Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/475

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A. D. 1549* Anno tertio & quarto Edwardi VI. C, 21 — 24. flvdl from hem eforth lie rcfumed, repealed, adnulled, revoked, adnihilated and utterly made void forever ; ' BMrThing contained in the faid former Act: touching the Claufe or- Article aforcfaid in any wife to th< &nry notwithitanding. C A P. XXf. An Aft for the buying and felling of Butter and Chcefe. n. 1 1 • BE it enacted by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, That no Pcrfon or Pcrfons after the Fcaft bou f 1,t "> be of the Annunciation ol oui Lad next coming, (hall buy to fell again any Butter or Chcefe, unlcfs he {ul y fell the lame again by Retail in open Shop, Fair or Market, and not in Grofs ; (1) upon Pain r^JJ jnoLn rfeiture of the double Value of the lame Butter and Checfe fo fold contrary to the Tenor of this shop, F»ir or indent Act : The one Moieiy of all which Forfeiture to be to our Sovereign Lord the King, his Heirs Market, and SucccfTors, and the other Moiety to him or them that will fuc for the fame in any of the King's Llnc '9> 59- (Joints of Record, wherein no Wager of Law, Eflbin or Protection fhall be allowed for the Defendant or c ° n '""" J b » Defendants. fc'.V.**' II. Provided alway, That this Act or any Thing therein contained fhall not extend to any Innholdcr innhoiden »nd. or Victualler for fuch Butter or Chcefe as fliall be fpent or uttered by Retail in any of their Houfes ; Vifluallen. anV Thing contained in this Act to the contrary notwithftanding. (2) This Act to endure to the next „ 1, *!• 12 Car. 2> c. ** 'arhament. r III. Provided always, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, tbat the faid Word of Retail men- R c tailin-. tioncd in this Act fhall be expounded, declared and taken, only where a Waye of Chcefe or a Barrel of Lor.don.'t-c. Kutter, or of lei's Quantity and not above, fliall be fold at any one Time to any Pcrfon or Pcrfons in open provided foi by . Fair or Market, and that to be done without Fraud or Covin. [Farther continued by 3 Car. 1. c. 4. 2I -!"• '• c - **• until the Fnd of the firft Seflibn of the next Parliament, and farther continued by 16 Car. 1. c. 4.] ^'f' f „ . fwm rtUt'wg bcrtso, 13 £? 14 Car. 2. c. 26. 31 Car. 2. i./:v7. 9. 4 CT 5 J'/. & M, c. 7. ar.d i Gn. t. c. j.7. C A P. XXII. No Cloth -maker, Fuller, Shecrman, .Weaver, Taylor or Shoemaker, fhall retain in any of the faid Craftsa Labourer*. Journeyman to work by Fail-work, or by Great, for any Time under one Quarter of a Year ; and every Journeyman, being required, fliall ferve for a Quarter of a Year, Half a Year, or for a whole Year. Every Pcrfon of any of the faid Crafts which fhall have three Apprentices, fhall have one Jour- neyman. Servants in Huibandry and Bargemen fliall ferve by the whole Year, and not by Day-wages. REP. 5 Eliz. c. 4. CAP. XXIII. A Relief granted to the King out of Sheep and Clothes by the Statute 2^3 Ed. 6. c. 36. releafed, and Trees, the Relief for Goods continued. A Subfidy granted to the King of Twelve-pence in the Pound of Goods, and of every Alien two Shillings in the Pound. EXP. G A P. XXT7; An Act of the King's Majefty's mod free and general Pardon. P^rdc.-.. A Confirmation by Parliament of the King's Pardon of all Herefies, Treafons, Rebellions, Murders, Fe- lonies, Offences, Trefpafles, tiff, laving fuch which in the faid Pardon be excepted. EXP. Anno quinto & fexto Edwardi Sexti, , ACTS made in ths Seflion of this prefent Parliament, holden upon Prorogation at Wejtminjiet the Sk.!n. no.

  • thirtieth Day of January in the fifth Year of the Reign of our moft dread Sovereign Lord, Ed- • Other Editions

ward the Sixth, by the Grace of God, King of England, France and Ireland, Defender of the have the three ' Faith, and of the Church of England, and of Ireland, in Earth the Supreme Head ; and there continued ini twentieth. 1 and kept till the fifteenth of April in the iixth Year of the Reign of our faid Sovereign Lord, as 1 followeth.' _„ CAP. I. An Aft for the Uniformity of Service and Adminift ration of Sacraments- throughout the Realm. WHERE there hath been a very godly Order fet forth by the Authority of Parliament, for Com- Urmot-ml.-Y-r mon Prayer and. Adminiftration of the Sacraments to be ufed in the Mother Tongue within the ^^^ Ai f Church of England, agreeable to the Word of God and the Primitive Church, very comfortable to all Sacraments fl»U. ' good People defiring to live in Chriftian Converfation, and moft profitable to the Eftate of this Realm, be uftj in th* upon the which the Mercy, Favour and Bleffing of Almighty God is in no wife fo readily and plenteoufly Church, 5 poured as by Common Prayers, due ufmg of the Sacraments, and often preaching of the Goipel, with ' the?.