Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/445

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A. D. 154-8. Anno fccundo flc tertio Edwa rd r VI. C. r. tmrocnt durii '-. , without Bait or Mainprife : f 19) And

his firfl Couvidtion fh.iil cl id in any 1 1

h thereof lawfully convicted, that then the farm ' Pent cumin;;, Ilia! I in any Enterludes, Plaj ny Sacrament otherwife or in any other Manner 01 Fori than 1 ! in the faid uhetl my of the faid ill unlawfully interrupt or let any Parfonj or other any Cathedral or Pa,rifh Church, Chapel or any other Place, to fing or fay common and 0| r, or to niinillcr the Sacraments, or any of them, in any fuch Mail ne'r and I in I Book ; (.|) That then every Perfon being thereof lawfully convicted in Form ahovefaid, (hall 1 the King cur Sovereign Lord, his I I. ii - and Succeflbrs, for the firfi OfFence ten Pounds. (?) And : "' ' J:: ' :^ •"•• rfons, being once convidted of any Inch Offence, eftfobns offend againft any of the Pre- , and fliall in Form aforcfaid be thereof lawful! that then the fame. Perfon 3 fo offending and qonvidt fh ill for the fecond Offence forfeit to the King our Sovereign Lord, his II ii Hbrs, The Pcmli j Pounds: (6) And if any Perfon after he in Form aforcfaid (hall have been tv/icc couvidt of any •= ("ond Of- conccrning any of the Premifles, fliall offend the third Time, and be thereof in Form ahovefaid l: ""' lawfully convidt, that then every Perfon fo offending and convict fliall for his third Offence forfeit to our Tbc Pcniltjrfov ii Lord the King all his Goods and Chattels, and fliall fuller Imprifonment during his I thiid'Of- And if any Perfon or Perfons, that for his firft OfFence concerning the Premifles fliall be convict in Form ,cncc- lid, do not pay the Sum to be paid by Vertuc of his Couvidtion, in inch Manner and Form as the tame ought to be paid, within fix Weeks next after his Couvidtion ; that then every Perfon fo convict, and fo not paying the fame, fliall for the fame firft OfFence, inftcad of the faid ten Pound, furrer Imprifonment by the Space of three Months without Bail or Mainprifc. (x) And if any Perfon or Perfons, that for his fecond OfFence concerning the Premifles fhall be Convict in form aforcfaid, do not pay the Sum to be paid by Vertue of his Couvidtion, in Inch Manner and Form as the fame ought to be paid within fix Weeks next after his faid fecond Couvidtion ; that then every Perfon fo convidted, and not fo paying the fame, fliall for the fame fecond Offence, in the Stead of the faid twenty Pounds, fuft'er Imprifonment during fix Months, without Bail or Mainprife. ' ' III. And it is ordained and enacted by the Authority aforcfaid, That all and every Juftices of Oyer and juftices of Over, Determiner, or Juftices of Affize, fliall have full Power and Authority in every of their open and General Dftrrmincr and Scflions to enquire, hear and determine all and all manner of Offences that fliall be committed or done o rt- trary to any Article contained in this prefent Act, within the Limits of the Commiflion to them diredted, , w ." to h ." r and to make Procefs for the Exet ution of the fame, as they may do againft any Perfon being indicted be- X>fc 'offences fore them of Trefpafs, or lawfully convidted thereof. IV. Provided always, and be it enacted by the Authority aforcfaid, That all and every Archbifhop and A Birtiop may Bifhop fliall or may at all 1 ime and Times at his Liberty and Pleafurc join and afibciate himfelf by Virtue J' in with the of this Act to the faid Juftices of Oyer and Determiner, or to the faid Juftices of AlTife, at every of the faid J""" 051 open and general Seflions to be holden in any Place within his Diocefe, for and to the Enquiry, Hearing and Determining of the Offences aforcfaid. V. Provided always, That it (hall be lawful to any Man that underftandeth the Greek, Latin and Hebrew Who may ufe Tongue, or other ftrange Tongue, to fay and have the faid Prayers heretofore fpecified of Mattens and' Even- l'«>ers in an>- fong in Latinc, or any fuch other Tongue, faying the fame privately, as they do underftand. thcr Language,

VI. And for the further encouraging of Learning in the Tongues in the Univerfities of Cambridge and

Oxford, to ufe and exercife in their common and open Prayer in their Chapels (being no Parifti Churches) or other Places of Prayer, the Mattens, Evenfong, Letany, and all other Prayers, (the Holy Communion,

ommonly called the Mafs, excepted) prefcribed in the faid Book, in Greek, Latinc or Hebrew; any Thing

in this prefent Act to the contrary notwithftanding. VII. Provided alfo, That it fliall be lawful for all Men, as well in Churches, Chapels, Oratories or other Places, to ufe openly any Pfalms or Prayer taken out of the Bible, at any due Time, not letting or omit- ting thereby the Service or any Part thereof mentioned in the faid Book. VII[. Provided alfo, and be it enacted by the Authority aforcfaid, That. the Books concerning the faid When the- Ser- Services (hall at the Cofts and Charges of the Pariftiioners of every PariftTand Cathedral Church be at- ;>-" eBo ° ks f*u tained and gotten before the Feaft of Pcntecoji next following, or before; (2) and that all fuch Parifhes l: ' ; :;trn - lathedral Churches, or other Places where the faid Bocks fhall be attained and gotten before the faid ^eaft of Pentccojt, fliall within three Weeks next after the (aid Books fo attained and gotten ufe the fajd Service, and put the fame in Ure according to this Adt. IX. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That no Perfon or Perfons fhall be at a nv Time hereafter impeached or otherwife molefted of or for any of the Offences above mentioned - , hereafter fo be committed or done contrary to this Act, unlefs he or they fo offending be thereof indidied at the :. - . General Seflions to be holden before any fuch of the Juftices of Oyer and Determiner, or Juftices of A.. next after any Offence committed or done contrary to the Tenor of this Act. X. Provided always, and be it ordained and enadted by the Authority aforcfaid, That all and Angular. Lords of the Parliament, for the faid Offences above mentioned^ (hall be tried by their Peers. .XI, Provided alfo, and be it ordained and enacted by the Authority aforcfaid. That the Mayor of Lon- Chief OiKcers of ion., and all other Mayors, Bailiffs and other Head Officers of all and insular Cities, Borough's and Towns ci ' : " =nJCo.-- CorporateP pratc rowna