Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/465

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A. D. 154-3. Anno fccundo & tcrtio Edwardi VI. C. 37. 4.27 CAP. xxxvn. An A<5t again!! the carrying of Bell- out of the Realm. c , TT 1 HERE in the Parliament holdcn ntnfln in the t! I thirtieth Year of our late Sove- tfo Perfon doll , W reign Lord of famous Mem< ■ . , I- '. ■ I . : d, That n , inns fhould .tarry oi convey by VVatci or uthccwife, any i ler, Latton, I , Pan-metal £ e, 1 °" t 1 * , or Gun-metal or Shroff-metal, whether it be clean or mixed, Tin and Lead only e: ted, i Pari JJhi beyond the Sea, or into any outward Realm or Dominion whatfoever u be, u| m P eiture of jj, the Value thereof : (2) And where alfo by the faid Si likewile enaftcd, Thai noP f- i , , fon or Pcrfons (hould at any Time fhip or cany any of the laid Metals, to carry or difcharge the lame in '"> Ai ' t any Part of this Realm, unlets Inch Perfon or Pcrfons, before the Shipping thereof, did declare and ma- u r°" ** R "' 1 '" nireft unto the Cuftomcrs of fuch Port or Creek where the fame Metal fhould be fhipped, the true Weight ' of all fuch Metal as {hould be fhipped ; (t,) and fhould alfo make a fufficicnt Obligation in the Law, in the which he fhould be bounden to the faid Cuftomer, to the King's Ufe, in fuch Sum as fhould amount ' to the double Value of the faid Metal fo declared and manifested, with Condition that the fame fhould

  • be difcharged at fome Port or Creek within this Realm, and in no other Place, upon Pain to forfeit the

' fame, in Manner and Form above rehcarfed, as by the faid A£t, amongft other Things more plainly ap-

  • peareth.

' II. Forafmuch as the Pains and Forfeitures in the faid Eftatute are not great enough, and forafmuch alfo The Penalty for as divers covetous and greedy Pcrfons having no Rcfpedt or Obedience to the Laws, have craftily and by carrying or i"or fhip- : -- of Eaftcr next coming, no Perfon or Perfons fhall carry or convey, or fhip to the Intent to carry or convey repealer by 5 * any Brafs, Copper, Latton, Bell-metal, Pan-metal, Gun-metal or Shroff-metal, whether it be clear or 6W.&M.c.ij(, mixed, (Tin and Lead only excepted) into any Part beyond the Sea, or into any outward Realm or Do- minion whatfoever it be, (3) upon Pain to forfeit the double Value thereof and ten Pound for every thou- fand Weight of the fame Metal fo carried and conveyed, or fhipped to the Intent to be carried or conveyed; the Trial whereof fhall be in like Manner and Form as in the faid former Act is exprefTed. ■ III. And be it further enacted, That no Perfon or Perfons after the faid Feaft fhall fhip or carry any of What he mud the faid Metals prohibited by this Statute, to carry or difcharge the fame in any Part of this Realm, unlefs d " ,lm fh'ppcth fuch Perfon or Perfons before the Shipping thereof do declare and manifeft to the Cuftomer of fuch Port p^Vof'thts" or Creek where the fame Metal fhall be fhipped, the true Weight of all fuch Metals as fhall be fhipped, R ca i m to cany and fhall alfo before the Shipping thereof make a fufficient Obligation in the Law, in which he fhall be to another. bounden to the faid Cuftomer to the King's Ufe, in fuch Sum as fhall amount to the double Value and x. 1. for every M. Weight fo declared and manifefted, with Condition as in the faid Statute is appointed and ena'dled, and (hall make Certificate of the Difcharge thereof, in like Manner as in the faid Statute is fur- ther ordained and enacted. IV. And be it further enacted, That if any Cuftomer, Comptroller or his or their Deputy or Deputies, The Penalty of by Covin or by any other undue Mean, will fuffer any Perfon, after that the Metal is fhipped or carried * Cuftomer of- contrary to the Meaning of this Act, to make Obligation or Obligations without Dates, for the Difcharge lendu, S» and Certificate of their Metal as is aforcfaid, that then fuch Cuftomer fo fuftering or receiving fuch Obli- gation or Obligations, fhall lofe his Office and the Value of the Metal fo fhipped or carried. V. And be it. further enacted, That if any Matter, Owner, Purfer or Boatfwain of any Ship, do wil- The Penalty cf lingly permit or fuffer any of the Metals abovefaid to be fhipped contrary to the Tenor of this Act, or elfe theMafler oi a perceiving any fuch Metals to be fhipped, do net difclofe the fame within three Days after Knowledge had, '. F , "'T. c "" to the Cuftomer or Comptroller of the fame Port or his or their Deputy or Deputies where the fame i? fhip- ped, that then every fuch Owner, Mafter, Purfer or Boatfwain fo willingly permitting the fame A'letal to be fhipped, or concealing the fame when he perceiveth it to be fhipped, fhall forfeit the double Value of the fame Metal fo fhipped or carried : (2) And if any Cuftomer or Searcher do willingly fuffer any of the 1 '.:- tals aforcfaid to be fhipped contrary to the Meaning of this Act, or elfe having Knowledge that it is fe- cretly fhipped or carried, do not feife the fame to the King's Ufe ; then every Cuftomer or Searcher fo of- fending fhall lofe his Office and the Value of the Metal fo fhipped or carried. VI. And be it further enacted, That no Perfon or Perfons fhall after the faid Feaft lade, fhip or carry v. into any Part beyond the Sea any of the Metals aforefaid, but only out of fuch Port or Creek where the be !- ll <--n but Cuftomer or his Deputy is refident and dwelling, upon Pain of Forfeiture of the faid Metal and ten Pound p, ! '~' r ; ;l, ' :rcis a for every thoufand Weight fo fhipped, or carried ; (2) the Moiety of all which Forfeitures fhall be to our Sovereign Lord the Kino;, and the other Moiety to him or them that will fue for the fame by Eill, Plaint, Information, Action of Debt or otherwife, in any of the King's Courts, in which no Effoin, Protection or Wager of Law fhall be admitted or allowed. VII. And be it further enacted, That the faid Eftatute made in the faid three and thirtieth Year of the ACpafim Reign of the faid late King Henry the Eighth, and every Article and Proviiion, being notiltered by thist of 'j*? Statute of Eftatute, fhall be good and effectual. 21 H. 8. c. 10. sLj2i ft!f. S, •a.'hicl) ttvvldis tbatBrhiJh Coffer Bty ic exported I)uty- "..-. I i i 2 CAP..