Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/498

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[460] C. 26, Anno quinto 8c fexto Edwardi VI. A. D. 1552. The Sheriff of the County of Lancafier/hall make Proclama tion according to the Tenour of his Writ. fo to be hereafter awarded to the Sheriff of the faid County Palatine, fhall have the fame Tejle and Day of Return as the Exigends, whereupon every fuch Writ of Proclamation fhall be awarded, fhall' have. III. And that every fuch Sheriff of the faid County Palatine of Lancafter, to whom any fuch Writ or Writs of Proclamation fhall be directed, fhall make Proclamations of the faid Writ and Writs of Prora- tion according to the Tenour of the fame, and fhall make true Returns of the fame, in fuch Court and Courts, and before fuch Jufticcs, as the Tenour of the fame Writ and Writs of Proclamation fhall re- quire and demand : (2) And that all Outlawries hereafter to be promulged or pronounced againft any Perfon or Perfons, upon any fuch Exlgend or Exigends awarded againft any Perfon and Perfons dwelling in the faid County Palatine of Lancajler, and no Writ of Proclamations awarded in Form abovefaid to the She- riff of the faid County Palatine of Lancajler, where the Party Defendant fhall be as is aforefaid dwelling, or not returned, to be clearly void, of none Effect nor Force in the Law. The Sheriff of IV. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That every Sheriff of the faid County Palatine hareaDe ut in ^ or t ^ ie Time being fhall have in every of the faid Courts of the King's Bench and of the Common Place, theKing's * one Sufficient Deputy at the leaft, to receive all fuch Writs of Proclamations which fhall be hereafter di- Bench, and rented to every fuch Sheriff of the faid County Palatine, for whom the fame Deputy or Deputies fhall be another in the appointed, in like Manner and Form, and upon like Pains, as by the former Statutes and Laws of this Common Pleas. Realm other Sheriffs of other Shires or Counties within this Realm of England be bounden to have in either of the faid Courts : (2) And that all fuch Writs of Proclamations aforefaid fhall be delivered unto every fuch Deputy or Deputies of Record in the fame Courts, and either of them; (3) and alfo like Fees fhall be paid for making every fuch Writ of Proclamations, and for enrolling the fame of Record, as is limited in the fame Statute made in the faidfixth Year of our faid late Sovereign Lord King Henry the Eighth. V. Be it further enacted and eftablifhed by the Authority aforefaid, That if any fuch Writ or Writs of Proclamations hereafter to be directed to any Sheriff of the faid County Palatine of Lancafter, be delivered "p returnln S of unto any of the Sheriffs of the faid County Palatine for the Time being, or to his or their Deputy or Depu- ties, in Manner and Form aforefaid, and the fame Sheriff or Sheriffs do not make true Return of every fuch Writ and Writs of Proclamations into fuch Court and Courts out of which the faid Writ or Writs of Pro- clamations fhall be awarded, that for every fuch Default of Non-return, every fuch Sheriff for the Time be- ing fhall lofe and forfeit five Pounds ; the one Half whereof fhall be to our Sovereign Lord the King, his Heirs and Succeffors, and the other Half thereof to any fuch Perfon or Perfons as will fue for the fame in one Action of Debt to be grounded upon this Aft, in any of the King's Courts of Record, wherein noEf- foin, Protection or Wager of Law fhall be allowed or admitted. This Statute yj p r0V ifJed always, That this Act, or any Thing therein contained, fhall not in any wife extend or be iudic" tl^Li- prejudicial to the faid County Palatine of Lancafter for or concerning fuch Liberties, Franchifes or Privileges- berries of the as belong to the fame, or to any Minifters or Officers of the fame County Palatine, otherwife or in any County of Lan- other Manner than by the true Meaning of this Act is before provided and declared ; any Thing in this Act carter. mentioned to the contrary notwithstanding. Procefs awarded VII. Provided alfo, and be it further enabled and eftablifhed by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Per- againft any Per- f on or Perfons dwelling within the faid County Palatine, after the aforefaid firft Day of April, fhall be out- run outlawed, ] awec J J n an y f ucn Suit or Action as is aforefaid, that then all Writs of fpecial Capias .Utlagatum, fingle Capias kid County'pa- Utlagatum, Non moleftandum, and all other Procefs, for or againft any Perfon or Perfons fo outlawed, fhall and may from thenceforth be directed from Time to Time to the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancafter, who fhall make like Writs and Procefs thereupon, and of like Effect, fealed with the Seal of the faid County Palatine of Lancafter, to be directed to the Sheriff of the faid County Palatine for the Time being, as here- Sec farther cm- to f° r e hath been ufed and accuftomed in fuch Cafes. iEd.6. c. 10. cerxing the Durcly ofLanct.fier, z & 3 P. £f M. c. ao. and 17 Geo. 2. c. 7. 6 H. 8. c. 4. The Sheriffs Joi fciture for latine Certain Officers acceptable to the King fhall be hound with Sureties for their •true Accompt and-VaymcnC. Anno feptimo Edwardi Sexti. CTS made in the Parliament, hold en at TVeJltninfter the firft Day of March in the feventh Year of the Reign of our moil redoubted Sovereign Lord, Edward the Sixth, by the Grace of God, King of England, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, and of the Church of England, and alfo of Ireland, in Earth the Supreme Head ; and there continued to the DiiTolution of the fame, being the laft Day of" the faid Month of March, as followeth/ CAP. I. An Act for the true Anfwering of the King's Majefty's Revenues. FOrafmuch as the King's Majefty's Treafurers, and general and particular Receivers and Bailiffs of his Honours, Caftles, Lordfhips, Manors, Lands and Tenements, Reverfions, Poffeffions and other his Hereditaments in England, Wales and Calice, and the Marches of the fame, or elfewhere within the Kings Dominions, have not fo juftly, fpeedily, neither duly made yearly Payments of fuch Sum and Sums of Money as hath been by them and every of them received of the King's Majefty's Revenues, Pofieflions and Profits, into the King's Majefty's Treafury according to their Duties, but yearly do detain and keep the fame to their own Gain, Profit and Lucre, contrary to all Right, Truth and Equity, and to the mani- feft Injury, Wrong and Hindrance of and to the King our Sovereign Lord ;'