Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/517

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A. D. 1553. Anno primo Mari^., ScjTio tcrfia. C. 9 — it. 4^7 II. Be it therefore enacted, That from henceforth it fhall be lawful ag well for thr Currier, Shoem J Girdlcr, Sadler, Buclgci maker, and all other Artificers occupying the Craft or Myftery oi Leath lawfully to buy all Kinds of tanned Leather in Fairs and Markets within all Pis

, noi any Perfon for them, or for their Ule, (hall buy any Kind of tanned Leather to fell again -

[crchant or other Stranger, to be conveyed over the Sea, ne fhall fend or convey any Leath upon the Forfeiting of all Inch Leather fo bought, the one Half of the fame to be to the ' I the other Half to hi n that prefenteth the fame: (3) And further, the aforefaid .'. I to be fold, it being lawfully tanned and drellld, (2) fo that the faid I . . .1 l» r e .1 .• . 1 1 r , .11 1 - ■ i 1 , 'and the other Halt to hi n that prefenteth the lame : (3) And further, the at. repealed, made void and of none Effect, concerning the Curriers, Shoen Budget-makers, Girdlcrs, and all other Artificers occupying the Myftery of Leather-buying, 1 III. And be it further enacted, 'That from henceforth no Perfon or Perfons (occupying the Feat or Tnl ( Myftery of Currying of tanned Leather) within the City < 4 London, or the Suburb- cupy aboutAhe Currying of the fame Leather any other Stuff or Tallow brought unto him by any other jh,i 1 or Pfcrfons, but fuch as fhall be his own, upon Pain of Forfeiture of all fuch Leather fo curried, own Stuff, contrary to the true Meaning thereof. IV. And furthermore, That no Currier fhall curry any Hides for any Shoemaker, to make Shoes bt^Howthe Let- Boots of, from the 1 eaft of St. 'James the Apoftlc unto the XXV. Day of March, but fuch as (h ' therftill beor. [y dipped twice in the Pan, for the true and juft Workmanfttip thereof, upon Pain of Forfeiture ofcurlie fluU all fuch Leather as fhall be wrought to the contrary, the one Half of the fame to the Queen' . Highncfs, and i,' ( (,. the other Moiety to him that fhall find and prefent the fame ; all the fame Penalties to be recovered in Form aforefaid, by him or them that will fuc for the fame, by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information, in any Court of Record, wherein no Eflbin, Protection, or Wager of Law fhall be admitted or allowed for the Defendant. V. Provided always, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That when and as often as any Shoe- Within what maker or his Deputy doth bring any Leather fufficiently tanned to any Currier to be curried, delivering T"?} c . Leitl ' e j hiffici nt Liquor for well dreffing of the fame, the fame fhall be by every fuch Currier well and fufficiently ut " v ' curried, and made ready for the Shoemaker, within the Space of five Days in Summer, that is to fay, from the firft Day of March to the la ft Day of September, and alio in like Manner within the Space of ten Days in Winter, that is to fay, from thefirftDay oiOflobcr unto the laft Day of February, (2) upon Pain to forfeit to the Party grieved, for every Hide not curried and dreiTcd in Manner and frorm aforefaid, the Sum of Ten Shillings. V I . Provided further, That this Provifo fhall not extend to bind any Currier to drefs any Leather, which he doing his beft is not able to drefs within every of the Times aforefaid, but fhall extend to all fuch Lea- ther as he conveniently may drefs after the common Rate of dreffing. 1 El. c. 8. 5 El. c. 8. I Jac. 1. c. 22. For further Provljhns concerning Leather, fee 18 EL c. g. 13 & 14 Car. 2. prohibiting Exportation, 9 Ann. c. 6. permitting it. And fee farther 12 Ann. Stat. 2. c. 9. 3 Geo. I. c. 4. and 5 Geo. 1. c. 2. CAP. IX. The Queen during her Life fhall have Authority, by Writing to be fealed with the Great Seal of England, to make and prefcribe to all thole Churches Cathedral and Collegiate, that were erected and eftablifhcd by King Henry the Eighth, and to the Deans, Prebendaries and Miniftcrs of the fame, arid to their Succefibrs, fuch Statutes and Orders for the good Governance of every of them, and of the Lands and Pofieffioiis of every of the fame Churches, as fhall feem good to her; and to alter, change, augment or diminifh the fame as Occafion fhall ferve ; and to ordain and eftablifh Statutes, Ordinances and Foundations for the Government of fuch Grammar-Schools as were erected by King H. 8. or by Kin j; Ed. 6. and of the Miniftcrs and Scholars of the fame; and to alter and tranfpofe other Statutes and Or- dinances there heretofore made. EXP. See 6 Anna, c. 21. CAP. X. The Repeal of a Statute (not printed) made Anno % Ed. 6. touching the Confolidation and Union of the Parifh Churches of Onger and Grcnjied in the County of Efj'ex : And they fhall be feveral Parishes as_ they were before : And James Morris and his Heirs fhall have the Prefentation of the faid Parfonage of Onger. PR. CAP. XI. An Act touching the Sea Sands in Glamor -gar.fhire. WHERE in the xxiij. Year of the Reign of the excellent Prince of famous Memory, KhurHemy ^^ c Z^ a ""hc Eighth, it was enacted and eftablifhed, That Commiifions of Sewers from 7 ime to 1 line, when Coun „ ofGla . ' Ebbing Wears, and other Lets and Nufances, by Reafon of the outragious Courfe and Rage of the Sea. ' and upon Marines and other low Places ; (2) which good Law doth not extend, nor is not taken to give The Eft; • O o o 2 ' * Authonn • 2. ■