Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/495

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A. D. 155'! Anno quit, to 6c fextO Edwardi VI. C . 21—21. [■ 57] CAP. XXL inker, Pcdl ir or Petty Chapman, (hill wander about from the Town where he dwelleth, or cx-r the Trade of Tinker, but fuch as (hall be licenced by two Jufticea of Pesu s 01 more, under tl Hands and Seal., upon Pain of fourteen Daj , [mprifonment. [Repealed by 1 Jac. 1. c. :;.J C A P. XXII. An Act for the putting down Gig-Mills. 1 ITOrafmuch as true Drapery of Woollen Cloths is to be commended as well in Foreign Realms as i n N - ,, . , 1 J/ this Realm of England, and all Ways and Means ufed to the contrary arc to be efchewi 1 nd tal n 4 away: (t) And forafmuch as in many Parts of this Realm is newly and lately deviled, erected, bui! led '•' n >nhr ' and ufed certain Mills called Gig-Mills, for the perching and burling of Cloth, by reafon whereof the ^^"JIJ^' • true Drapery of this Realm is wonderfully impaired, and the Cloth thereof deceitfully made by reafon <>f t ' the ufing of the faid Gig-Mills :' (3) For Remedy whereof be it enacted by the King our Sovereign Lord, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament adembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That no manner of Perfon or Perfons, after the Lift Day of May next com- The Penalty for ing, fhall ufc or occupy any of the faid Gig-Mills for the working of any Woollen Cloth or Clothes made uf">g of a G; E - or to be made within this Realm; (.j.) upon Pain of Forfeiture lor every Cloth fo wrought in or by any "^'"JJ of the faid Mills called Gig-Mills, v. li. The Moiety of all and every fuch Forfeiture and Forfeitures, Pe- ci olr J U nalty and Penalties, to be to the Ufe of our Sovereign Lord the King and his Heirs, and the other Moiety to the Ufe of him that fhall fue for the fame in any of the King's Courts, be it by Writ, Bill, Plaint or Information, wherein the Defendant fhall not be admitted to wage his Law, nor any Protection, Fllbin or Injunction fhall be to him allowed. CAP. XXIII. An Aft for fluffing of Feather-Beds, Bolfters, Mattreffes and Cufhions. « r'OR the avoiding of the great Deceit ufed and practifed in fluffing of Feathcr-Bcds, Bolfters, Pillows, wh'at Staff a. 1.1 < Jf Mattreflcs, Cufmons and Quilts ;' (z) Be it enacted by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, t>j put in Fc»- That from and after the laft Day of 'June next coming no Perfon or Perfons whatfoever fhall make (to the thrr-Bed», Bol- Intent to fell or offer to be fold) anyTcather-Bed, Bolder or Pillow, except the fame be fluffed with dry ] pulled Feathers, or clean Down only, without mingling of fcaldcd Feathers, Fen-down, Thiftle-down, ,. Sand, Lime, Gravel, Hair or any other unlawful or corrupt Stuff"; (}) upon Pain of Forfeitun all fuch Feather-Beds, Bolfters and Pillows, and every of them fo offered to be fold, or the Value thereof. II. And be it further enacted by the fame Authority, That from and after the faid Day no Perfon or Perfons fhall make to the Intent to fell, or offer or put to Sale, any Quilt, Mattrefs or Cufhions, which fhall be fluffed with any other Stuff" than Feathers, Wool or Flocks alone; (:) upon Pain of For- feiture of all and every fuch Quilts, Mattreflcs or Cufhions fo fold, or offered to be fold, or the Va- lue thereof. IIT. The Moiety of all which Forfeitures to be to the King our Sovereign Lord, his Heirs and Suc- ccfl'ors, and the other Moiety thereof to any fuch Perfons as will fue for the fame in any of the King': Courts of Record, or in any other Court ; wherein no Wager of Law, Ffloin or Protection fhall be al- lowed for the Defendant or Defendants. 1 1 H. 7. c. 19. CAP. XXIV. An Act for making of Hats, Dornecks and Coverlets, in Norwich and in Norfolk. , T7HEREthe making of Hats, Dornecks and Coverlets, have of late been begun to be practifed Who may make s VV within the City of Noiv.'icb, in which City there be good and profitable Ordinances and Confti- Felis, Hat*, tc, ( tutions provided and ordained for the Prefervation and Continuance of the good making of the fame Hats, ?' Norwich ™i ( Dornecks, and Coverlets, by Reafon whereof the young and idle People of the faid City, to a great ! n ttPI* *"* t Number, have been and yet be well occupied, maintained, and fet on work; (2) And forafmuch as |h c * c . divers evil and covetous difpofed Perfons, exercifing the Myfteries of making Hats, and weaving of Co- verlets and Dornecks, within the faid City, and not being brought up or exercifed in the faid Arts or ' Myfteries, to the Intent they might occupy and exercife the faid Myfteres out of the laid City of A'V- xvicby where no fuch Ordinances and Conftitutions be made or provided, have withdrawn themfelves from the faid City, into certain Towns nigh about the fame City, where they do and may occupy and exercife the making of Hats, weaving of Coverlets and Dornecks, deceitfully and infufficiently without Controlment, to the utter Decay as well of the faid Crafts and Myfteries, as of the faid City, if Re- medy be not therein provided :' II. It may therefore be enacted by the King's Majefty, with the Aflcnt of the Lords Spiritual and Tem- poral, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the lame, That " no Perfon by himfelf, or by his Servant or Apprentice, fhall from and after the Feaft of St. A. Archangel next coining make or work any Felt or thrummed Hats, or weave or make any Coverlets or £ Dornecks, or occupy, ufe or exercife the Myfteries or Occupations of making of Felts or thrummed Hats, ^X '" Vol. II. * N n n or '