Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/494

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459 C, l % — 20. Anna quinto & fexto Edwardi VI. A. D. 1552. C A P. XVIII. An Act for the Repealing of an Act made in the fourth Year of King Henry the Seventh, againtt the bringing in of Wine and Woad in Strangers Bottoms. 4 H. 7. c. 10. ' K7 HERE in the Parliament holden at Weftminfter the thirteenth Day of January in the fourth Year replied by * VV of the Reign of the famous Prince of worthy Memory, King Henry the Seventh after the Conqueft, 1 El. c. 13.^.2. ' Grandfather to our now moil gracious and natural Sovereign Liege Lord, it was amongft other Things G "vir es ' or dained, eftablifhed and enacted, That no manner of Perfon, of what Degree or Condition that he were, or Tholocfe ' ' fhould convey or bring into this Realm, Ireland, Wales, Calice, or the Marches thereof, or Berwick, Woad, may be ' from the Feaft of the Nativity of St. John Baptijl, that after that was in the Year of our Lord God one brought into ' thoufand four hundred and ninety, any manner Wines growing of the Duchy of Guyen or Gafcoin, or this Realm by i Woad called Tboloufe Woad, but fuch as' fhould be conveyed, adventured and brought in Ship or Ships, "mlUlf 1 ' whsre .° f the faid Iate King, or fome of his Subjects of this Realm of England, Ireland, Wales, Calice or liih, b ' Berwick, were Owners, Poffeffors and Proprietaries, and the Mafter under God, and the Mariners of the c fame Ship or Ships, Englijh, Irift, Weljh, or Men of Berwick, or Men of Calice, or of the Marches ' of the fame, for the more Party, upon Pain to forfeit the fame Wines or Woad fo brought contrary to ' the faid Act, as in the faid Act more at large it doth and may appear : The Reafons of ' II. The which Aft was fuppofed to be made for the Maintenance of the Navy of this Realm, and alfo making the Sta- ' to the Intent, and upon good Hope and Truft, to have had the fame Wines and Woad at more eafy tu o te of 4 ¥' 7- ' Prices than before they had been, the Experience whereof hath ever fithence (and now of late moft of contra"™ Events ' a 'U appeared to the contrary, for that the faid Wines and Woads be daily fold at fuch exceffive Prices, thereof. ' as hath not before been feen within this Realm, and the Navy of the Realm thereby never the better ' maintained :' An Alteration III. In Confideration whereof, be it enacted, ordained and eftablifhed by the King our Sovereign Lord, of the Stat, of with the Affent of the Lords and Commons in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of 4 H. 7. touching t ] le f ame , That from the firft Day of February next coming after the Seffion of this prefent Parliament, this Rellm of unt0 trie firft Day of OuJober then following, and fo yearly, and from Year to Year, beginning at and be- WineandWoad. tween the firft Day of February and the firft Day of Oclober, it fhall and may be lawful to all and every Altered by 5 El. Perfon or Perfons being of the Parts or Countries in Amity with our Sovereign Lord the King, to convey c. 5. §. 11. or bring into this Realm, Ireland, Wales, Calice, or the Marches of the fame, ox Berwick, any manner of Wines of the growing of the Duchy of Guyen or Gafcoin, or of any other Part of France, or Tholoiife Woad, or any of them, in whatfoever Ship or Ships, Crayer or Crayers, Boat or Boats, or by any other Mean, whatfoever be or fhall be thereof Owner, Poffeffor or Proprietary, being of the Parts or Countries in Amity of our faid Sovereign Lord, or whofoever be thereof Mafter, Mariner or Mariners in the fame, without any Forfeiture or Penalty thereof to be had; the faid Statute, or any Thing therein contained, to the contrary in any wife notwithftanding. CAP. XIX. An Ad touching the Exchange of Gold and Silver. The Penalty for ' TT THERE in the Parliament holden at Weftminfter the twenty-fifth Year of the Reign of King Ed- exchanging ot ' yy warc [ the Third, it was accorded, That it fhould be lawful for every Man to exchange Gold for G°Wand Sihrer. < Silver, or Silver for Gold, or for Gold and Silver, fo that no Man did * hold the fame as exchanged, nor c. 5 i 2 . 3 ' ' ta ke no Profit for making of fuch Exchange, upon Pain of Forfeiture of the Money fo exchanged, ex-

  • Hold a com- ' cept the King's Exchangers, which take Profit of fuch Exchange according to an Ordinance before

rnon Exchange. ' that Time made: (2) Which Statute notwithftanding, divers covetous Perfons of their own Autho- 3"'? , ' ,S ' ' rities have of late taken upon them to make Exchanges, as well of coined Gold as of coined Silver, 37 H. 8. c. 9. c receiving and paying therefore, more in Value than hath been declared by the King's Proclamation to be ' currant for within this his Realm and other his Dominions, to the great Hindrance of the Commonwealth ' of this Realm :' The Penalty for II. Be it therefore enacted by the King our Sovereign Lord, by the Affent of the Lords and Commons living or receiv- in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That if any Perfon or Perfons af- ing for Money t er t ne firft £) a y of April next coming exchange any coined Gold, coined Silver or Money, giving, re- more than it is c or paying any more in Value, Benefit, Profit or Advantage for it, than the fame is or fhall be de- C s" farther 11 c l atea by the King's Majefty's Proclamation to be currant for within this his Highnefs Realm and other hi: El. c%. which Dominions, that then all the faid coined Gold, Silver and Money fo exchanged, and every Part and Parce revives 37 H, 8. thereof, fhall be forfeit, and the Parties fo offending fhall fuffer Imprifonment by the Space of one whole '■ 9> Year, and make Fine at the King's Pleafure : (z) The one Moiety of the faid Gold, Silver or Coin fo for- feited, to be to the King our Sovereign Lord, and the other Moiety to be to the Party that feifeth the fame, or will fue for it by Bill, Plaint, Original Action of Debt, Information or otherwife, in any of th* King's Courts of Record ; in which Suit no Effoin, Protection or Wager of Law fhall lie, be allowed 01 admitted. C A -P. XX. Vfury. The Statute of 37, H. 8. c. 9. repealed. No Perfon by any Means fhall lender forbear any Sum of Monei for any manner of Ufury or Increafe to be received or hoped for above the Sum lent^ upon Pain to for- feit the Sum lent, and the Increafe,-Imprifonment and Fine at the King's Pleafure. [Repealed by 13 El C ' 8 - ] CAP