Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/463

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A. D. 1548. Anno fccunclo 6c tcrtio Edward 1 VI. C. 29 — 32. 425 tnd proclaimed three fcvcral Day. in the open Scflions, in the Prefcncc of I ,/.r for the Time being, or before the Deputy or Lieutenant Juftice there, at the] leffions the lame Fine (hull fortune to be ingroflcd, and alfo that fhall b d and pro- , at Ur ',.

Juftice of the faid County Palatine of Che/ler, or before the D

for the Time being, at t he two next General Seflions that fhall be holden u Counl ol Cbejltr, before the Juftice of the faid County Palatine, orbWorc the Deputy or I. tenant Juftice there, next after the Levying and Fns;rofling of fuch faid Fine, at three fevcra! D ■ of the (aid two Scflions, after fuch Manner and Form as is commonly ufed in the King's Court of Common Stffinbt p; ca , . ' r, (4) fhall be of like Force, Strength and Effect in the Law, to all Intent:, Conftruc- ! rpo'fes, as Fines being duly levied with Proclamations before the King's Jufticcs of his Com- ** rfl " moil Pleas be or ought to be of. CAP. XXIX. An Offender in Buggery being attainted by Confeflion, Verdict or Outlawry, fhall fufFcr Death as a Felon* - wilhout'Lofs of Lands, Goods or Corruption of Blood. Rep i M. fell", i. cap. i. S Eli *- c - «7- CAP. XXX. The Mayor and Jurats of Rye and IVmchelfey in the County of Suffix fhall appoint convenient Places to lay on all Ballaft that Avail be caff, out of any Ship or other Vcflll which fhall come within the Road, there to receive any Loading; and all Ballaft caft out of any Ship fhall be laid upon the faid appointed Pla'-" upon Pain of Forfeiture of xl. s. for every Tun of Ballaft caft out contrary to the fame Form aforefaid. P ace, R. CAP. XXXI. In the City of Cbejlcr touching the Taking of Recognizance of Statute Merchant or Aflon Burnelf

  • TN their moft humble wife (hewn unto your Highnefs, your true, faithful and obedient Subjects, the Recognif.ncc:

' X Mayor, Aldermen, Sheriffs and Commonalty of your Grace's City of Cbejlcr, That where before this acknowledged ' Time the Mayors of the faid City of Cbejlcr were appointed and authorifed to take and receive before the before the

  • • faid Mayors, Rccognifances according to the Statutes Merchant and of Aclon Burnel, whereupon were ^ Ia ^ r ° ( , Ch James500 (talk),

' delivered unto the (aid Mayor by the King's Majefty's Progenitors that then were, a fpecial Seal concern- T " js Aft'^noc

  • ing the fame ; by Force whereof the Mayors and other Officers there appointed (Time out of Mind) on t h = Roll.

' have continually ufed and praclifed to take Recognifances before them, of Statutes Merchant and Aclon 34 £f 35 H. 8. ' Burnel, and enrolled the fame, which ever hitherto was allowed, permitted and taken to be good and ef- <■ '3> ' fectual in the Law ; (2) until now of late that Ambiguity and Doubt hath rifen by Means of certain finif- ' ter Perfons, more for the Defrauding of Right, Equity and Juftice, than upon any good Ground or Mat- ' ter for their private Commodity ; becaufc that in all Points it doth not follow and agree, according to all ' the ftrait Words of the faid Statutes Merchant and Aclon Burnel, as well to the great Hurt and Slander tl Ed. 1, ' of the faid City, as alfo to the Decay of the Merchants which have and fhall lend their Livings, Wares ' and Money, and great Boldnefs of the Creditors and Debtors to detain the fame in their Hands, to the ' great Decay of the City :' (3) Wherefore for the Inconvenience thereof, and alfo for the Avoiding the AH Recc;ni- faid Ambiguity and Doubt, it may pleafe your Highnefs, that it may be by your Grace, with the Affentof fancea of Sta- the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament affemblcd, ordained, efta- tutc Merchant, blifhed and enacted by the Authority of the fame, That all and every fuch Recognifance of Statutes Mer- S' //!'"•""'" 1, chant and Aclon Burnel, which after the firft Day of May next coming fhall be taken, knowledged, en- M»™r of Che- rolled, had and fealed with faid Seal appointed to the faid City of Cbejlcr, before the Mayor of the fame ftcr'rhall besood City for the Time being, in like Manner as heretofore the Predeceffors Mayors and other Officers in the >» Law. faid City have accuftomed to take and enroll and feal, fhall be as good, effectual and of Force in the Law, to all Intents, Conftruftions and Purpofes, as if the Taking of fuch Recognifance did fully agree and ac- cord to all Intents and Purpofes, with the ftrait Words of the faid Statutes of Aclon Burnel and the Statute Merchant : (4) And that upon all Certificates of the faid Mayors hereafter, like Procefs and Execution to be awarded and directed out of the High Courts of Chancery and Common Place to all Sheriffs, Mayors, Bailiffs or other Officers in England, or Wales, in as ample Manner and Form as is ufed elfewhere within this Realm, for any Recognifance taken upon any of the Statutes aforefaid; any Law, Statute, Liberty, ,e • - - . Franchifes "or Ufagc had or ufed to the contrary notwithstanding. r , c'tafta zi. CAP. XXXII. An Act to continue certain Statutes. WHERE in the Parliament begun and holden at Wefiminjler the xxxj. Year of the Reign of cur 5 late moft dread Sovereign Lord King Henry the Eighth, and there by divers Prorogations conti- cernii nued until the xxiv. Day of July in the xxxii. Year of the Rei^n of the faid late Kins- Henry the r