throughout England and in Wales, at Calice and the Marches of the fame, do give to his Highnefs moft ' hearty and lowly Thanks for the fame :' (6) And humbly prayen, that it may be ordained and enacted by his Majefty, with the Affent of the Lords and Commons in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, that all and lingular Perfon and Perfons that have offended, concerning the Premiffes, other than fuch Perfon and Perfons as now be and remain in Ward in the Tower of London, or in the Fleet, may be pardoned thereof; (7) and that all and fmgular Minifters in any Cathedral or Parilh V Church or other Place within this Realm of England,- Wales, Calice, and the Marches of the fame or other the King's Dominions, fhall, from and after the Feaft of Pentecoft next .coming, be bounden to fay and ufe the Mattens, Evenfong, Celebration of the Lord's Supper, commonly called the Mafs, and Adminiftration of each of the Sacraments, and all their common and open Prayer, in fuch Order -and Form as is mention- The Penalty for. ed in the fame Book, and none other or otherwife. ( S) And albeit that the fame be fo godly and good, that not i:fing the i .they give Occafion to every honeft and conformable Man moft willingly to embrace them, yet left any ob- Book of Com- ftj na te Perfon who willingly would difturb fo godly Order and Quiet in this Realm fhould not go unpunifh- other Rites'anrl ec l' tnat it ma y a 'io be ordained and enadted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any manner of Partem, Ceremonies, ac- Vicar or other whatfoever Minifter, that ought or fhould ling or fay Common Prayer mentioned in the faid cording to the Book, or minifter the Sacraments, fhall after the faid Feaft of Penicco/l next coming refufe to ufe the faid We ot the Common Prayers, or to minifter the Sacraments in fuch Cathedral or Parilh Church or other Places as he lanT^ of Ens " fhould ufe or minifter the fame, in fuch Order and Form as they be mentioned and fet forth in the laid Ufm'g any other Book; (0) or fliall ufe, wilfully and obftinately ftanding in the fame, any other Rite, Ceremony, Order, Mannerof Form or Manner of Mafs openly or privily, or Mattens, Evenfong, Adminiftration of the Sacraments or J Prayer. other open Prayer than is mentioned and fet forth in the faid Book : (Open Prayer in and throughout this Act, is meant that Prayer which is for other to come unto or hear, either in common Churches or private Chapelsor Oratories, .commonly called the Service of the Church) (10) or fhall preach, declare or fpeak The Penalty for an V" Thing in the Derogation or Depravinp; of the fail Book, or any Thing therein contained, or of any depraving the Part thereof ; fn) and fhall be thereof lawfully convicted according to the Laws of this Realm, by Ver- Eookorany dicfc of twelve Men or by his own Confeffion, or by the notorious Evidence of the Fact. (12) fhall Iofe Thing contained ana > f or f e it to the King's Highnefs, his Heirs and Succeffors, for his firft Offence, the Profit of fuch one of. t erem. his Spiritual Benefices or Promotions as it fhall pleafe the King's Highnefs to affign or appoint, coming and The Penalty for arifing in one whole Year next after his Conviction : (i',) And alfo that the fame Perfon fo convicted fhall the fiift Offence, for the fame Offence fuffer Imprifonment by the Space of fix Months, without Bailor Mainprife : (14) And if any fuch Perfon once convict of any fuch Offence concerning the Premiffes, fhall after his firft Con- viction eftfoons offend and be thereof in Form aforefaid lawfully convict, that then the fame Perfon fhall ^he Penalty foi-for his fecond Offence fuffer Imprifonment by the Space of one whole Year, (15) and alfo fhall therefore the fecond of- be deprived jpfo fatlo of all his Spiritual Promotions ; (16) and that it fliall be lawful to all Patrons, Do- !f." ce i ' nors and Grantees of all and fmgular the fame Spiritual Promotions, to prefent to the fame any other able the third Of- Clerk, in like Manner and Form as though the Party fo offending were dead : (17) And that if any fuch fence. ' Perfon or Perfons, after he fhall be twice convicted in Form aforefaid, fhall offend againft any of the Pre- miffes the third Time, and fhall be thereof in Form aforefaid lawfully convicted ; that then the Perfon fo offending and convicted the third Time, fhall fuffer Imprifonment during his Life. (18) And if the Perfon that fhall offend and be convict in Form aforefaid concerning any of the Premiffes, fliall not be beneficed ■ nor have any Spiritual Promotion, that then the fame Perfon fo. offending and convict fhall for the firft Of- ' j fence