Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/512

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462 C. 8,9. Anno primo M arih, SefTio fecunda. AD. 1553. mations be not. II. Be it therefore enafted, That all Fines, as well heretofore levied as hereafter to be levied, before the made, by reafon JufHces of the Common Place, of any Manors, Lands, Tenements or other Hereditaments, whereupon of Adjourn- the p roc l ama tioiis have not or (hall not, by reafon of Adjournment of any Term by Writ, be duly made, r "^' c z . fliall be of as good Force, Effect and Strength to all Intents, Conftruftions and Purpofes, as if any Term iS Ed. i.Jlat. 4. heretofore fo adjourned, or that at any Time hereafter fhall be fo adjourned, had been holden and kept from 27 Ed. t.jlat. 1. the Beginning to the End thereof not adjourned, and Proclamations therein made according to the Form <■• '• ^ and Effect of the faid Statute. C 5 -fin Fines to ^J* Provided always, That this Aft fliall not in any wife extend to any Fine heretofore kvied of any which this Sta- Manors, Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments, now in Suit, Demand or Variance in" any of the Queen's tutc (hall not Courts, or whereof any Charters, Evidences or Minuments concerning the fame be now in Demand in extend, the Queen's High Court of Chancery; (2) nor to any Fine or Fines heretofore levied of any Manors, Dyer j3o. Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments, which before the firft Day of this prefent Parliament have been re- covered, gotten or obtained, by reafon of any Judgment, Entry, Decree, Arbitrament or other lawful See farther con- Means, contrary to the Purport, Intent or Effect of any fuch Fine or Fines thereof heretofore levied. caning Fines, 23 El, c . 3. 31 El. c. 2. and $ Attn, c 1 6. fee. I. CAP. VIII. An Acl: that Sheriffs fhall not be Juftices of Peace during that Office. js 'Ed. a. <-. i. 5 '^X/'^^'^^ ' n one ^"^ °f P ar l' arnerlt: » intituled, Act for the Co?ttinuance of Actions after the Death of No-Sheriff (hail ' V»' (my King, made in the firft Year of our late Sovereign Lord King Edward the Sixth, amongft other bejufticeof ' Things it is ordained and enafted, I hat albeit any Perfon or Perfons being jultice of Affife, Juftice of Peace where or <. Q ao l_,Je]|ver.y, or Juftice of Peace, within any of the King's Dominions, or being in any other of the V..1C11 eis c jQ n g> s Commiffions whatfoever, fhall fortune to be made Duke, Archbifhop, Marquefs, Ear], Vifcount, i Ed. 6. c. 7. ' Baron, Bilhop, Knight, Juftice of the one Bench or of the other, or Serjeant at the Law or Sheriff, yet 1 Buiftr. 8. ' that notwithftanding he and they mould remain Juftice and Commiffioner, and have full Power and Audio- lor further Pn- c r j t y to execu [ e the fame in like Manner and Form as he or they might or ought to have done before the sfr;#r^Ts£7 ' f ame > as m the faid Acl: more plainly appeareth : (2) Sithence the making of which Aft, divers Perfons c. 16. 27 El. c. ' being in Commiffion of the Peace in one County, have been made Sheriffs of the fame County, and have 11. 29 El. c. 4. ' exercifed either of the faid Offices; which feemeth not to be convenient :' 21 jac. i.e. e,. m Wherefore be it enacted by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, That no manner of Perfon or 13 & i4.Car. 2. p er f ons having, ufing or exercifing the Office of the Sheriff of any County or Counties, fliall ufe or exercife r 1 -' 6 Geo. 1. the Office of the Juftice of the Peace, by Force of any Commiffion or otherwife, in any County or Counties ('. zi.fec. 53.' 20 where he or they fhall be Sheriff, during the Time only that he or they fhall ufe or exercife the faid Office Geo. 2. c. 37'. of Sheriffwick; any Thing in the faid former Aft to the contrary in any wife notwithftanding. And that 24GV0. 2; c. 4S. a ji anc ] ever y Aft and Acts to be done by any fuch Sheriff and Sheriffs by Authority of any Commiffion of 7 iJ Z GC0 ' 2 ' the P eace 5 during the Time abovefaid, fhall be void and of none Effect; the faid former Act notwith- ftanding. CAP. IX. An Act touching the Corporation of the Phyficians in London. r HEREAS in the Parliament holden at London the fifteenth Day of April in the fourteenth Year of the Reign of our late Sovereign Lord King Henry the Eighth, and from thence adjourned to Weji- ' miiijhr the laft Day ot'July in the fifteenth Year of the Reign of the fame King, and there holden, it was ' enafted, That a certain Grant by Letters Patents of Incorporation made and grnted by our faid late King ' to th; Phyficians of London, and all Claufes and Articles contained in the fame Grant, mould be approved, ' granted, ratified and confirmed by the fame Parliament :' A Confirmation II. For the Confideration thereof, be it enacted by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, That the of 14& 15 H. 8. f a jd Statute or Aft of Parliament, with every Article and Claufe therein contained, fliall from henceforth c - 5- touchm .S ftand and continue ftill in full Strength, Force and Effeft; any Aft, Statute, Law, Cuftom, or any other 0" PhuidansTf Thing made, had or ufed to the contrary in any wife notwithftanding. London. III. And for the better Reformation of divers Enormities hapnmg to the Commonwealth by the evil Cro. Jac. 1 si. ufing and undue Adminiftration of Phyfick, and for the enlarging of further Articles for the better Execu- i>=. Car. 256. t j on f the Things contained in the faid Grant enacted; Whcfoever (hall IV. Be it therefore now enafted, That whenfocver the Prefident of the College, or Communalty of the I be committed to Faculty ofPhyfick of London for the Time being, or fuch as the faid Prefident and College fliall yearly, ac- Pr.ifon by the cording to the Tenor and Meaning of the faid Aft, authorife to fearch, examine, -correct and punifli all c r lf denC f°Ph Offenders and Tranfgreitors in the faid Faculty, within the fame City and Precinct in the faid Aft ex- Ccians in Lon- prefied, fhall fend or commit any fuch Offender or Offenders for his or their Offences or Difobediencc-con- dnn, (hall be re- trary to any Article or Claufe contained in the faid Grant or Aft, to any Ward, Gaol or Prifon within the eeive'd and kept fame City and Precinft (the Tower of London except) That then from Time to Time the Warden, Gaoler thereby. or Keeper, Wardens, Gaolers or Keepers of the Wards, Gaols and Prifons within the City or Precinct aforefaid, (except before excepted) fhall receive into his or their Prifons all and every fuch Perfon and Per- fons fo offending, as fhall be fofent or committed to him or them, as is aforefaid; (2) and there fliall fafely keep the Perfon or Perfons fo committed, in any of their Prifons, at the proper Cofts and Charges of the faid