Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/497

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A. D. 1552. Anno quinto Sc fextp Edwardi VI. C. 26. III. And it is furthci A ■i(liini; ■ '".■ tin ■ A< i, in their Quail , by Prcfcntii .■.I ' • ,- 11 11. .iiit 1 .... J othciwifebytlii.ii Dil i tion, to enquire ol all luch Pcrfon .-:!(• or Tiplingh. ufe, ai ! 1 .my 01 ihcm h;i 1 fufticcs of every Shire, I alion award Proi cfs again!] evi ry I'ui h Petfon fo | why he fhould not forfeit his Rccognif;uicc ; (3I and uthority by to hear and to determine the fame by all fuch Ways ai.d Means as by their Difcr^tion (hail be I. . And it is furthci enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Pcrfon or Perfons, other than fuch : II be hereafter admitted or allowed by the laid Juftices, fhall after the faid till! I upon his own Authority, take upon him or them to keep a common Alehoufe or 1 fhall contrary to the Commandment of the faid Juftices, or two of them, ufe commi nl and Beer : That then the faid Juftices of Peace, or two of them, (whereof one to be of the §>ju>rum) fliall ry fuch Offence commit every Inch Perfon or Perfons fo offending to the common Gaol within 1 ' d Shire, City, Borough, Town Corporate, Franchifc or Liberty, there to remain without Bail , Br Mainprife by the Space of three Days; (2 J and before his or their Deliverance, the laid Juftices 1 "'*' c '*' take Recognifancc for him or them fo committed, with two Sureties, that he or thty fliall not keep Pilri-cr 388. any common Alehoufe, Tiplinghoufe, or ufe commonly felling of Ale or Beer, as by the Difcretion of the 1 onvenicnt. V. And the faid Juftices fliall make Certificate of every fuch Rccognifance and Offence at the tusxt Cntificateef Quarter-Scflions that fliall be holdcn within the lame Shire, City, Borough, Town Corporate, Franchifc ihe Rea or Liberty, where the fame fhall be committed or done; (2) which Certificate fhall be a liifficient Con- fjncc and °'- viction in the Law of the fame Offence. (3) And the faid Juftices of Peace, upon the faid Certificate f ™"' 1 l s h p made, fhall in open Sefiions aflefs the Fine for every fuch Offence at xx. s. t^t'dc of""' thnfc vliicli keep Alehoufe without Licence. VT. Provided alway. That in fuch Towns and Places where any Fair or Fairs fhall be kept, that for APro»il the Time only of the fame Fair or Fairs it fliall be lawful for every Perfon and Perfons to ufe common X°. wn * * here felling of Ale or Beer in Booths or other Places there, for the Relief of the King's Subjects that fliall re- alr: pair to the fame, in fuch like Manner and Sort as hath been ufed or done in Time paffed ; this Act, or Ftffirtl r any Thing therein contained, to the contrary notwithftanding. 1 1 H. 7. c. 2. 4 Ja. 1, c. 4. ' z j^ r ' ljacl.c.g. 4 jfac. I. c. 4 C? 5. 21 Jjc, 1. c. 7. iCjc.i.c.4. 26C.3. 2. .-. 31. fiiuljxg Gto. 1 CAP. XXVI. An Act for Writs of Proclamation upon Exigcnd, to be currant in the County Palatine of Lo.ncajler. HERE the County of Lancaflcr is, and of long Time hath been, one ancient County Palatine ef Writsupon Exi- itfelf, in which County the King's Writ hath not, nor yet doth not run, fo that the Writ of Pro- E I tnds •'! nd Vr °~ ' clamation awarded upon any Exigcnd againft Perfon or Perfons inhabiting within the fame County, in j ° Mnantin' ' any Action wherein Procefs of Outlawry doth lie, according to the Statute made in the fixth Year of Ljmcafter. ' the Reign of our late Sovereign Lord of famous A'lemory, King Henry the Eighth, cannot be directed to 6 H. Z. ' the Sheriff of the (aid County Palatine, but unto the Sheriff" of the County next adjoining unto the faid 37^- 8. . . •>. ' County Palatine, fo that the Party dwelling within the faid County Palatine, againft whom any fuch Ex-

  • igend and Proclamation hath been or fliall be awarded, hath not had, nor hereafter can have, any Know-.

' ledge of the fame Suit or Procefs, by Reafon whereof many Perfons inhabiting within the faid County ' Palatine, without Knowledge have been outlawed, and hereafter be in like Manner like to be outlawed, ' to their utter Undoing; if fome fpeedy Remedy be not the fooner provided :' II. Be it therefore, and for divers other good Confidcrations, enacted, ordained and eftablithcd by theAProclar King our Sovereign Lord, with the Affent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this rit lent Parliament aflembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That if and whenfocver any Y'. !, at any Time after the firft Day of April next coming, fliail be awarded at the Suit of the King, his ,~;,,|. j ' '■". .;.. Heirs or Succeffors Kings of this Realm, or at the Suit or Suits of any other Perfon or Perfons, Plaintiff" or c Plaintiffs, in any Action or Suit in any of the Courts of our faid Sovereign Lord the King, his Heirs and t Succeffors Kings of this Realm, commonly called the King's 'Bench and the Common Place, againft any Per- fon or Perfons dwelling within the faid County Palatine; That then immediately upon the awarding of fuch Exigcnd, the Juftice or Juftices before whom any fuch Writ of Exigcnd upon fuch Suit or A . be fued, fliall have full Power and Authority by Virtue of this Act, to award one Writ of Procla- mation (according to the Tenor and Effect of Writs of Proclamation awarded upon Extgendsi and com- monly directed out of any of the faid Courts into London, or into any other Shires of this Realm, againft any Perfon or Perfons dwelling in other Shire or Shires of this Realm where the King's Writs do run, according to the Order and Form of the (aid Statute made in the fixth Year o the Reign of the (ate King) to be directed to the Sheriff of the faid County Palatine of Lancaficr, where it fhall happen the ("aid Defendant, againft whom any fuch Action fliall be fried as is aforefaid, to be dwelling, hot to the Sheriff of any other Shire next adjoining to the faid County Palatine ; any Law, Cuff Ufage heretofore ufed to the contrary notwithftanding : (2) And that every fuch Writ of Proclamation

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