Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/511

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A. D. 1553. Anno primo Mar ijb, Sc/Iio fecunda. C. G, ~. 461 r of all and every the faid } »ns, Avowries, Coi ii| to be Cue I, had i ; of and foi thi fa nors, Lands, 1 Preniifl s, 01 any Purl ol the fame, for i lion, V rit, A 1 |' : , cription, I'itle or Claim, fhould at any Timi I fued irmade: ' 1'. Upon which laid A ' Doubi md Ambiguity hath rifen and Ldvowfon, a 9uai Dartin P 1 any Perfon or Perfons, I i ick or Cor| ite, whereas the I ' or Corporate, their Anceftor or Predecefl >r, or he oi , ieifin or Prefentment, in him or themfclvcs, oj the in ftor or Predecel ' them, or in him or il> :in by wh im he it ley do claim, within thrcefi ' the fame Writ of Right ot Advowfon, Quar (fife of D i; (2) And alfo whether any Perfon 01 Pei ; Politick or Corporate, having a y by ifon of an) Caftles, I lonour , Manoi :, Lands, I I Knights Service, ma 1.1 r it of Right of Ward, or a Writ of Ravishment of Ward for any s, Honours, Manors, Lands, Tenements > i its 1 ldcn by Knighl v of any Ward that he or they claim by Reafon of any fuch Tenure by Knights Servi e, ■■ ' or they have not b : :n feifed of the fame Services within threefcore 1 1 before the 1 ' V rits :' (3) For the Explanation and plain Declaration whereof, and in avoi and Doubts, Be it enact d and declared by the Queen's Highnefs, with the Aflent of the I and Temporal, and the Commons in this prefent Parliament aflembled, and by the Authority of (he fa bJlnoe That the faid former Act made in the laid xxxij. Year of the Reign of the (kid late King Henry, 01 Article, Claufc, Sentence or Matter therein contained, (hall not extend to any Writ of Right ol '•■■ fori, Quare Impedit or Allife of Darein Prefentment, nor Jure Patronatus ; (4) Nor to any Writ of Right of Ward, Writ of Ravifhment of Ward, for the Wardfhip of the Body, or for the Wardship of an . Honours, Manors, Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments holden by Knights Sendee, nor to the Sec the Wardfhip of the Body of any Ward or Wards, or to the Seifor or Wardfhip of any CafHcs, Honours, Manors, Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments holden by Knights Service; (5) But that all and every Brok.G! Perfon and P rfons, Bodies Politick and Corporate, their Heirs and Succeffors, and the Heirs and Succeffors of every of them, fliall and may have, maintain and purfue all and lingular the faid Writs of Right of Advowfon, §htare Impedit, Affile of Darein Prefentment, Jure Patronatus, Writs of Right of Ward, Ravifhment of Ward, and alio feife the Wardfhip both of the Body and of the Caftles, Honours, Manors, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, holden by Knights Service, in like Manner and Form to all Lucius, Conftruftions and Purpofes, as they or any of them ihould or might have done, made or pur- fued, before the making of the faid Act made in the faid xxxij. Year, as though the fame Act had never been had or made ; any Thing in the faid former Act to the contrary notwithftandi.-ig. 21 Jac. 1. c. 16. An farther oJV. 3. c. 4. and 4 Ann. c. 16. CAP. VI. An Add; that the Counterfeiting of ftrange Coins being current within this Realm, the Queen's Highnefs Sign Manual, Signet or Privy Seal, to be adjudged T reafon. FOrafmu:.h as by the Laws of this Realm fmall and no due and condign Punifliment is at this prefent Time provided for fuch evil difpofed Perfons as fliall counterfeit or forge fuch kind of Gold or Silver ' of other Realms, as is not the proper Coin of this Realm, and yet permitted and fuffered by the Queen

  • our Sovereign Lady's Content, and heretofore hath been permitted and fuffered by the Confent of her

' molt Noble Progenitors, to be currant in Payment within this her Realm, nor for fuch Perfons as fhall ' counterfeit the Queen's Highnefs Sign Manual, or Privy Signet or Privy Seal ; by reafon whereof divers ' evil difpofed Perfons are encouraged and boldned daily to perpetrate and commit the faid feveral Offences :' II. For Remedy whereof, be it enacted by our faid Sovereign Lady the Queen, the Lords Spiritual ^"^ n and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of the ot i, er Ra j m fame, Tliat if any Perfon or Perfons hereafter falfly forge and counterfeit any fuch kind of Coin cfcumni in ithfa Gold or Silver as is not the proper Coin of this Realm, and is or fliall be currant within this Realm Realm, or the by the Content of the Queen, her Heirs or Succeffors: (2) Or if any Perfon or Perfons at any Tin hereafter do falfly forge or counterfeit the Queen's Sign Manual, Privy Signet or Privy Seal ; (3) that then i,'."^'-.' C ' every fuch Offence fhall be deemed and judged High T reafon. (4) And the Offenders therein, their Coun- -jut. ;. c. 15. fellors, Procurers, Aiders and Abettors, being convict according to the Laws of this Realm o( any of the So fanba Pre- laid Oftencei, fhall be likewife deemed and adjudged Traitors againft the Queen, her Heirs and Succefli 1 numtg and the Realm, and fhall fuffer and have fuch Pains of Death, Forfeiture of Lands, Goods and Chattels, and alio lofe the Privilege of all Sanctuary, as in the Cafe of High Treafon is ufed and ordained. /;■*. 3 . e . 11. 1 CAP. VII. Ant.Cat.I.c. 9. 15 Li;. 1. .", An Act touching Proclamations upon Fines. * 8 - HE RE AS upon Fines levied with Proclamations Doubts have of late arifen, by reafon of Ad- & '° thejuftces iournment of Terms, in which Proclamations fhnuld {have been made according to the Form limited for Proclamations upon Fines by the Statute ma'de in the fourth Year of King Henry the Seventh, p o. and were not by reafon of fuch Adjournments had ne made, according to the Purvey ol the fa jeFo"*" ] Eftatute:' 2 L. Be ft ^'