Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/490

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45 2 C. 14. Anno quinto & fexto Edwardi VI. A. D. 1552. Tx;il.iinec» by zz ].IF. And be it alfo enabled and declared by the Authority aforefaid, That wbatfoever Perfon or Perfons, jaol.c«2.§-6 that after the faid firft Day of May fhall ingrofs or get into his or their Hands, by buying, contracting or J0.1SS557. p.omife-talcirtff, other than by Demife, Grant, or Leafe of Land or Tithe, any Corn growing in the Fields, sm ' 5 ' or any other Corn or Grain, Butter, Cheefe, Fifh, or other dead Victuals whatfoever, within the Realm of England, to the Intent to fell the fame again, fhall be accepted, reputed and taken an unlawful Ingroffer or Ingroffers. ThePumtfimeiu JV. And if any Perfon or Perfons fhall at any Time after the faid firft Day of May offend in any of the of the Offenders *J"h; j n g S before recited, and being thereof duly convicted and attainted by the Laws of this Realm, or after fi -ft Offence' ' ' the Form hereafter mentioned, fhall for his or their firft Offence have or fuffer Imprifonment for the Space of two Months without Bailor Mainprife, (2) and fhall alio lofe and forfeit the Value ef the Goods, Cattle and Victual fo by him or them bought or had. ThePunifiitrent V. And if any Perfon lawfully convicted or attainted of or for any the Offences abovefaid, be thereof for the ftcomi eftfoons lawfully convicted or attainted, that then every Perfon or Perfons fo offending fhall have and fuffer Offence. for his or their faid fecond Offence, Imprifonment by the Space of one half Year, without Bail or Main- prife s and mall lofe double the Value of all the Goods, Cattle and Victual fo by him bought or had, as is aforefaid. The Puni/nmcnt VI. And if any Perfon being lawfully twice convicted or attainted of or for any of the faid Offences, fhall for the third eftfoons offend the third Time, and be thereof lawfully convicted or attainted, that then every fuch Perfon or ence. f Q j t | )e ^j j ^^ offence fhall be fet on the Pillory in the City, Town or Place, where he fhall then dwell and inhabit, and lofe and forfeit all the Goods and Cattle that he or they have to their own Ufe, and alfo- be committed to Prifon, there to remain during the King's Majefty's Pleafure. To what retail- VII. Provided alway, and it is enacted and declared by the Authority aforefaid, That the Buying of any ing or other f uc h "Barley, Bigg or Oats, as any Perfon or Perfons (not foreftalling) fhall buy to convert into Malt or Ads thisStatute Oatmeal, in his or their own Houfe or Houfes, and fo fhall be converted indeed; (2) or the Buying of any 6odbo°t 144!" ' mcn Thing by any fuch Fifhmonger, Butcher or Poulterer, as concern his or their' own Faculty, Craft or pi. 1S0. ' Myftery, (otherwife than by foreftalling) which fhall fell the fame again upon reafonable Prices by Re- 1 Roll 135. tail; (3) or the Taking of any Cattle, Corn, Grain, Butter, Cheefe, or any other Thing above men- tioned, referved without Fraud or Covin upon any Leafe for Term of Live or Lives, Year or Years, here- tofore made or hereafter to be made; (4) or the Buying of any Wine or other dead Victual above men- tioned, being apt and meet for Man's Suftenance, by any Innholder or other Victualler, to fell the fame by Retail within his Houfe, or to any of his Neighbours for their Suftenance, for reafonable Prices; (cj or the Buying of any dried or falted Fifh, Herring or Sprats (not foreftalled) and fold for reafonable Prices; (6) or the Buying of any Corn, Fifh, Butter or Cheefe, by any fuch Badger, Lader, Kidder or Carrier, as fhall be affigned and allowed to that Office or Doing, by three Juftices of the Peace of the County where Badger, & c . to the faid Badger, Lader, Kidder or Carrier fhall dwell, which