Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/489

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A. D. 1552. Anno quinto &: E i) v.- a p. d : ". 7. C. 13, 14. 4 5 r

  • unlearned ambitio .! of

• tin- v. 'mil- State ci ( rod's mi ' I!, Then fore it is cn.u ted by the King o oral, and the Common: , in thi pi I, and of ( Ji.ttTi' nt, That the Matrimony of all and every I' nd Spiritual r tofore had, celebrated and made, and the Matrimony ol every Priefl Bnd ■■ Spiritual Pcrfon, which (hall hereafter duly be had, i ebi lor true, jiift and lawful Matrimony, to all Intern , Conitn Ind every Childn n and Child born in any fuch Matrimony, (hall be deemed, judged, reputed and taken to all Intent'., Conftrudtions and Purpofc , r<> in: born in lawful Ma rimony, and inhe- ritable to Land.., Tenement and other Hercditameni , from and i>/ any of their Fathers, Mother-, and other Anccftors, in like Manner and Form, to all Intents, Conftrudtions and Purpol thcr Chil- dren born in lawful Matrimony betwixt any of the King s Lay-Subjects be inheritable : (}) And thai by >"■ the Authority aforcfaid, a. well all and ever) Prieft and other E lefiaftical and Spiritual Pcrfon and Perl be and (hall be enabled to be Tenants by the Curtefy, after the Death of their Wives, of fuch Land., 1 . nts ;iiid other Hereditaments as their Wives fhall happen to be fcifed of, of Eftate in Fee-fimplc or dowablc m Fee-tail gent ral, during the Spoufals ; (4) as alfo every Wife of every fuch Prieft and other Kc • I Clefiaftical Pcrfon, fhall be enabled to claim, demand, have and cnj. >y Dower of the Lands, Tenements and other Hereditaments, whereof her Hufband during the Efboufals between them was feifed, of Eftate in Fee-fimplc or Fee-tail general in his own Right, in like Manner and Form, to all Intents, Conductions an 1 Purpofcs, as any other Hufband or Wife may or might claim, demand, have or enjoy ; any Law, Sta- tute, Ordinance, Canon, Conftituiion, Prefcription or Cullom had, male, exercifed or ufed in this Realm, ontrary in any wife notwithstanding. ■• III. Provided alway, That this Act, nor any Thing therein contained, fliall extend to give Liberty to*"""** 1 any Pcrfon to marry without Afking in the Church, or without the Ceremonies according to the Book of cl,urcll > Common Prayer and Adminiftration of the Sacraments, (2) nor fliall make any fuch Matrimony already made, or hereafter to be made, good, which are prohibited by the Law of God for any other Caufc. IV. Provided alfo, That this Act, nor any Thing therein contained, fliall extend to alter, change, re-. Divorce yoke, repeal or othcrwilc to dilannwl any Decree, Judgment or Sentence of Divorce heretofore had or made, n hange or alter the Poffciiion or Inheritance of any Lands or Tenements already defcended ; but that they and every of them fliall remain, continue and be of fuch like Force, Effect, Strength and Degree, to all Intents, Conftrudtions and Purpofes, as they were before the making of this Act ; this Act or any Thing therein contained to the contrary in any wife notwithftanding. [REP. 1 M. Self. 2. c. 2. and made per- petual by 1 Ja. 1. c. 25. §. 50.] CAP. XIII. An Act for the Declaration of an Act made in the xxxj. Year of King Ha:ry the Eighth, touching Reli- O B S.^ glous Perfons. Every religious Pcrfon fliall be inheritable to his Anccftor only from the Time of his jj, 1 . H " *• c ' 6 * Dcraignmcnt. No religious Pcrfon fhall inherit by Force of any former Right grown before his Dc- n raignment. caI xiv. An Act agatnft Regrators, Foreftallers and Ingroflers. nave not dccii neretorore luincicntiv maae ana proviueu, ana alto tor tnat it narn not ueen peirccuy Known ' what Pcrfon fhould be taken for a Foreftaller, Regrator or Ingroffer, the ("aid Statutes have not taken good - - ' Efledt, according to the A'linds of the Makers thereof:' (z) Therefore be it enacted and declared by the 2 ". c ^' Su . King our Sovereign Lord, with the Affent of the Lords F~ : pretent Parliament aflemblcd, and bv the Authority of . after the firlt Day of May next coming fhall buy or caul uof :' (2) 'Therefore be it enacted and declared by the ' °^', Su . , ds Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this c< - ' y of the fame, That whatever Perfon or Perfons, that 2 R.z. Stat. 1. caufe to be bought, any Merchandife, Victual or any c - z - n-r tnwvrA nnu Mirlref or Fair to be fold in the fame. Repealed »sto tion by Word, Letter, Melfage or otherwife, to any Pcrfon or Perfons, for the inhancing of the Price or j jjg'* 31 ' dearer felling of any Thing or Things abovementioned, (5) or elfe diffwade, move or ftir any Pcrfon or . j nfl ' I . 6i Perfons coming to the Market or the Fair, to abftain or forbear to bring or convey any of the Things above 1- o. j ? .' rehearfed, to any Market, Fair, City, Port, Haven, Creek or Road to be fold, as is aforef.'.id, (6) fhall 1 R :: :i, 194, be deemed, taken, and adjudged a Foreftaller. 42 ' - ., II. Further be it enacted and declared by the Authority aforcfaid, That whatfoevcr Pcrfon or Perfons, * .. ' ■£' 4co ' that after the laid licit Day of May fhall by any Means regrate, obtain, or get into his or their Hands or Moot 595. Pofleflion, in any Fair or Market, any Corn, Wine, Fffh, Butter, Cheele, Candles, TalloWj Sheep, pi. 810. ibs, Calves, Swine, Pigs, Geci'e, Canons, Mens, Chickens, Pigeons, Conies, or other dead Victual Cro. Jjc 214. foever, that fhall be brought to any Fair or Market within this Realm or Waits to be fold, and do fell G ™- Car - 2 3'» the lame again in any Fair or Market holden or kept in the fame Place, or in any other Fcir or Market ^ uk , 9 . . Within tour Miles thereof, fnall be accepted, reputed and taken for a Regrator or Regrators. Combat. 3. M m m 2 III. And iltaw.P.C.ziy