Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/500

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[462] C. i. Anno feptimo Edwardi VI. A. 0.1553. there yearly between the Feaft of St. Michael the Archangel and the Nativity of bur Lord God, of and for all R.ents, Revenues and Profits due and payable within or by Reafon of their faid Offices, Collections sr Bailiwicks, at or before the Feafl: of St. Michael the Archangel next before the fame Audit, expreffin"- in the fame Precept or Precepts the Time and Place when and where the fame Minifters, Collectors and bai- liffs Accomptable, or their fufficient Deputy or Deputies, for whom they wiil anfwer, fhall appear: (z) The fame Precepts to be delivered to the fame Minifters, Collectors, Bailiffs Accomptant, or .their Deputy or Deputies, or left at their Dwelling-hcufss, or at the Manor, Lordlhip or Place, where the Receipts or Collections is or ought to be, twelve Days at the leaft before the Day of Appearance to him or them prefixed The Penalty in the fame Precept or V : epts. (3) And if any Minifter, Collector or Bailiff accomptant do not appear wheie an Ac- comptant mi- kerb Default of Payment". 06 ^ ledtor or Bailiff accomptant fo making Default and not appearing, or Co refufing to accompt as is aforefaid, and being thereof duly and lawfully convicted in the Court where the Revenue is or {hall be anfwerable fhall for his firft Offence lofe and forfeit to our Sovereign Lord the King, his whole Fee for that Year wherein he fhall fo make Default, or the Value thereof: (4) And for the Non-payment of the faid Money due and payable within his Collection, Office or Bailiwick, at or before the fame Feafl: of St. Michael the Archangel, fhall lofe and forfeit to the King our Sovereign Lord, for his faid firft Offence, fix Pence of every Pound in the Name of a Pain, for every Month after the faid Day of Appearance and Default made as is aforefaid, until he or his fufficient Deputy or Deputies fhall accompt before the faid Auditor or Auditors or his or their Deputy or Deputies, for his faid Collection, Receipt or Bailiwick, and alfo pay unto the Hands of the faid Receiver or Receivers, all and every of fuch Sum and Sums of Money as fhall bs found juftly due by the faid Accomptant, before the faid Auditor or Auditors, or his or their Deputy or Depu- ties, to the King's Majefty, uron the Foot and Determination of his Accompt: (:,) And after the firft Default of Appearance made before the faid Auditor or Auditors, or his or their Deputy or Deputies, by any of the faid Officers accomptant, being fo warned as is afo.ei'aid, and after another like Precept made tind delivered or left in Form aforefaid, Thatthen the faid Officer or OfH< - , that fo fhaU make again De- fault of Appearance, for the faid fecond Offence in making Defaul: in his appearance as is aforefaid, and being thereof duly and lawfully convicted in the Court where the Revenue of his faid Office is or fhall be anfwerable, fhall lofe and forfeit to the King our Sovereign Loid his faid Oince and Fee. The Penalty for VIII. And for the fecond Offence in Non-payment of the faid Money, uue and payable with and by the fecond Of. Reafon of his Receipt, Collection or Bailiwick, at or before the faid Feafl of Sr. Michael the Archangel, fence. fhall lofe and forfeit to our Sovereign the King, xij.d. of every Pound in the . .ame of a Pain, for every Month after the faid laft Day of Appearance and Default made as is aforefaid, until he or his fufficient De- puty or Deputies fhall accompt before the faid Auditor or Auditors, or his or their Deputy or Deputies, for the faid Receipt, Collection or Bailiwick, and alfo pay un _< the Hands of the faid Receiver or Re- ceivers, or his or their Deputy or Deputies, to the King's Lie, ail fuch Sums of Money as fhall be juftly found due by the faid Accomptant, upon the Foot and Determination of his laid Accompt. Within what IX. And further be it enacted by Authority aforefaid, That all and every Receiver 1 A P-eceivers of the limes the King's Majefty 's Honours, Manors, Lands, Poffeffions, Rents or Revenues, fhall make ready and full Pay- /lia"i S make C pav- ment yearly to the Treafurer or general Receiver of the Court where the faid Revenue is or fhall be ail- ment of the ' fwerabie, or otherwife as he or they are or fhall be appointed and afiigned by fufficient Warrant, of all fuch Money by them Sums of Money as he or they fhall know to be due to our Sovereign Lord the Kir r , and can by any lawful received. or due Mean obtain, get, have or receive, of the Rents or Revenues of our faid Sovereign Lord the King, with or by Reafon of their Offices, being due at or before the Feaft of Softer., by the xx. Day of June tjimi next following at the fartheft: (2) And alfo fhall make like Payment yearly of all their like Receipts of the R.ents and Revenues of our faid Sovereign Lord the King that fhall be due at or before the Feaft of St. Michael the Archangel, by the xx. Day of January then next following at the fartheft, upon Pain of Lois and Forfeiture for every Default at any of the faid Days, ij.d. of every Pound, for every Day that the faid Money fo by them or any of them fhall be unpaid. When the X, And alfo it is further ena£tcd, That all and every the faid Receiver and Receivers, or their Deputy or King'sRecen'ers Deputies for whom they will anfwer, fhall enter into their Accompt 3'early in the Term of St. Hillary, and accompt. f u iiy an d clearly finifh the fame Accompt before the tenth Day of March then next following, and make full and ready Payment of the Money that fhall appear to be due upon the Foot and determination of the fame Accompt, before the xx. Day of the faid Month of March, upon Pain of Forfeiture to our faid Sove- reign Lord the King, their Offices and Fees, and iv. d. of the Pound for every Day that they fhall detain and with-hold the fame Money, without making any Payment thereof as is aforefaid. The King's Re- XI. And further be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every Receivers, Collectors and ceivers, B ilifrs, Bailiffs of any of the King's Honours, Manors, Lands, Tenements, R.ents or Revenues, for Lack of Pay- Ac. may dim-ain men t and Levying of their faid Rents, Iffues and Revenues within their Offices and Charges, fhall and may

  • ° r th ff' m ^' have Power and Authority from henceforth by Virtue of this Act: to diftrain for the fame, and to ufe and

order the lame Diftreffes in fuch Sort and Form as any Officer or Officers of the King's Court of the Ex- chequer, for Levying and Lack of Payment of the King's Rents and Revenues anfwerable in the fame Court heretofore have lawfully done, and may lawfully ufe to do, delivering to the Party diftrained the Sur- plufage and Overplus of the Value of every fuch Diftrefs, if any fhall be, the King's Debts and Duties be- ing firft paid, and the Diftrainant anfwered of reafonable Colts. Amercing of XII. And that the Head and Chief Officer or Officers of every of the King's Courts of Revenue, being SheriftV'fbr hot of Record, or that fhall be of Record, fhall have full Power and Authority by Virtue of this Act, to fet retumrD&of and afiicis reafonable Fines and Amerciaments upon any Sheriff or Sheriffs, for not returning, or mifre- Writs t jchmg turn i n o. of any Writ to them directed and delivered out of any of the fame Courts, touching or concern - tn,ievy,ngot . :_„