Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/513

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A. D. 1553. Anno primo Mari/e, Setfio feCunda. C. 10 12. 463 fad Perfon or Perfons fo committed, without Bail or Mainprife, until fu I Of- fenders, or I )ifobi dient, be cln. harged of the faid faid Coll I thi n unto authorifi I; ;) upon !'. in thai all aj , ' ■ ' 'ing il"' contrary, fhall lof offudi Fineartd iffend orDifobe, fhall I to pay, by fuch as the faid Pre/idcnt and a, afon I. id, l" 1 lal the fame 1 be not at any one vioi :ty thereol to be ■ mployed to the I Ye of our Sovereign Lady the < hi en, her H the .Hi, i Moiety unto the laid Prefident an I (47 All which Forfeitures to be recovered by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information in any oi tl (1 any fuch Warden, Gaolei 01 Keeper fb offending; in which Suit no 1 . ! . • 11 flvall be allovv< .1 ne admi ted for 1 . And further be it enacted by thi Authority aforefaid, lb the better Execution of the Search and Vii of Poticary Wares, Drugs and Compofitions, ai in the xxxij. Year ' of the Reign of the faid late King Hairy th 1 jhth, I hi I it (hall be lawful for the Wardens of die ' i of them, to go with the faid Phylicians in their View and Search, that if the faid Warden ns do refufe or delay his or their coming thereunto forthwith: tely when the faid Prefident or four of his College elctft as aforefaid do c.ili upon him or them, thai then the faid Phyftciar Jh II tte that Search and View, and the due Punifhment of the Poti :arie for any thcii evil and faulty Stuff, according to the Statute laft before mentioned, without the Affiftance of any of the faid Wardens; any Claufe in the afore named Statute to the contrary hereof notwithftanding. (2) And every fuch Perfon orThePem jqi aid and affift the Prefident of the faid College, and all Perfons by them from Time to Time authorifed fbr"» the due Execution of the faid Acts or Statutes, upon Pain for not giving of fuch Aid, Help and A&ftance, '" thc " Srirch - to run in Contempt of the Queen's Majefty, her Heirs and Succefibrs. C A P. X. I x P. An Ac~t for the Uniting, Diflblving and new Erecting of Courts. 1 El. c. 4. Courts. CAP. XI. A Confirmation of Stat. 21 H. 8. c. 9. touching the Prices of Woollen Hats and Caps made beyond - the Kats. Sea. Cuftoming of the fame Hats and Caps. No Man fhall buy above one Dozen of Hats or Caps made out of this Realm. REi J . ijac. 1. c. 25. CAP. XII. If any Perfons to the Number of Twelve or above, being affembled together, fhall intend, go about, prac- Riots, tife or put in Ufe, with Force and Arms, unlawfully and of their own Authority, to change any Laws made for Religion, by Authority of Parliament or any other Laws of this Realm, the fame Number of Twelve or above, being commanded by the Sheriff, or by any Juftice of Peace, or by any Mayor, Sheriff, Juftices of Peace or Bailiffs of any City, Borough or Town Corporate, where any fuch Aflem- blies fhall be, by Proclamation in the Queen's Name to retire and repair to their Houfes or Places from whence they came ; and any of them, notwithftanding fuch Proclamation, (hall continue together by thc Space of one Hour after fuch Commandment made, or after that fhall willingly in forcible and riotous Manner attempt to do or put in Ure any of the Things above fpecified : That then as well every fuch Abode together, as every fuch Aft or Offence, fhall be adjudged Felony, and the Offenders fhall fuffer Death, as in cafe of Felony. And if any Perfons to the faid Number of twelve or above, fhall go about, &c. to overthrow, cut, caff, down, or dig thc Pales, Hedges, Ditches, or other Enclofure of any Park, or other Ground enclofed, or the Banks of any Fifh-pond, or any Conduits for Water, to the Intent that the fame fhould from thenceforth lie open, or unlawfully to have any Way or Common in the faid Parks or other Grounds enclofed, or to deflroy the Deer in any Park, or any Warren ot Conies, or any Dove-houfes, or Fifh in any Fifh-pond, or to pull or cut down any Houfes, Barns, .Mills or Bays, or to burn any Stacks of Corn, or to abate or diminifh the Rents of any Lands, or the Price of Victual, Corn or Grain ; and being commanded by any Juftice of Peace, C5Y. by Proclamation, c_rV. to retire to their Habitations, &c. and they notwithftanding fhall remain together by the Space of one Hour, or fhall in forcible Manner put in Ure any of the Things before mentioned, &c. every of the faid Offenders fhall be judged a Felon, &c. And if any Perfon unlawfully, by ringing of Bells, found- ing of any Trumpet, Drum, Horn or other Inftrument, or by firing of a Beacon, or by malicious fpeaking of any Words, or making any Outcry, or by fetting up or calling of any Bill or Writing, or by any other Deed, fhall raife any Perfons to the Number of twelve or above, to the Intent that the fame Perfons fhould do any of the Ails above mentioned, and the Perfons fo raited, after Command- ment given in Form aforefaid, fhall make their Abode together, or in forcible Manner put in Ure any of the A£h> abovefaid; then all Perfons, by whofe Speaking, &c. fhall be adjudged Felons. And if the Wife, Servant, or other Perfons fhall any way relieve them that be unlawfully affembled, with Vic- tuals, Weapons or other Thing, they fhall be adjudged Felons. And if any Perfons above the Num- 2 ber