Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/518

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C. i. Anno priroo 6c fecund© Fhilippi 6c Marine. A. D. 1554.

  • Authority and Power unto the faid Comrniuioners of Sewers* to reform the greatHurt, NufanceandLoff-s

t that cometh awl qhanceth. to, the Queen's Highnefc and hex Subjects, by Reafon of Sand arifing- out of the t j ? s n ^ driven to Land by Storms and Winds,, whereby much, good Ground lying on the Sea-coafts in fun- dry Places of this. Realm, and especially in the County of Glamorgan* is. covered, with fetch Sand riling out , of the Sea, that there cometh no, Profit of the fame,, to the great Lofs of the Queen's Highnefs and her loving Subjects,, and more is like- to enfue, if fpeedy Remedy be not therein provided :' ffi. May it therefore pleafe the Queen's, Highnefs, with the Affent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent: Parliament aflembl.ed, and by the Authority of the fame, Be it enacted, That ajs well the fa. d Act of Sewers made in the faid xxiij. Year, as all Commiffions of Sewers hereafter to be directed according to the Tenourof the faid A£t, may extend and give Authority, that the CommiiTioners therein named for the County of Glamorgan, or fix of them, whereof three to be of the Quorum, fhall by tbis Act, and the faid former Ait and Commiffion to tfum directed, have full Power and Authority from Time to Time to make fuch Laws,. Provifions, Ordinances, Judgments and Decrees within the faid County of Glamorgan* for the Redrefs and. Saving, of the faid. Grounds from Hurt and Reafon of the faid Sands, as they might or may do by the faid former A£t and Comrniffiow for die.Withftanding and Avoiding the outrageous Courfe and Rage of the Sea, or other Waters j any/Ufage orCuftom to the con- trary notwithftanding, C A P., XII. The Statutes made Anno> zzH. S; c, 6> Anno 23- H, & a 3, 17-. Anno 28 H. 8 c. 6, 8', g. Ainvn IT. $.. c, 7. Anno 35 Hi 8; c. 17. Anno 37 M. 8. c. 23; Anno 2 :& l 3 &*■ &■ c- 9- -Anno j& 4 Ed. 6. c. 1.9,. M: Anno }&. 6 Edi 6. c. 2, 14. Anno 7 Ed. 6. c. ir. Anno r Mar. Scjp. 2. r. rz cff 13. were revived and made to continue until the.laft-Day of the next Parliament- EXP: A Branch of a Statute made 1 M. Self. 3. c. 2. touching the Signing of Letters Patents, &c. with the Queen's Sign Manualrepealed, itc. Anno- primo 6c fecundo Phtlippt 6e Marine. C T S made at a Parliament begun and holden at Wejlminfier the * twelfth Day. of November in the firft and fecond Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord and Lady Philip and Mary, by the Grace of God, King and Queen, of England, France^ Naples:, Jerafalem and Ireland.; Defenders of the Faith; Princes of Spain and SuvV/V; Aichdukcs-. o f Aic/lria ; Dukes of Milaine, Burgundy, and Bra- bant ; Counties of Hqfpurg, Flanders and Tyro II; and there continued- and kept until the DifTolution of the fame, being the xvj. Day of 'January then next.enfuing, were enacted as followetlv: CAP. I. An Aft touching Letters Patents, and other Writings to be figned by the Queen. WHERE in the Parliament begun and holden, at Wejlminjler. the fecond Day of April in the firft Year of the Reign of our moft dread and gracious Sovereign. Lady the Queen's Majefty, and there conti- nued, and kept till the DifTolution of the fame, being the fifth Day of May then next following,.one Act was made touching the Articles of her Highnefs moft noble Marriage, in the which Act among other Things it was enacted, ordered and eftablifhed by the Authority of the faid Parliament, That all and Angular Gifts, Grants, Letters Patents, Exchanges, Confirmations, Leafes, and other Writings, which after the. faid Mar- riage and during the fame, fhould pafs and be made of any Benefices., Offices, Lands, Revenues andFruits, or of any of them, fhould be intituled and made intheNames of our Severeign Lord the King, and of her moft excellent Highnefs, whether his Majefty fhould be prefent within the Realms and Dominions of her Highnefs, or within any of them, or abfent: (2) And that the fame Gifts, Grants, Letters .Patents, Ex- changes, Confirmations, Leafes, and other Writings fofet, forth, and. made,, fhould be fealed and firmed with ' the Sign Manual of her Highnefs,. (3) and the fame fo. figned, and fealed with the Great Seal of this Realm, or with fuch Seal as hath been accuftomed, mould be by the Authority of thefaid Parliament deemed,, ad- judged, declared and pronounced to be as good, perfect, and of like Force, Strength and Effect in the Law, * to all Intents, Conftructions and Purpofes, againft our faid Sovereign Lord and Lady the King and Queens r Majefties, and her Highnefs Heirs and Succeffors, as if her Majefty had been at the Time of the Making n thereof fole and unmarried; (4) and that all Gifts, Grants, Patents, Exchanges, Confirmations, Leafes, and other Writings, which after the faid Marriage, and during the Time of the fame, fhould pafs and be made of the faid Benefices, Offices, Lands, Revenues and Fruits, or. of- any of them, whereunto the Sign Manual of her Highnefs (hould not be fet, made or put, fhall be by the Authority of the faid Parliament from Time to Time deemed, adjudged, accepted, taken and decreed of no Force ne Effect, but utterly fruftrate and void in the Law, to all Intents, Conftructions and Purpofes ; the faid Marriage, or any Law, Ufage or Cuftom to the contrary in any wife notwithftanding, as by the faid Act more at large doth appear : 'II. Sithencer

  • Examined by the Inrolment. It is the eleventh in Pultwi Edition j . the twtr.ty-Jecmd in Fix Mtu-tyrol, 3 Vol. 118, See 3 Keb. 740.