Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/464

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426 C. 33—36. Anno fecundo & tertio Edwardi VI. A. D. 154.8. 3?. H. ?. c. 30. ' Cirami/laniibus : (3) And in the Parliament holden at Wejlminfter in the xxxvij. Year of the Reign of our 35 fj- 1' c - 6< ' faid late moil dread Sovereign Lord King Henry the Eighth, the faid Acts and either of them were con- 3, ... . v. c. az. u t jp ae jj unt ;] the End of the next Parliament :' (4) Be it enacted and eftablifhed by the King our Sovereign- Lord, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament aflembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That the Acts aforefaid, and either of them, and all Claufes, Articles and Pro- vifions in them and every of them contained, ihall continue and endure in their Force and Strength for ever. 4 & S ?'• & M. c. 7. CAP. XXXIII. A Bill for Horfe and Horfe- ftealers. Whofoeveriteai- 4 £ Parliament made in the firft Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord the King, Whether that an y?Orafmuch as it is and hath been ambiguous and doubtful upon the Words mentioned in one Act of . <■ Clergy! ' ftealing of one Horfe, -Gelding. or Mare, ought" to be admitted to have or enjoy the Privilege and Benefit i Ed. 6. c i2. ' of his Clergy and Sanctuary ;' (z) Therefore it is declared and enacted by the King our Sovereign Lord, §• io. and the Lords and Commons in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame Par- Dyergg. pi- 59- 1 iarnent, That all and lingular Perfon and Perfons felonioufly taking or ftealing aiw Horfe, Gelding or Mare, fhall not be admitted to have or enjoy the Privilege or Benefit of his or their Clergy or Sanctuary, but fhall be put from the fame, in like Manner and Form as though he or they had been indicted or ap- pealed for felonious Healing of two Horfes, two Geldings or two Mares of any other, and thereupon found For finhar Pn- „ u j] t y by Verdict of twelve Men, or confeffed the fame upon his or their Arraignment, or Hand wilfully or •v'lfioni concerning r A ,f v . TJ o r> Horfes foafif ? °' Malice mute. 37 H. 8. c. 8. P. Sf M. c. 7. S El. c. 8. 31 El. c, 12. 21 Jac, 1. c. 28. feEl. 12, 13 Ceo. 2. c. 19. and 18 Get. a. c. 34. fell. II. CAP. XXXIV. An Act touching the Sheriff of Northumberland to be accomptable for his Office as other She- riffs be.

  • T?Orafmuch as the Sheriffs of the County of Northumberland, which have been named now of long Time
  • J? palled, have not accounted to the King's Majefty of the IfTues and Profits of their Bailiwick in the

' King's Highnefs Exchequer or elfewhere, as other Sheriffs of the faid County in old Time paffed have

  • done, nor as the Sheriffs of other Counties of this Realm do at this Time, but do yearly receive and take
  • the whole Profits thereof to their own Ufes, to the great Detriment and Lofs of the King our Sovereign

4 Lord, both of his Vicountels and other Farms anfwerable by the Hands of the faid Sheriff, and of all other

  • Debts, Iffues, Fines and Amerciaments within the faid County, and of all Alienations and Intrulions,
  • Wards, Marriages, Reliefs and fuch other :'

TheSherift"of II. Wherefore be it enacted by the King our Sovereign Lord, with the Affent of the Lords Spiritual and Northumber- _ Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of" the fame, S^te in the" That ft° m henceforth all and every fuch Perfon and Perfons as fhall be hereafter named to be Sheriff of the Exchequer for kid County of Northumberland, forthwith before he receive his Patent, and before he do exercife any Part fcis Accompt as of the faid Office, fhall put in fufficient Sureties by himfelf or by his fufficient Deputy or Deputies, unto other Sheriffs do. the King's Exchequer, there to enter in Recognizances in fuch Sum, and upon fuch Conditions, as to the Lord Treafurer and Barons of the faid Exchequer fhall feem convenient, in Manner and Form as all other Sheriffs of other Counties of this Realm do, upon Pain of every fuch Sheriff making Default, to forfeit to the King's Majefty an hundred Pound, to be levied of his Goods and Chattels, Lands and Tenements, wherefoever they may be found, to the King's Highnefs Ufe v : (z) And that the faid Barons from Time to Time, fhall caufe fuch Procefs io be made for the King for the levying of the faid hundred Pound fo to be forfeited, to be directed to fuch Perfon and Perfons, and in fuch Nature and Sort, as to them fhall feem beft for the King for the levying thereof; any Thing in this Act, or any other Law, Statute, Ufe, Pro- vifion or Cuftom to the contrary notwithftanding. How far the III. Provided always, and be it enacted by the faid Authority, That any fuch Sheriff being fo bounden sheriff of Nor- as is abovefaid, fhall not be accountable but for his own Time and for the Year of his Sheriffwick only.- thumberland neither fhall be charged in or upon his Account, by any Procefs, with any Arrearages or Duties due to thei ftail be cnarged. King > s Majefty by any of his Predeceffors in the faid Office of Sheriff j any Thing in this Aft, or any Law : i Ufage or Prerogative to the contrary notwithftanding. CAP. XXXV. A Confirmation of a Subfidy of fix Shillings in the Pound, granted by the Clergy to the King, to be taker in three Years. EXP. CAP. XXXVI. An Act for the Reliefe granted to the King's Majefty, by the Lords and Commons, out of Sheep, Cloths : Goods, Debts, &c. to be paid in three Years. Altered by 3 & 4 Ed. 6. c. 23. and now expired. CAP