Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/501

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A. D. 1553. Anno feptimo Edwardi VI. C. 1. [463] ing the Levying or Anfwcimg of any of the fuid Iflues, Rents or Revenues, or of any Debt due to i 1 Lord the King, in luch Sort, and after fuch en lawfully ufed in the like and fuch oth Court of rife J ill. Be it alfo furthci enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all I ol Revenue for the Time being:, and ; all Cuftoroi irs of Cuftoms, or certain ;uul flailed Subfidies within any of this the w •'"'"* ft " u Kin>.;. Realm of linglat •', that n .- be 01 h :i .. r (hall be, within uu Days nexl after Notice to bin

ivcn from the King, or fix ol his moll honourable Privy Council, in Writii

, (hall by themfclves, or their fuflicient Deputy or Deputies for whom they will an fwer, declare irt ing what Sums ol ^, then being du unto our laid Sovereign Lord the King, be M that Tfm6 in in ..1 thi ii I i 11 Is . nd Cuttody, [>.) and (hall mule ready ami lull Payment of all the faid S then fliall remain in his or their Hands or Cuftody, over and above the ordinary Payments and Si I exprcfTed in fufHcient Warrant or M taining in hi

or Offices, and being in their full Force, Strength and I and not lawfully countermanded nor

revoked to their Knowledge, to tin- Ufe of our Sovereign Lord the King, at fuch Time and in fuch Sort as he or they fhnll he commanded and appointed by fumcient Warrant, upon Pain of Forfeiture of his or tluh Office or Ofli [V. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the fame Trcafurcrs, Chamberlains Within what nd General Receive;;, by themfelvcs, or by their Deputy or Deputies for whom they will anfwer, fliall' 1 In-fore the xx. Day of "June make a perfect Accompt of all fuch Money or Tn.iiure as hath corj their Hands to the King's Ule, yearly, at or before the xx. Day ol" March then next before the faid xx. J ' Day of 'June, and fhall make a perfect and whole Declaration in Writing of the Money remaining in every of> their Hands, to the King's Majefty, or to his Privy Council, yearly, before the lad Day of June then next following, and make Payment of the fame at fuch Time and in fuch Sort as he or they fhall be commanded or appointed by fuflicient Warrant, upon Pain of Forfeiture of his or their Olfice or Offices. XV. And be it further enacted, That if any Trcafurer, Receiver or Minifter Accomptant, or their De- The Penalty of puty or Deputii ', do take or receive of any Perfon or Perfons any Sum or Sums of Money, or other Profit of and for the Payment of any Fees, Annuities Pennons, Duties or Warrants, more or otherw ile than he l jjjj- e r? re or they may lawfully do by former Laws and Statutes therein provided; That then the faid Treafurer, f or t k e >lmnx Receiver and Minifter fo offending, fhall forfeit and lofe for every Peny or Penyworth fo to be taken or of any I receii ed, vj. s. viij. d. to the Party grieved, to be recovered in any of the King's Courts of Record, by Bill, Plaint or Action of Debt, in which Suit no Wager of Law, Effoin or Protection (hall be allowed. XVI. And be it alfo enacted, That if any Auditor or Auditors, or his or their Deputy or Deputies, which Tic Pt^ ought to take the Accompt of any Treafurer, Chamberlain, Receiver or other Officer accomptable before the Auditors re- him or them, do refufe or willingly protract and delay the taking of the fame Accompt, in fuch w lie as- it fufcor J( - Ia y l0 cannot be finifhed within the Time or Times limited and appointed by this A.ct for the taking and finifhing ' ° n Ac " thereof, that then eveiy Auditor fo refuting or protracting and delaying, as is aforefaid, and being thereof duly and lawfully convict in the Court where the Revenue or Charge of the fame Accompt is or (hall be anfwerable to the Kiig, (hall incur, forfeit and lofe fuch like Pain, Lofs and Forfeiture, as the Treafurer, Chamberlain, Receiver or other Officer abovefaid, (hall and ought to do by this A6t, for not accompting of and for their Charges and Office and Offices: (2) And thereby the fame Treafurer, Chamberlain, Re- ceiver and other Officer that fhould accompt, and fliall be refufed, or fhall be protracted and delayed as is aforefaid, (hail be difcharged of any Pain, Lofs or Forfeiture for not accompting as is abovefaid. XVII. And be it further enacted, That the Duplicate or Copy of every Accompt that fhall be made by TheCopy of e!,e any Trcafurer or Receiver, or by their Deputy or Deputies, in Form aforefaid, within convenient Time Accompt fhall after the finifhing of the fame Accompt, and at the reafonable Requeft and Colls of fuch Accomptant, fce d«K»ewi to (hall be delivered to them or any of them, fubferibed with the Hands of the Auditor or Auditors that (hall ,hcAcc0!n P ;i -- take the fame Accompt, or of his or their Deputy or Deputies for whom he or they will anfwer, upon Pain that the fame Auditor or Auditors fhall lofe and forfeit to the King's Majefty ten Pound for every fuch Default. XVIII. Provided alway, and be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That this Act nor any Thing Bifhops Accompt therein contained fhall in any wife extend to charge any Archbilhops or Bifhops of this Realm, cr of any ant! p *3 other the King's Majcfty's Dominions, or any of them, at any Time hereafter to make any Manner of Tenlh -' Bonds, or tomiake their Accompt and Payment of the Tenths arifing and growing within any of their Dio- cefles, due or to be due to our faid Sovereign Lord the King, otherwife or in any other Manner and Form than they or any of them heretofore have been charged, or accomptable and chargeable by the Laws and Statutes of this Realm ; any Thing in this Act to the contrary notwithstanding. XIX. Provided always, That this Adt, or tiny Thing therein contained, (hall not extend to caufe the The Revenue* Rents, Profits and Revenues, rifing and growing to the King's Majelty within the Town or Marches of of Calais.- Calice, to be anfwered or paid otherwife, or at any other Days or Times, than heretofore hath been ufed and accuftomed ; any Thing in this Act to the contrary notwithstanding. XX. Provided always, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That this Act, nor any Thing there- y" n ' in contained, (hall in any wife extend to touch or charge any Sheriff, E(chea'tor or Collector of any D ' ^findifmes, Benevolences, Contribution; or Subfidies, (Subfidies of 'Tonnage and Poundage only exc< but that they and every of them fhall and may do and exercife their laid fevcral Offices, and pay fuch Sums of Money as they or any of them be, or hereafter (hall be, charged withal by their faid feveral Offi- ces, in fuch and like Sort, Manner and Form, as they and every of them have usually done, or (hou.d or ought to do, if this Act had never been had or made ; this Act or any Thing therein contained to the contrary in any wife notwithftanding.- C A P..