Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/491

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A. D. 1552. Anno quinto 8c fexto Edwardi VI. C. 15. 453 upon, as though thoy were indicted before them by Inquifuion, or by Verdict of xii. Men or more ; 1 3) ind upon the Conviction of the Offender by Information or Suit of any other than the King, ' if the one Moiety of the Fori riturcs to be levied to the King's Ule, as they ulc to d" and Amerciaments grown in the Seffians of Peaee a (*) aacT to award Execution of i ■ Complainant or I unft the Off nder, by Fieri fi ai or Capias, rs the Ki ■njhr may do and ufc to (io : ($) And if any fuch Con the King's Suit only, that then the whole forfeitures to be extracted and levied iu the Kil ,;' Ul; XI. And it is further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That whatfoever Perfon fh^l! at any Time here- Bui ocwPuUt. hed by Vertuc ol this Art lor any Thing mentioned in this Aft, that then the farm: Perfon 1 1 wife be vexed, troubled, fued or put to any Pain or Punifhmcnt for that Tiling .. they ihall have been Io punifhci XII. Provided always, and it is enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That it flu'l be lawful to every Per- Tunfportmj 11s which ihall be afligned and allowed by three Juftices of the Peace of the County where he < Jl thereunto, to buy (otherwife than by forcftalling) Corn, Grain or Cattle, to be tranfported or one Pq " t0 »"»■ 1 by Water from r.ny Port or Place within this Realm or fVales, unto any other Port or Place within ', id Realm or Dominions, if he or they Ihall without Fraud or Covin (hip or embark within three- . next after he or they (hall have bought the fame, or taken Covenant or Promifc for the buy- •Other I . . of, and with fuch Expedition and Diligence as Wind and Weather will ferve, to carry and tranf- ) '-" c ' ,fo "r the fame to fuch Port or Place as bis or their Cockets (hall declare, and there do difbark, unlade and " fame, and do bring a true Ccrtificati from one Juftice of Peace of the County, or Mayor or of the Town Corporate, where the, fame fhall be unladen, and alio of the Customer of the Port where fu< h Unlading (hall be, of the Place and Day where the faid Corn or Cattle dial I be difbarked, un- uid fold, to be directed unto the Cuftomer and Comptroller of the Port where the fame were em- barked j any Thing mentioned in this Act to the contrary notwithstanding. X1U. And over that, that at all Times hereafter, when Wheat fhall be commonly at the Price of yj. s. EvervMui in T the Quarter or under, (?) Malt and Barley at iijs. iiij. d. the Quarter or under, (3) Oats or Oats enp" 1 Com be- malted, at the Price o( ij s. the Quarter or under, (4) reafe or Beans at the Price of iiij. s, the Quarter or J"? " ,hefo under, (?) and Rye or Mifteline at the Price of v. s. the Quarter or under ; (6) (all which Quarters (hall ,:cc be intended to be of London Meafure) (7) that then it /hall be lawful to every ! erfon and Ptfrfons (not fore- ftalling) to buy, engrofs and keep in his or their Granaries or Houfes, fuch Corn of the Kinds all;; faid. as without Fraud or Covin (hall be bought at or under the Prices afore exprefled ; any Thing in this Act to the contrary notwithstanding. XIV. Provided always, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That this Act, or any Thing therein Within whit contained, extend not to charge any Perfon or Perfons for any the Offences above mentioned, unlefs he or Time the ot- they be fued for the fame within two Years next after fuch Offence done or committed. This Act to en- Und " n>uft k «  dure until the End of the next Parliament. fued# XV. Provided always, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That it fhall be lawful to all ami Rcgming of every of the King's Majefty's Subjects now dwelling or inhabiting, or. that hereafter (hall dwell or inhabit, ,: lJl P'" 1 - within one Mile of the main Sea, to buy all manner of Fifli, frcfti or faked (not foreftalling the fame) and 4 hl * J- loz ' to fell the fame again at reafomblc Prices ; this Act or any Thing therein contained to the contrary in any wife notwithstanding. XVI. Provided alio, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That it fhall be lawful to nil and every DnwewofCiN Perfon and Perfons, known for a common Drover or Drovers, being licenced, author i fed and allowed m' tle'licenced Writing by three Juftices of the Peace, whereof one to be of the Quorum, of the County or Counties where ' hc J ul ' ic « ni>y the fame Drover or Drovers fhall be moft abiding and dwelling, to buy Cattle in any fuch Shires or Counties , " , where Drovers have been wont in Times pail accuftomably to buy Cattle, at their free-Liberty and Plea- Drover* to 1* furc, and to fell the lame as is aforefaid, at reafonable Prices, in common Fairs and Markets diftant from JU,cj t> :hc the Place or Places where he or they fhall buy the fame forty Miles at the leaft, Io that the fame Cattle be Qsjutir-Sef- not bought by way of foreftalling ; this Act or any Thing therein contained to the contrary in any wi £1. notwithstanding. °" ll "'*' XVII. Provided always, That fuch Licence of Juftices of the Peace fhall not endure above one Year, unlefs the fame be yearly renewed by fo many Juftices as is aforefaid. [Made perpetual by 13 El. c. . e a p. xv. An Act againfl: Regrators and IngroiTers of Tanned Leather. ' "IT THERE by the Covetoufnefs of divers greedy Perfons, regrating and cngroffing all Kinds of Tan- b> wlmi r 1 VV ned Leather into their Hands, and felling the lame again at exceflive Prices to Sadlers, Girdlers, and 1 ' Cordwainers and fuch other Artificers and Handicraftfmen as make Wares of Fanned Leather, the King's j" ' loving Subjects are inforced to buy the faid Wares at unreasonable Prices ;' (2) For Remedy and Kefor- niation whereof, be it enacted by the King our Sovereign Led, with the Affent of the Lords Spiritual Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament aff< mbled, and by the Authority of the I 1 ■.-.,, ei. 530. from and after the firft Day of May next coming, no Perfon or Perfons, of what Eftate, Degree 01 ( •■ C*r. 588. 1 he or they be, fhall buy or engrofs, or caufe to be bought or engrofled, any Kind ot tanned Feather, to the Intent to fell the fame again, (3) upon Pain to forfeit the laid Leather (0 bought or the jult Price In P«t repealed thereof; the one Moiety of which Forfeiture (hall be to the King our Sovereign Lord, and the other Moiety s ^.' N1 Seff - i- to him or them that Ihall feife or Cue for the fame in any of the King's Courts 0! Record by Action of D j 3 Bill, * Kl ~ ,M '