Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/519

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A.D. 1554. Anno prime & fecundo Philippt & Mark*. C. 2 — 4. 469 ■ II. 9ithertce the makingof which Statute, and the Solemnization of the faid Marriage, the Queen's moft rbeliwoot*- ■ Excellent Majcfty h:rth been greatly molcftrd, tfrfcvtd ami troubled with often SitTirng ol ' Gifts, Grants, Exchanges Leaffes ami othur Writings concerning and touching Ht • Revenues and Fruit-, made and granted by and from our fid Sovereign ! Knig »nd h • to fund ry of their moft loving Subjects to whom alfo it hath bWn and i no fitaall C'lv.r;- I • til fuch Time as they may procure and obtain the Sign Manual of her Highncfs onto m ' Patent;, Gifts, Grants, Exchanges, Confirmations and , without v. • by I'"orce of the faid Statute, to the great Danger, Lofs and utter Undoing of : • ly • bought, purchafed or obtained of our faid Sovereign Lord and I.ady, the (ting and Qj? 1 '■'-'>> • diver* Lands, Tenements and other Hereditaments, to their great Coils and Charges :' III. For Remedy whereof, he it enacted by ihc Authority of this prefent Parliament, That the faid Branch '• or Article touching or concerning only the Signing' dfEetters 1'atmts Gifts Grants, Excff, inflations Leafes "or of other Writings for any Lands Benefices, Offices-, Revenue , Pi m il'otnei H rtditaments, (hall be from henceforth clearly repealed, and made fruftratc and void to all Intents and Pur- Seff. 3. c z. pofes. IV. ttnts which Tenements Revenues Fruits, Liberties or otHeVBferdtfttarnerits, or of any of them, in the Norm* of orir ',1',!..- moft dread Sovereign Lord and Lady the King arid Qtreerre Majeiiie,, [the Warrant or Writing, or VvaV-j ;ak u J. rants or Writings whereof, being figncd with her Highnefe Sign Manual, iri fuch Form, Order and Dcgie ■, as the fame heretofore hath been accuftomed to be iig'ncd when her Highncfs was fole and unmarried) ihali be by Authority of this prefent Parliament of the fame like Force, Strength and Effect, in the Law, to all Intents Conftructions and Purpofes, as if the fame were or had been figncd by her Highncfs Sign Manual, and as- if her Majefty had been at the Time of the making thereof fole and unmarried, and as they were before the making of the faid Act; the faid Eftatute, or any Branch or Article therein contained to the con- trary, in any wife notwithftanding. C A P. IK Whoever fhall wear Silk, in or upon his Hat, Bonnet, Girdle, Scabbard, Hofd, Shoes or Spurleathers fhall be three Months imprifoned, and forfeit x. li. except Mayors, Aldermen, isfc. If any Pcrfon knowing his Servant to offend, do not put him forth of his Service within xiv. Days, or do retain him again, he fhall forfeit C. li. REP. 1 Jac. 1. c. 25. CAP. III. A Confirmation of the Stat. ofyEd. 1. c. 34. and 2 R. 2. Stnt. 1. c. 5. touching telling of News. Tut- rices of Peace in every Shire, City, &c. (hall have Authority to hear and determine the faid Offences, and~to put the faid two Statutes in Execution. If any Pcrfon fhall be convicted or attainted for fpeak- ing. malicioufly of his own Imagination, any falfe, feditious and ilanderous News Saying, or Tale?, of the King or Queen, then. he fhall for his firft Offence be ftt on the Pillory in fome Market-Place near where the Words were fpokeri, and have both his Ears cut off, unlefe he pay to the Queen an hundred Pound within one Month after Judgment given, and alfo fhall be three Months imprifoned: And if he fhall fpeak any fuch flanderous and feditious News or Tales of the Speaking or Report of an- other, then he fhall be fet on the Pillory, arid have one of his Ears cut off, unlefs he pay an hundred- Marks to the Queen's Ufe within one Month after, and fhall be one Month imprifoned-: And if he fhall do it by Book, Rhim'e, Ballad, Letter or Writing, he fhall have his right Hand ftricken off. And-if any Perfon being once convicted of any of'the Offences aforefaid, do afterward offend, he fhall be imprifoned during his Life, and forfeit all his Goods and Chattels, EXP. 4 & 5 Pb. cs" M. c. q. t-Eliz.c.6. CAP. IV. An Aft againfir certain Perfons calling therrifclves Egyptian*. WHERF in a Parliament holden at JVejhnivJIer in the xt-;;]. Year of the Reign of our late Sovereign PunHfcrpenf-'for- Lord King Hairy the Eighth, (for the Avoiding and Baiiifhing out of this Realm of certain out- l ' rr ; " iandifh People calling them fives Egyptians, ufing no Craft nor Feat of .'••terchandifes for to live bv, but going from Place to Place in great Companies ufing great, fubtrl and crafty Means to deceive the King's M h. S. c' 10. Subjects, bearing them in Hand, that they by Palmiffry could tell Mens arid Women's Fortunes and Co Enforced and many Times by Craft and Subtilty deceive the People cf their Money, and coromitted divers great and lX F lr ' ineiJ b y heinous Felonies and Robberies, to the great Hurt and 'Deceit of the People ;) (2) it was amonglt other S *■'•.' Things then enacted, That from the Time of the making of the faid Act no fuch Perfons fhould be fuffered to come within this theKing's Realm, upon Pain of f ! i ate to the King of all their Goods and Chattels, - Xalt, ici. and then to be commanded to avoid the Realm within fifteen Days next after the Commandment, upon VPain oflmprifonmcnt ; (3) and fuch Perfons calling themfelves Egyptians, as were then within this RiAlm, ■fhould depart within fixteen Days next after Proclamation; of the Yaid AH, upon Pain of Imprifortmeiuv and Forfeiture of ail -their Goods and Chattels .witfi diyess other Claufcs and Articles contained in the laid-