Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/496

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[+5°] C. 25. Anno quinto & fexto Edwardi VI. A. D. 1552. or weaving of Dornecks and Coverlets, or any of them, within the faid City of Nonvicb, or within the County of Norfolk, unlefs he or they that fhall fo make or work any fuch Felts or Hats, or fo occupy the Occupation or Myftery of making of Felts or Hats as aforefaid, within the faid City or County, be licenced and admitted fo to do by the Mayor, Recorder, Steward, and two Juftices of Peace of the faid City, or by four of them, or that have been Apprentice to the fame Occupation and Myftery of Felts and Hats making, by the Space of feven Years : (2) And in like Cafe, unlefs fuch Perfon or Perfons that fhall fo make or weave Dornecks, or fo occupy the Occupation or Myftery of Dornecks weaving within the faid City or County, be licenced or admitted fo to do by the Mayor, Recorder, Steward and two Juftices of the Peace of the faid City, or by four- of them, or that have been Apprentice to the faid Myftery and Oc- cupation of Dornecks weaving by the Term of feven Years; (3) And unlefs he or they that fhall fo make or weave Coverlets, or fo occupy the Arts or Myftery of Coverlets weaving or making, be licenced and admitted fo to do by the Mayor, Recorder, Steward, and two Juftices of the Peace of the faid City, or by four of them, or that have been Apprentice to the Occupation and Myftery of Coverlets weaving or making, by the Space or Term of feven Years. Hats, Dornecks, HI. And be it alfo enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That no Perfon or Perfons fhall from henceforth /haiTbe'rnad-' ma ^e any Felts or Hats, or weave or make any Dornecks or Coverlets as aforefaid, or occupy, exercife or only in a Corpo- u ^ e the Occupation, Arts orMyfteries of making of Hats or Felts, or weaving or making of Dornecks or ration or Mar- Coverlets, or any of them as aforefaid, in any Place out of the faid City of Nonvicb, within the laid ketTewn. County of Norfolk, but only in a Corporate or Market Town; (2 J upon Pain of forfeiting as well of the Felts, Hats, Dornecks and Coverlets, and every of them, which fhall be made, wrought or woven con- trary to the Form, Effect, and Tenure of this Act, or of any Part, or Claufe thereof, as alfox.s. for every half dozen of the faid Felts or Hats, and of iij. s. iv. d. for every Coverlet, and of vi. s. viij. d. for every fix Yards of Dorneck fo as is aforefaid to be made, woven or wrought contrary to this Act; (3) the one Half of which Forfeitures to be to the King our Sovereign Lord, his Heirs and Succeffors, and the other Half thereof to the Perfon or Perfons that fhall or will feife the fame, or that will or fhall fue for the fame, or for any Part thereof, in the King's Court of the Guildhall within the faid City of Norvjich, or in any other of the King's Courts of Record within this Realm of England, by Action of Debt, Detinue, Plaint, Bill, Information, or otherwife; in which faid Action or Actions, Suit, Bill, Plaint or Information, no Efloin, Wager of Lav/, Protection or Foreign Plea to the Jurifdiction of the Court, fhall be admitted or allowed. '! : e inhabitants T . Provided ahvay, That all and every fuch Perfon and Perfons, as do now dwell or hereafter fhall Nf 'fit m '" dwell ar >d exercife the Myftery of Dornecks and Coverlets making, within the Town of Pulham in the faid County of Norfolk, fhall and may occupy and exercife the making of Dornecks and Coverlets within the faid Town of Pulham, as they have heretofore ufed to do; any Thing in this Act contained to the contrary notwithftanding. The Penalty for V. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if the Mayor, Recorder, Steward or a "°M £rt0 f juftices of Peace of the faid City for the Time being, or any of them, fhall take any Sum of Money or 'di/ittin^oneto ^- ewar ^ f° r admitting of any Perfon to occupy or ufe any of the Arts or Myfteries aforefaid, that for every fuch Tine, and every fuch Cafe, the Perfon fo offending fhall lofe and forfeit five Pounds, the one Half of which Forfeiture to be to our Sovereign Lord the King, and the other Half to him or them that fhall fue for the fame as is aforefaid. C A P. XXV. ■:u r y. Enforced h T F° r Keepers of Alehoufes and Tiplinghoufes to be bound by Recognifance. 3 jac. I. c. 9. None (hall fell ' Y7Qrafmuch as intolerable Hurts and Troubles to the Commonwealth of this Realm doth daily grow Ale or Beer ' jp an d increafe through fuch Abufes and Diforders as are had and ufed in common Alehoufes and other 1 Show. 398. within this Realm, or two of them at the leaft, (whereof one of them to be of the Quorum) fhall have Bu.rn,V.i.T.%< full Power and Authority by Virtue of this Act, within every Shire, City, Borough, Town Corporate, jufikes of Peace Franchife and Liberty, where they be Juftices of Peace, to remove, difcharge and put away common fell- may discharge j n g of Ale and Beer in the faid common Alehoufes and Tiplinghoufes, in fuch Town or Towns and Places, common felhug w here they fhall think meet and convenient : (3) And that none after the firft Day of May next coming 1 of B " n '"' fhall be admitted or fuftered to keep any common Alehoufe or Tiplinghoufe, butfuch as fhall be thcre- . MoJ." 144.' unto admitted and allowed in the open Seffions of the Peace, or elfe by two Juftices of the Peace, whereof Recognifance the one to be of the Quorum /{f) And that the faid Juftices of the Peace, or two of them, (whereof the withSuretyby one to be of the Quorum): fhall take Bond and Surety from Time to Time by Recognifance of fuch as thole which do fh a U be admitted and allowed hereafter to keep any common Alehoufe or Tiplinghoufe, as well for and keep Alehoufes. a g a j n fl- f- ne ufing of unlawful Games, as alfo for the ufing and Maintenance of good Order and Rule to " d forma- he had and ufed within the fame, as by their Difcretion fhall be thought neceffary and convenient; (0 king "the-Recog- for making of ewry which Recognifarice, the Party or Parties that fhall be fo bound fhall pay but twelve nifance. Pence. - Recognifance II. And the faid Juftices fhall certify the fame Recognifance at the-next Quarter-Semons of the Peace to mutt be certified beholden within the fame Shire, City, Borough, Town Corporate, Franchife or Liberty, where fuch Ale- at the next houfe or Tipling-houfe fhall be; (2) the fame Recognizance there to remain of Record before the Juftices Quartcr-Sef- f Peace of that Shire, City, Borough, Town Corporate, Franchife or Liberty; (3) upon. Pain of For- feiture to the King for every fuch, Recognifance taken and not certified, iij, li. viij. d. a IL r . And