Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/452

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414- C. 9, 10. Anno feciindo & tertio Edwardi VI. A. D. 154.8. as he or they fhall have fued their Livery, or might conveniently have fued their Livery, fhall be thereof clearly difcharged. XI. And that .fuch Officer or Officers fhall, upon Requeft made, pay the fame to fuch mean Lords (they giving to fuch Officer and Officers a fufficient Acquittance or Acquittances for the Receipt of the fame :) (2) And that fuch Payment thereof made, with Acquittance or Acquittances thereof fhewed fhall be to fuch Officers a fufficient Difcharge againft. the King's Majefty and his Heirs upon his or their Account -in that Behalf; any Law, Ufage or Cuitom heretofore had or ufed to the contrary hereof in any wife notwithstanding. Ar Office found xil. Provided always, and be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That this Aft or any Thing therein Day'of March conta ' ne d mall not in any wife extend to any Inquifition or Office taken or founden at any Time before the 1548. x x - Day of March next coming, nor to hinder, prejudice or take away the Title, Intereft or PoifelTion of our Sovereign Lord the King, or of any other Perfon or Perfons, grown or come by Vertue, Mean or Occafion of any Inquifition or Office taken or found before the fame Day; (z) but that as well our laid Sovereign Lord the King, as all other Perfon and Perfons having any Title, Intereft or PoiTeffion, by Ver- tue, Mean or Occafion of any Inquifition or Office found before the fame Day, fhall and may have, hold and enjoy the fame in like Manner -and Form as though this Aft had never been had or made; any Thing in the fame Aft to the contrary in any wife notwithftanding. Upon a Traverfe XIII. Provided alfo, and it is enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That in all fuch Cafes as any Perfon or a Scire facias Perfons fhall be enabled by this Aft to have any Traverfe, and fhall purfue his or their Traverfe, that then fhall be awarded ne or the y tnat fl^u p ur f ue f uc h Traverfe fhall fue one Writ or feveral Writs of Scire facias, as the Cafe Kins* Paten- ^ rec l u ' re 5 againft all and lingular fuch Perfon and Perfons as fhall have Intereft by the King 'or by his tees. " Patentee or Patentees, in like Manner and Form as is requifite upon Traverfes or Petitions heretofore pur- fued : (2) And that in every fuch Scire facias the Patentees «r other Defendants fhall have like Pleas and Advantage, as they had in any Scire facias before this Time awarded againft any Patentee in any Cafe of Two Writs of Petition; (3) and alfo upon every Traverfe that fhall be purfued by Vertue or Mean of this Aft, in fuch Search upon a Cafe as the Party or Parties that fhall purfue any fuch Traverfe fhould by the Order of the Common Traverfe. Laws of this Realm have been put to fue by Petition to the King, there fhall be. two Writs of Search granted, in Manner and Form as like Writs have been granted upon Petitions made to the King. Notwithftanding XIV. Provided alfo, and it is enafted by the Authority abovefaid, That if after any Judgment fhall be e given upon any Traverfe that fhall be tendered or fued by Vertue or Mean of this Aft, it fhall appear by any Matter of Record, that the King hath any other former Title, Right or Intereft to the Manors, Lands, Tenements or other Hereditaments mentioned in the fame Traverfe, that then the fame Title, Right and Intereft fhall be faved to the King, the faid Traverfe and Judgment thereupon given in any wife notwithftanding. Co. Lit. 243. a. CAP. IX. A Confirmation of all former Statutes made concerning Tanners, Curriers and Cordwainers. The feveral Duties of Curriers, Cordwainers, Coblers, Girdlers, Leatherfellers, &c. in Ufing, Cuttings Making or Selling of their Wares, and of Searchers to View, Search and Seal the fame. The Penalty of trans- porting of Leather. Of what Quantity a Tanner fhall cut his Sole Leather. Repealed by 5 Eliz, c. 8. which Aft and all Afts thereby repealed are repealed by 1 Ja. 1. c. 22. CAP. X. The Bill for true making of Malt. HERE divers and fundry Perfons taking upon them the Art and Myftery of Malt making, and fundry other Perfons tendring more their own private Lucre, Gain and Profit, than the wholfom Victualling of the King's Majefty, the Nobility of this Realm and other his Grace's Subjects, have now of late by their unfatiable, covetous and greedy Minds, accuftomably and commonly made much Malt impure and unfeafonable; for that they have made the fame Malt in eight or nine Days, where indeed the fame cannot be well and perfectly made, unlefs it have the Time and Space of twenty-one Days in ^the Making thereof : (2) And where alfo divers and fundry of the faid Makers of Malt commonly have and do Hackly and deceitfully dry the Malt fo by them made; for that they would have an inordi- nate Increafe thereof by the Swelling of the faid Malt, whereby, the fame Malt not being fufficiently dried, cannot be kept any long Time or Space, but it will be mufty and full of Weavels, whereby no wholfom Drink for Man's Body can by any Means be thereof made, which is not only to the great Peril and Danger of the Nobility and other the King's Highnefs Subjects within this Realm, and alfo to the great Lois and Decay of the Commonwealth of the fame, but alfo an utter Impoverifhment of the Brew- ers of this faid Realm; for that the faid Brewers (over and befides the Unwholfomnefs of the Drink which is commonly made thereof) cannot make fo much Drink of fifty Quarters of Malt, being fo evil dried and made, as they might and can make of forty Quarters being well and truly made : (3) And alfo for- afmuch as divers and fundry Perfons minding and feeking their own private and exceffive Gain and Profit, forgetting thereby their Duty, and the Order of Charity towards the Commonwealth and their Neigh- bours in this Behalf, do commonly ufe to put and mix good Malt and evil Malt together, and after put the fame Malt to Sale as good Malt, whereby many of the King's Subjefts have been "and are like to be he very often deceived, to their great Lofs and Hindrance, contrary to the honeft, feemly and godly Buying, Selling and Cmmutation that fhould or ought to be amongft Chriftian People, Specially in Things concerning the Suftentation and Suftenance of Man's Body :' 3 « II. For King's former . Right fhall be referved, 4 H. 7. f. 15. 14 Ed. 4. f. 5. Dyer 148. 5 Co. 168. In what Manner Malt (hall be jnade and ufed. 17 R.2. c. 4. Several unlawful Praftices ufed in- the making and felling Malt. 4 Inft. 263,