fhall fell or deliver in open Fair or Market, be allowed by (7) r to any other Victualler, or to any other Perfon or Perfons for the Provifion of his or their Houfe or SHT*n art &" b ^loufes, a 'l *' ucn Corn, Grain, Butter and Cheefe, as any fuch Perfon fhall buy or caufe to be bought, and eVa^c; 12. y tnat within one Month next after he fhall fo buy any fuch Corn, Grain, Butter or Cheefe, fo that the ^.4.. ' ' fame fhall be bought without foreftalling; (8) or elfe that any common Provifion made, or hereafter to be made, without any Fraud or Covin, by any Perfon or Perfons, of any of the Things abovefaid, for any City, Borough or Town Corporate, or for Provifion of victualling of any Ship, Caitle or Fort within the King's Dominions, without foreftalling, which fhall b"e imployed only to that Ufe and Purpofe; (9) or the Buying and Providing of any of the Victuals above mentioned, neceffary and requifite for the Furni- ture and Provifion of the Inhabitants of Calice, Guifnes, and other the Marches of the fame, or of the Town of Berwick, Holy IJland, or the Marches of England againft Scotland, which without Fraud or Covin fhall be tranfported and conveyed as foon as Wind and Weather may ferve, to fuch of the Places aforefaid-for the which the fame fhall be fo provided; (10) fhall not be in any wife deemed, adjudged or taken any Of- fence contrary to this Act. Changing of VIII. And it is alfo further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Perfon or Perfons after the Seed Corn. faid m -ft £) a y of May next coming, having fufficient Corn and Grain for the Provifion of his or their own 0, Brow , n - * ^ ou f e or Houfes, and fowing of their Grounds for one Year, do buy any Corn in any Fair or Market, for '" J? 5 ' the Change of his or their Seed, and do not bring to the fame Fair or Market the fame Day fo much Corn as he fhall fortune to buy for his Seed, and fell the fame, if he can, as the Price of Corn then goeth in the faid Market or Fair, That then every fuch Perfons or Perfons fo buying Corn for Seed, fhall forfeit and lofe the double Value of the Corn fo bought. -No Perfon may IX. Or if any Perfon or Perfons after the faid firft Day of May fhall buy any Manner of Oxen, Ronts, ldi his Cattle Steers, Kine, Heifers, Calves, Sheep, Lambs, Goats or Kids living, and fell the fame again alive, unlefs Weeks after he ne or the y ^° ^ ee P an( * ^ ee ^ the ^" ame by the Space of five Weeks in his or their own Houfes, Ground, bought them. Ferm-Ground, or elfe in fuch Ground or Grounds where he or they have the Herbage or Common of Paf- Carthew 465. ture by Grant or Prefcription, That then every Perfon or Perfons fo buying and felling again, fhall lofe the 1 Salk. 37a. double Value of the Cattle or Things fo bought and fold again : (2) The one Moiety of all which For- feitures afore rehearfed fhall be to the King, and the other Moiety to him or them that will fue for the fame in any of the King's Courts of Record, by Bill, Plaint, Action of Debt, or Information; in the which Bill, Plaint, Action or Information, no Wager of Law, Eifoin or Protection fhall be admitted. The Juftices of X. Be it alfo further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Juftices of the Peace in every County Peace may m- w ithin this Realm or Wales, at their Quarter-Seffions, fhall have full Power and Authority by Virtue of determinVtne" tn ' s ^^ t0 enc l u ' re 5 near all d determine all and every the Defaults and Offences perpetrated, committed or Offences afore- done, contrary to this Act, within the County where any fuch Seffions fhall be kept, by Inquifition, Pre- f»id. fentment, Bill, or Information before them exhibited, and by Examination of two lawful Witneffes, or by' any of the fame Ways or Means, by the Difcretioii of the faid Juftices, (2) and to make Procefs there- upon,