Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/450

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412 C. 5 — 8. Anno fecimdo & tertio Edwardi VI. A. D. 1548, CAP. V. Such Fee- ferms and Sums of Money paid for Fee-ferms, as by any City, Borough or Town Corporate within England or Wales, or by the Bodies Corporate or Politick, Officers or Minifters of the fame, ought to be due and payable to the-King, &c. during three Years next enfuing, (hall ceafe and not be due; and it fhall be bellowed about repairing of Walls, Bridges, fetting Poor on work, or other good Deeds in every fuch City, &c. But if the King hath granted the Fee-ferm to any- other, he fhall en- joy it. Exp. 3 & 4 Ed. 6. c. 18. CAP. VI. An A61 that the Admiral of England, or any of his Officers, fhall not exact any Sums of Money for Licence to traffick to Ifeland, &c. No Officer fliall i YpOrafmuch as within thefe few Years now laft pari there hath been levied, perceived and taken by cer- exaftanyMoney «. jp ta j n f the Officers of the Admiralty, of fuch Merchants and Fifhermen as have ufed and praclifed of ^iAermeii 3 " 1 ' the Adventures and Journeys into- Ifeland, Newfoundland, Ireland and other Places!commodious for Fifh- going beyond Sea ' ln S an d the getting of Fifh, in or upon the Seas or otherwife, by way of Merchandife in thofe Parts, forFifli, ' divers great Exactions, as Sums of Money, Doles or Shares of Fifh and fuch other like Things, to the ' great Difcouragement and Hindrance of the fame Merchants and Fifhermen, and to no little Damage to ' the whole Commonweal: And whereof alfo great Complaints have been made and Informations" alfo ' yearly to the King's Majeffy's moft Honourable Council : For Reformation whereof, and to the Intent c alfo that the faid Merchants and Fifhermen may have Occafion the rather to practife and ufe the fame ' Trade of Merchandife and Fifhing freely without any fuch Charges or Exactions as is before limited,

  • whereby it is to be thought that more Plenty of Fifh fhall come into this Realm, and thereby, to have the
  • fame at more reafonable Prices :'

■ II. Be it therefore enacted by the King our Sovereign Lord, and the Lords and Commons in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That neither the Admiral nor any Officer or Minifter, Officers or Minifters of the Admiralty for the Time being, fhall in any wife hereafter exact, re- ceive or' take by himfelf, his Servant, Deputy, Servants or Deputies, of any fuch Merchant or Fifherman, any Sum or Sums of Money, Doles or Shares] of Fifh, or any other Reward, Benefit or Advantage what- foever it be, for any Licence to pafs this Realm -to the faid Voyages or any of them; nor upon any Re- fpect concerning the faid Voyages or any of them; (z) upon Pain to forfeit for the firff. Offence treble the Sum or treble the Value of the Reward, Benefit or Advantage, that any fuch Officer or Minifter fhall here- after have or take of any fuch Merchant or Fifherman; for the which Forfeiture the Party grieved, and every other Perfon or Perfons, whatfoever he or they be, fhall and may fue for the fame by Information, Bill, Plaint or Action of Debt, in any of the King's Courts of Record; the King to have the one Moiety, and the Party complaining the other Moiety : In which Suit no Effoin, Protection or Wager of Law fhall be allowed : (3) And for the fecond Offence., the Party fo offending not only to lofe or forfeit his or their Office or Offices in the Admiralty, but alfo to make Fine and Ranfom at the King's Will ancLPleafure. CAP. VII. EXP. An Act againft the craftie and deceitful buying of Penfions from the late Monafteries, CAP. VIII. 9 H. yjfat. 1. fiat-i.f.rt.'*" •^ Ln Acl: for finding of Offices before Efcheators. c 13. ' "K7 PIE RE many and divers Perfons holding or that have holden Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments, How Offices in ' Vy fome for Term of Years, and fome by Copy of Court-Roll, have been expulfed and put out of fome Cafo (hall <■ their Terms and Holds, by reafon of Inquifitions or Offices founden before Efcheators, Commiffioners and Efcheawis! e ' other 5 containing Tenures of the King in Capite, intituling the King to the Wardfhip or Cuftody of fuch 5r2Car.~2. c. 24. ' Lands "or Tenements, and fometime intitulingthe King to the fame upon Attainders of Treafon, Felony " ' or otherwife, by reafon that fuch Leafes for Term of Years or Intereft by Copy of Court-Roil of fuch KW holl?" ' ^ erf " ons have not b een found in fuch Inquifitions or Offices : (2) After which Expulfion, or putting out, b'bgpVforth ' 'l 1? ^ P er f° ns have been without Remedy for the obtaining of the faid Fermes and Holds, during the of PoiTefiion by ' King's Poffeffion therein; (3) and can have no Traverfe, Monjlrans de droit, ne other Remedy for the the King, by ' fame, becaufe their faid Intereft is but a Chattel in the Law or a Cuftomary Hold, and no Eftate of ■he Common ' Freehold. Rc*'ed Ve "° ' ^" ^ nc * a ^° wnere an y P er(on or Perfons hath any Rent, Common, Office, Fee or other Profit ap- emc y ' * prendre, of any Eftate of Freehold or for Years, or otherwife, out of fuch Lands or Tenements fpeciried ' in fuch Offices or Inquifitions, the faid Rent, Common, Office, Fee or Profit apprendre not found in the ' fame Office or Offices, fuch Perfons are in like Manner without Remedy to obtain or have the faid ' Rent, Common, Office, Fee or Profit apprendre, by any Traverfe or other fpeedy Mean, without great ' and exceffive Charges, during the King's Intereft therein by Force of fuch Inquifition or Office. Thelntereft of III. For Remedy whereof, be it enacted by Authority of this prefent Parliament, That where any fuch others flwH be Office or Inquifition is or fhall be founden, omitting fuch Titles, Interefts or Matters as is aforefaid, that £1 In all fuch Cafes every Leffee, Tenant for Term of Years, or Copyholder, and every fuch Perfon or 4 " Perfons