Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/481

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A. D. 1552. Anno quinto & fcxto Edward 1 VL C. 6. otherwife ibove a Nail of a Yard in Breadth j and being fo fully wrought - every . iij. li. at the leaf!. -III. And be it further enacled, That all and every Perfon anil Perfons whi> h after ^. St. Michael the Archangel next ing, (hall m ke or i mad I •> Clothes above rehearfed, ol any Oiortei or longer M :afi Country or fcveral Kinds of Clothes to be made, 01 mal any fuch Cloth 01 Ireadthor*'" la, being well fcowred, thiclced, milled and fully dried, than (pecified and appointed fur every fcveral Country or Kinds of Clothes, and (hall pul the fam ! I i Sale, fliall forfeit and lofc for ei I'm -ii Default of every Cloth fold or offered to be fold, in Len I i f h xl. s. (z) and for every Pound Weight which any Cloth fo made and fold, or offered to be fold, (hall lackj exceeding nor above Pound in Weight, (hall alfo forfeil ij.s. for every Pound, the fame Forfeiture to go to the Finder thereof: (0 And that if any fuch Cloth lark, above four Pound Weight of the fcvcral Weights above mentioned. svery Owner thereof fli all then forfeit xl.s. for every Inch Cloth fo lacking Weight as isafon XXIV. Provided always, That if anv Broad-cloth (hall exceed the fevcral Length before appointed for CI • . , Country or Kind of Making, by Means of the Finencfs, or the good, perfect and (tufty Making of* 1 ' the lame Cloth, that then the Maker thereof fliall not incur any Lofs or Penalty for the over Length of l, ) i; ' cC uch line Cloth ; any Thing herein to the contrary in any wife notwithstanding. XXV. And he it further enacted, That all and every Perfon and Perfons, which after the faid Feaft (hall Forfeiture-, for make or caufe to be made any of the fcveral Kinds of Kerfcys, Narrow Clothes, Streights, Dozens, Frizes N«"°« I'lothes, or Cottons above mentioned, which fhall not be made in fuch Manner and Form as is abovefaid, nor con- ' Do2CD5 - tain and have in Length, Breadth and Weight, feverally appointed and limited as is above fpecified, fhall iinl forfeit for every Piece of Cloth called Streight or Dozen, and for every Piece of Narrow Cloth, Kerfey, Frize or Cotton, foto be made and fold or offered to be fold, xx. s. NoFlocki Hair XX VI. And be it further enacted, That from and after the faid Feaft no Perfon or Perfons fliall put any or Yarn of Hair, Flocks, or any Yarn made of Lambs Wool, into any Cloth, Kerfey, Frizc or Cotton, fo made and Lambi '■'.' ; fold or offered to be fold, upon Pain to forfeit every fuch Cloth, Kerfey, Frize and Cotton, wherein any H»»l«fc« P"i i:i fuch Yarn, Hair or Flocks fhall be put, or the Value of fuch Cloth, Kerfcys or Frize. .": p XX VII. And be it further enacted, That if at any Time after the faid Feaft and Cloth through the De- |J* E | '" ^' fault or Negligence of the Carders, Spinners or Weavers, or any of them, fhall or do prove either purfie, $. •,. twndy, fqually by Warp or Woof, or elfc fliall happen to be evil burled or wafled in the Mill, or elfe 41 E '- c. : XXVIII. And be it further enacted, That if any Clothier or Cloth-maker do after the faid Feaft put Fee (hall b any Cloth or Kcrfie to Sale, before he (hall have paid to the Aulneger or his Deputy the accuftomable before the Cloih Fee, or agree for the fame, as he, (he or they have been accuftomed, fliall lofe and forfeit for every De- •"'"old. fault, xx. s. % f < 1 lfj Z i" r ' XXIX. And be it further enacted, That no Perfon or Perfons, Etiglijh, Denizen, Alien or Stranger, DMytTha'av!*' fhall after the faid Feaft carry ortranfport or caufe to be carried or tranfported into any of the Parts beyond No Cloth &a)f'" the Sea, any Cloth, Kerfie, Frize or Cotton, of the feveral Sorts above recited, unlefs the King's Stal or be nanfported Aulneger's Seal of this Realm, and the Seal of the Owner or Maker of the Cloth, (declaring therein the *>etcrc the Aul- Lcngth of the Cloth as it fhall be in the Water) be fet upon every fuch Cloth, upon Pain to forfeit every q 1 "' • al l d . fuch Cloth lacking the fame Seals or any of them, or the Value thereof. be fet to it. XXX. And be it further ena£ted by the Authority aforefaid, That no Draper, Merchant-Taylor, Cloth- Every Retailer worker or other Perfon, which fliall retail any of the Clothes or Kerfies, Frizes, Rugs or Cottons of the (hall try hit fevcral Makings aforefaid, fhall after the faid Feaft put to Sale any of the Clothes afore mentioned, where- 9' 0,1) ' =nd P^ e * unto the Aulneger fliall have fet to the King's Seal and the Owner his Seal, till fuch Time as he or they .} 'J**' whicb have made Trial, as well by the Water as by the Weight and Meafure, whether they and every of them fliall be made according to the Purport and true Meaning of this Act or no. XXXI. And if any Perfon or Perfons fhall find any defective or faulty Cloth in Length, Weight or Meafure, made contrary to the Order aforefaid, That then he or they (hall prcfent every fuch Cloth to every Mayor, Bai- liff" or other head Officer or head Officers of every City, Borough or Town Corporate, or to two Juftices of Peace next adjoining out of a City, Borough or Town Corporate, where fuch Cloth (hall be found faulty as is aforefaid, to the Intent the fame Cloth may be cut into three equal Parts and Pieces ; (2) the one Piece thereof to be forfeited to our Sovereign Lord the King, another Piece to be to the Prefenter thereof, and the third Part Refidue to fuch Perfon or Perfons as it then fhall be prefented to; (3) upon Pain that every fuch Perfon as fliall not fo fearch every of the Clothes, Kerfies, Cottons or Frizes aforefaid, io by him to be bought and fold, and fliall not feife and prefent fuch Cloth or Clothes as he or they fliall find defective as is Sforefaid, fhall forfeit and lofe the double Value of every fuch Cloth. XXXII. And be it further enacted, That every Clothier or other Perfon vvhatfoevcr, which fo fhall fell TheClotbier any fuch faulty Kerfie, Cotton or Frize, whereunto the Aulneger and the Owner fliall have fet to their Seals, ft"'! '«w his and fliall be fo feized as is aforefaid, fliall within fourteen Days next after Requeft made by Writing, Mef- Money tod* fage or citherwife, by fuch Perfon which fhall fobuy fuch Cloth, make Payment of fuch Sums of Money as J j. he received for the fame, or fhall otherwife fatisfy, difcharge and acquit him for fo much Money as he fhall or fliould have received for the fame; (2) upon Pain of Forfeiture to the Party grieved for every Non-pay- ment or not Acquittal, as is aforefaid, rhe double Value of the Money fo received, or to be received, the fame to be recovered by Bill, Plaint, Action of Debt, or otherwife, in any of the King's Majeftits Courts of Record, wherein no Ellbin, Protection, or Wager of Lav,- fliall be admitted or allowed. , L 1 1 2 XXXIII.