Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/449

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A. D. 1548. Anno fccundo 8c tertio Ed w ardi VI. C. 4. 411 of the fame Sheriff; or their fufficicnt Attorney for them, without Prcft or other Charge to be fct upon • VI. And that this Act fhall be a fuffici ' I and Difcharge unto the gland and all other Officers within the laid Receipt, for Striking, Levying ana Delivery I 1 in. VII. and gr: groat Colts, Charges and Expcnccs (fifes as by any other Means, have i and i y of them, f anccs upon a Petition to be made to the i .or any of them, in a Hill to be 1, ifts and every of them, of their faid Cofts and Charges, upon which Bills the fame Shenfi be fworn in their own proper Pc-ifons, or by their Undcr-SherifFs or lawful Attorney thereunto admitted, to be true, without Warrant or Tall} fuing for the fame. VIII. And alio that all Sheriff's which hereafter fliall take no Tally of Reward, and every of them, (hall be difcharged upon their Accompts of all fuch Farms, Goods, Chattels, Profits-, Cafualties and Sum; of Money which they might or fhould be charged with upon their Accompts in the faid Exchequer, by jrhat Title or Name foever they be named, or upon whatsoever Perfon or Perfons they flrcatcd, or out of whatfoevcr Lands and Tenements they fhall be going forth, as they cannot lc y or come by. IX. And that all other Sheriffs which hereafter fliall take any Tally of Reward fhall in like Manner Sheriffi AMow- bc difcharged of all Inch Farms and Sums of Money aforefaid ; except only of the Vicountiels of their ancc, ■ Shires wherewith they fliall be charged and anfwerable as they were before the making of the forefaid toumic, " nd i former Aft. (2) And alfo the fame Sheriffs of every Shire of England that now be, or heretofore have *° J? JJJJL " ! been, or that hereafter fliall be, and every of them, fhall have plain Deduction and Allowance in their iitli. " 6 * faid Accompts of all fuch Sum and Sums of Money as they or any of them fliall make or have made true Petition of for or concerning fuch Poffeffions and Hereditaments as be come unto or were in the King's Majefty's Hands, or any his Progenitors, by Unity of PofTeffion, or by any Mean, out of the which any Part or Parcel of the forefaid Vifcounticls were at any Time heretofore leviable or levied. (3) And that the Lord Trcafurcr, Chamberlains, Chancellor and Barons of the faid Exchequer, or in the Abfencc of the faid Lord Trcafurcr, Chamberlains and Chancellor, the faid Barons fliall by Authority of this Act, give and make Allowance, Deduction and Exoneration to every of the faid Sheriffs of the faid Ferms and of I all other Things without any other Warrant. X. Provided alway, That every of the faid Sheriffs at his Day of Prefixion, immediately after that he TheSfceriffflull or his Deputy or Attorney is fworn to account for the Ifllies and Profits of his Office of Sheriffwick, fliall £ e /*°/n ,0 1 by himfelf or by his Attorney or Deputy fworn for him,' when he fliall anfwer before the Lord Treafurer, Ex^hVq"" Rolls Chamberlains, Chancellor and Barons of the faid Exchequer, or in the Abfence of the faid Lord Trea- f Parch n-cnt of furer, Chamberlain or Chancellor, or of any of them, then before fuch of the faid Lord Treafurer, Cham- Monty which he berlains or Chancellor and of the faid Barons, as then fhall happen to be prefent in the faid Court of Ex- hatl » or might chequer, to bring in and deliver into the faid Court, Rolls or Schedules of Parchment, containing in them havc lcViC J- truly without Omiflion or Concealment all fuch particular Sums of Money which he hath levied, or law- fully might have levied, to his Witting and Knowledge within his Bailiwick, as Part or Parcel, as well of . the faid Perms called Vicontiels in the laid former Act expreffed, as of all other Ferms of what Nature or Title foever they be called, being {treated, written or otherwife charged to any of the faid Sheriffs out of ! the laid Court of Exchequer, (2) making exprefs and diftinct Mention in the fame Rolls or Schedules, as

nigh as he or they can or may, of what Perfon, and what Lands and Tenements, and for what Caufe, the

fame particular Sums of Money and every of them be levied or leviable : (3 ) And that after the fame Rolls

or Schedules fo delivered, and the particular Sums of Money in them contained appertaining to their proper

Ferms, caft and rated in the faid Court, the faid Lord Treafurer, Chamberlains, Chancellor and the laid Barons, in the Abfence of the faid Treafurer, Chamberlains or Chancellor or any of them for the Time being, fliall have full Pover and Authority by this Act for the Levying and Recovery of fuch Parcels be- longing to any the faid Ferms called Vicountiels, or any other Ferms, by what Name or Title foever they be called, being omitted out of the faid Rolls or Schedules, and for faving of other the King's ancient Rights and Inheritances anfwerable in the faid Exchequer, which be now wrongfully withdrawn or unjuftly wilhholden from the King's Majefty his Poffeffion : (4) And fliall have Power and Authority from Time Pwcrf ■:■ to Time to award fuch Procefs, and ufe fuch convenient Ways and Means by Commiffion or otherwife, a J™£j ,. ou

according to the Courfe of the faid Exchequer, and further as fliall be devifed by their Difcretion ; fo that enqu ire

the King's Majefly, his Heirs and Succeffors, may be truly anfwered of the Iflues and Profits of the fame; King's Debts. I this Act, or any other Statute, Act, Ordinance or Ufe heretofore to the contrary had, made or ufed, in any wife notwithftanding. XI. And furthermore, That the faid Treafurer, Chamberlains, Chancellor and Barons of the faid Ex- Allowances chequer, or the faid Barons in the Abfence of the faid Treafurer, Chamberlains or Chancellor, or any of ">?*= ">Com- them for the Time being, fliall have full Power and Authority by their Difcretions from Time to 1 ime j?. 55" fot to give and allow unto all and every fuch Commiflioner or C< mmiffioners as they fliall allign and ap- point by their Difcretion, to enquire of the faid Ferms and other the King's Rights withdrawn, thei; rea- sonable Colts and Charges, as from Time to Time to them fliall feem good and convenient. Mar. flat. 2. c S. S El. c. 16. 27 £7. r. 12. ;q El. c. 4. 2 1 JW. 1. c. 5, 13 & 14C..Y, 2. e. 21. 3 Geo. I. c, 15. 6 Geo. 1. c. 21. 2. >• 37. 24 Geo. 2. c. 4S. fe3. 12. and 32 G'ro. 2. c. 14. Ggg: C A P.