Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/448

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4i o C. 3, 4. Anno fecundo 8c tertio Edwardi VI, A. D. 1548. Relief of Te- XVII. Provided alway that this Act, nor nothing therein contained, fhall extend to charge any Perfon or nants or Friends. p er f ons f or the taking or receiving of any Gift or Reward of any of his or their Tenants or Friends, to- & M 4 cl - 5 , V 10. wards the Relief, Aid or Help of the fame Perfons being commanded by the King's Majefty to ferve in '•>'*' ' Wars, or other wife to find Men on Horfeback or on Foot, as well within this Realm as without: (2} Nor for the Gift, Reward, Aid or Help referved or covenanted to be paid or given to any Perfon appointed to ferve in Wars, or to find Horfe or Men to ferve, by Reafon of any Grant, Covenant, Reservation, Cuftom or Tenure. LawiilCaufesof ' XVIII. Provided that this Act, nor any Thing therein contained, fhall not extend to charge any detaining Wages Lieutenant or others above named, for Detaining or Retaining any Part of any the foid Soldiers Wages, to- from Soldiers. warc j or f or t [ le p a y ment of Victuals, Harnefs, Weapons, or for any Preft Money provided and delivered to rv-frtUrrr*. f uc h Soldier inJuns coruemnv ■> Soldiers, fee 43 El. c. 3. 31 Car. 1 annual Mutiny Aeh. Sheriffs upon their Accompts in the Exche- quer, upon their Oath taken, (hall be difcharged of all fuch Monies , as they cannot levy, and (hall have their due Allowances. IzEd. 4. c. 1. The Statute of 34 & 35 H.S. c. 16. touching Sheriffs, re- hearfed and re- pealed. Every Sheriff ihall have Tal- lies of Reward, 1. nAnn.Jlat, 1, c. 13. I Geo. I. c. 47. 3 Geo. I. c. 2. 22 Geo. 2. c. 44. . 33 Geo. 2. c, 6, 8 & 18, and fee lie CAP. III. No Purveyor or other Perfon, by Authority of any Commiffion or other Warrant, fhall, during three Years next, purvey or take for the Provifion of the King's Houfhold, his Sifters, or any other Perfons, any Corn, Beeves, Muttons, bfc. Wood, Coal, Straw, Hay, or any Kind of Victuals, without the full Content of the Owner, and at fuch Price for ready Money as the Owner and Purveyor can agree; or lhall take for any of the King's Affairs, or the Wars, or otherwife, any Goods, Chattels or other Thing3 whatfoever, (faving Barges, Ships, Carts and Things neceffary for Carriages) without Confent of the Owner, and at fuch Prices for ready Money as the Owner and Purveyor can agree, except Poft-Horfes,' for which fhall be paid a Penny a Mile. And if any Taker or other Perfon fhall offend in any Point contrary to the Ordinance aforefaid, he fhall forfeit to the Party- grieved treble the Value of the Thing taken, fufFer Imprifonment a Quarter of a Year, and make Fine at the King's Pleafure. The King wilt allow to the Owner of every Cart taken for his Houfhold, Four-pence a Mile, and for the Wars and other Carriages, Threepence a Mile. EXP. CAP. IV. An Ac~t for the Sheriffs of England to have certain Allowances upon their Accompts. OST humbly befeechen the King's moil excellent Majefty, his true and faithful Subjects, the Commons, in this prefent Parliament affernbled, That where in the Parliament begun at Wejl- minjisr, the fixteenth Day of January in the three and thirtieth Year of the Reign of our late Soveretga Lord of famous Memory, King Henry the Eighth, and by Prorogation holden at JVeJhnlnJier the two and twentieth Day of "January in the four and thirtieth Year of the Reign of our faid late Sovereign Lord, and there continued until the twelfth Day of May in the five and thirtieth Year of the Reign of the faid late King, upon divers and fundry Confiderations, there was enacted and made an Act by the Authority of the fame Parliament, concerning the Accompt or Accompts of Sheriffs to be made in the Exchequer, as in the fame Act more plainly at large it is contained : ' II. And albeit it was meant at the Time of the making of the faid Act, as it may appear by the Words of the faid Aft, That Sheriffs fhould not be charged upon their Accompts, but only with fuch Sums of Money as they might lawfully levy; (2) and alfo that the faid Sheriffs fhould have Allowance, not only for all fuch Charges and Expences as they fhall fuftain and bear for the Diets and Charges of the Juftices of Affife, but alfo for other neceffary Charges and Expences by them fuftained in and about the Ex- ercifing of their faid Office : (3) Yet neverthelefs the faid Sheriffs are and have been fithen the making of the faid Act more and forer charged, vexed and troubled than they were before, to the great Impo- verifhment of Men of Worfhip and Gentlemen within this Realm, that have been Sheriffs, and fo isv ' very likely to be to all fuch as hereafter fhall be Sheriffs, if Remedy be not provided in this Behalf:' (4) It may therefore pleafe the King's moft excellent Majefty, that it may be enacted and eftablifhed with the Affent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament affernbled, and -by the Authority of the fame, That the faid former Act, and all Clauies and Sentences in the fame contained, fhall be from henceforth clearly fruftrate and void to all Intents and Purpofes, other than here- after in this Act fhall be fpecified. III. And that it may be enacted by this prefent Parliament, That the Sheriffs which fhall be made from henceforth within all the Shires of England, and alfo fuch as have not made or finifhed their Accompt or Accompts, fhall have fuch and like Tallies of Reward, and all fuch other Allowances, as they had before the making of the faid former Act; (2) or elfe the fame Sheriffs which fhall be, or heretofore have been, to be at their Election and Choice to accompt, and all other Things to do, according to the aforefaid former Act: (3) And that they and every of them that fo fhall accompt and take no Tally of Reward fhall be in and by all Things intreated in the King's Exchequer, as though the faid former Act were and fhould continue in his full Strength and Effect; any Thing before fpecified notwithstanding. IV. And that the fame Tallies of Reward, and every of them, by Force of this prefent Act, without any further Warrant or Warrants to be obtained for the fame, fhall be levied or ftricken at the Receipt of the King's Majefty's Exchequer in due Manner and Form, with fuch like Letters or Writings upon the fame Tallies and every of them, as before the making of the faid former Act were and have been accul- tomed to be levied and ftricLen. V. And that the fame Tallies fo hereafter there to be levied and ftrkken, fhall be delivered unto every of