Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/474

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436 C 19, 20. Anno tertio & quarto Edwards VL A. D. 1549. CAP. XIX. An Aft for buying and felling of Rother Beafts and Cattle. No Cattle fhall t . be bought but in T5 E it enacted by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, That no Perfon or Perfons at any Time from open Fair or jQ and after the Feaft of the Annunciation of our Lady next corning, fhall buy or commune and corf- M p rke i!'„ but hy c ' uae to buy any manner of Oxen, Steers, Ronts, Kine, Heifers or Calves, but only in the open Fair for Provin'on of or Market where the fame fhall happen to be brought and put to Sale; (2) and (hall not fell the fame Hou/hold, &c. again alive at and in the. Market or Fair where he bought the fame, during the Time of the faid Fair or Mar- Cro. El. 3C9. ket ; (3) upon Pain of Forfeiture of the double Value of fuch Cattle bought or fold contrary to the Tenur Latch 192. of this prefent Act. Tor what Pur- II. Provided alway, and be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That it fhall be lawful for all h° f h S< ih ttle ma -f anc ^ e very Perfon and Perfons to buy any Oxen, Steers, Ronts, Kine, Heifers and Calves, or any of them, a Fairor Mar-° out °^ anv °P en Fair or Market, for his or their Provifion for their Houfhold, Teem or Dairy, at his or ket. Exp. their Will or Pleafure, to be employed and fpent only in Keeping and Maintenance of his or their Houfe, Cim'wued by z or for their Teem or Dairy, and not otherwife. Jac. i.e. 25. HI. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That no Perfon being a Butcher, and uling ^B 3 ' h (b 'l *^ e Craft or Myftery of Butchery, fhall at any Time after the faid Fcaft buy any fat Oxen, Steers, Ronts, not buy Cattle* Kine, Heifers, Calves or Sheep, and fell or caufe to be fold the fame again alive, upon Pain of Forfeiture and fell them of every fuch Ox, Steer, Ront, Cow, Heifer, Calfe or Sheep bargained or fold contrary to the Form of alive. this prefent Act. IV. Provided alway, That all and every Perfon and Pefons being a Butcher, and ufing the Art and My-, ftery of Butchery, fhall and may at his and their Will and Pleafure buy any fat Oxen, Steers, Ronts, Kine, Heifers, Calves and Sheep, or any of them, out of any open Fair or Market : So that fuch Butcher fell not, nor caufe to be fold, the fame again alive, as is aforefaid ; any Thing contained in this Act to the contrary notwithstanding : (2) The one Moiety of all which Forfeitures fhall be to our Sovereign . Lord the King, his Heirs and Succeffors, and the other Moiety to him or them that will fue for the fame in any of the King's Courts of Record, wherein no Wager of Law, Effoin or Protection fhall be allowed for the Defendant or Defendants. (3) This Ail to endure to the End of the next Parliament. [Farther- For farther Pro- cont inued in Part by 3 Car. 1. c. 4. and farther continued by 16 Car. 1. c. 4. and altered by 1; Car. z. niijjons eoncermnv Q S j j t j t j j Cattle, jet 2 £f 3 C - '• J P.&M.e.i. Tjac.x.c.Z. J8 Car. as. c. 2. 20 Car. 2. e. 7. zzCar. z. c. 13. 32 Car.*, c. 2. ^W.& M.e.%. 5 W. £f M. e. 2. 31 Geo. z. c. 40* er.d 33 Geo, 2. e. ii, CAP. XX. An Act touching the Repeal of a certain Branch of an Act paffed in the laft Seffion of this - Parliament concerning Victuallers and Artificers. s&sBd. 6, c TT J HERE by a certain Act in the Parliament holden at Wejlmlnjler by Prorogation the fourth Day a x 5* * V t _ of November in the fecond Year of the Reign of our moft dread Sovereign Lord the King that now c is, it is enacted and eftablifhed, That no Perfon or Perfons fhould at any Time after the firft Day of April ' then next enfuing, interrupt, deny, let or difturb any Free Mafon, Rough Mafon, Carpenter, Brick- 1 layer, Plaifterer, joiner, Hard-hewer, Sawyer, Tiler, Pavier, Glafier, Limeburner, Brick-maker, Tile-

  • " maker, Plumber or Labourer, born ia this Realm, or made Denizen, to work in any of the faid Crafts
  • in any City, Borough or Town Corporate, with any Perfon or Perfons that will retain him or them,

4 albeit the faid Perfon and Perfons fo retained, or any of them, do not inhabit or dwell in the City, ' Borough or Town Corporate where he or they fhall work, nor be Free of the fame City, Borough or Town ; any Statute, Law, Ordinance or other Thing whatfoever, before had or made to the con-

  • trary in any wife notwithstanding : (2) And that upon Pain of Forfeiture of v. Ii. for every Interruption or

' Difturbance^done contrary to the faidTftatute ; the one Moiety of every fuch Forfeiture to be to the

  • King, and the other Moiety thereof to be to him or them that will fue for the fame in any of the

' King's Courts of Record, by Bill, Plaint, Action of Debt or Information, wherein no Wager of Law,

Effoin nor Protection fhould be allowed, as by the faid Act of Parliament amongft other Things more 
  • plainly appeareth :

' JI- And forafmuch as in the City of London, being the King's Chamber, and moft ancient City of " this Realm, the Artificers and Craftfmen of the Arts, Crafts and Myfteries aforefaid, are at great Cods ' and charges, as well in bearing and paying of Taxes, Tallages, Subfidies, Scot, Lot and other e Charges, as well to the King's Majefty, as to the faid City, and at many and fundry Triumphs, 4 and other Times for the King's Honour, and; that if Foreigners fhould come and work among them, ' within the Liberties of the faid City, contrary to their ancient Privileges, that the fame fhould be a great Decay of Cunning, and an Impoverifhment and driving away of the Free-men, being Artificers of ' the Crafts, Arts and Myfteries aforefaid, within the faid City of London, to the great Hurt or Deftruction < of the faid City:' Semuc]i of the I*J- For Reformation whereof the- King's Majefty is pleafed and contented that it be enacted by the Stat, of »& 3 Authority of this prefent Parliament, with the Afi'ent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and of the Ed. o.c. 15. §.4. Commons, in this prefent Parliament afi'embled, That the faid Act, only touching the Article and Claufe ceracdLthe De"* aforefaid » and all and every Sentence and Branch contained in the faid Aft concerning the fame Article, . Ihall