Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/525

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A. D. 1554. Anno primo 5c fecundo Philippi 6c Map; C. 8.

n < 1 alfo one other Acl made al the Parliament hold) 

n of the faid late King H the Eighth, cntituled, An Ai I exti i Bifhop "I Rome;

 I. And mi. -lit, cntituled. 

1 ; I Licences and Difpcnfations from tl II th; Part of the A I made in the faid i ight and i I 1 < lot' the bftablifhm ill of the Succeffioi Prohibition to many t itliin the Dcgrci s cxpi li I . And alfo one othei A. I ma Ic al the ! ?. c . 9 . ith, entituled, An gh- 1 make Hiihops 1. Pan ni ; XIX. And 01 t made in the Scffion of the fame Parliament, begun in I , holdcn upon Prorogation the two and thirtieth Year of the Ri ign ed, An Act concerning Prc-i i i icts . i- Act made in the Parliame it lu.KI.-n al //'//-■ the Reign 3; H. 2. c. 3. i; lith, entituled, An Ac! for the Ratification of the King's

(2) (hall henceforth be repealed, made fruftrate, (.i.l and of none Effect ;

I where alfo at the faid Parliament holdcn at JVeJlminJhr in the five and thirtieth Year of the J5 ' : - 8< c - '• ' Reign of the faid late King H.nry the i ighth, one other ' ■ ■ 1 ade, entituled. An .'■ fhment of the Succcflion of the faid King in the Imperial Crown > 1: In the wl ' Acl there is a Form of a Corporal Oath deviled ami fet fori 1 bound to take, againft the Power, Authority and Jurifdiction of the See of Rome :' (2) B 1 by Authority of this prefent Parliament, That lo much of the (aid Act as tou. heth the laid Oath againft the Supremacy, and all Oaths thereupon had, made and given, (hall be from henceforth utterly void,

u,d of none Effect.

' XXII. And where alfo one other Act was made in the (even and thirtieth Year of the Reign of the 37 I; ' faid late King H-nry the Eighth, entituled, An Act that Doctors of the Civil Law, 1 d, ' might exercile liction :' (z) Be it enacted by the Authority of" thi ment, Thai the laid ntioncd, and all and ■ irticl , Sentence ind Ma I in the fame', (hall from henceforth be repealed and utterly made void and of none I HIE And where one other Act was made at the firft Seffi .n of the Parliament holden it '.' j .'•..' ' in the rirll Reign of King Edward the Sixth, entituled, An Act for the Repeal of cei ' Statutes concerning Trei : s'c. In the which Act, amongft otherThings, ther< lins, Penalties and Forfeitures, for and againft fuch as fhould b ' ings, exp .1" Words, Sayings, Writing, Printing, Overt-Deed or Act, affirm or fet forth, that the King fied. 1m, for the Time being, is not or ougnt not to be the Supream Head in b arth of the Churches I * ■ of Eughind and Irch.nd, ne of any of them, or that the Bifhop of other Pei ' other than the King of England for the Time being, is or ought to ' Churches, or any of them, as in the lame Act la ft before rehearfed m< led and may ' appear:' (2) Be it enacted by the Authority of" this prefent Parliament, That thefe CI : re- hearfed, and other of" the faid Act concerning the Supremacy, and all and every Branch, Article, Wo and Sentence i 1 the fame, founding or tending to the Derogation of the Supn m icy of the Pope"' or the See of Rom.', and ail Pains, Penalties and Forfeitures made againft them tl I .let 1 extol the faid Supremacy, fliall be from henceforth utteriy void and of none 1 XXIV. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, Tnat all Claufes, Sentence- id Artie] of every other Statute or Act of Parliament, made fithence th;- 1 ai I 1 Reign of King Sca Henry the Eighth, againft the Supream Authority of the Pope's Holihcfs, or See Apoftolick or R containing any other Matter of the fame Effect only, that is repealed in any of th Sta . (I 1 by-Authority hereof from henceforth utterly void, fruftrate and of none 1 . L [i ] And where we your moft humble Subjects, the Lords Spiritual and Tempi - ', and Commons, in ' this prefent Parliament alTembled, have exhibited to your Majefties one otn n in Form idl- ing:' 1 XXV. We the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and ions, in this r ' rcfenting the whole Body of this Realm, reduced and receiv-i 1 by ' Unity of Chrift s Church, and the Obedience of the See Apoftolick of . ixig the fame, make moft humble Suit unto your Majeftiei to be likewifi ' all Occafions of Contention,- Hatred, Grudge, Sufpicion and Trouble, bo; h Mens Confciences, which might arife arrongft us by reafon of Difobedience, ' Pope's Holinefs, and by Miniftration of the fame unto us 1 m end Father in God 1 ' Cardinal Pool, by Difpenfation, Toleration or' Permiffion n 1 y, as the Caf lillied and taken away, and by Authority fufficient th. f< . i ,, and j when any Occafion fliall require, may be provided for and confirmed. ' XXVI. Firft, That all Bifhopricks, Cathedra] Churches, Hofpitals, Colleges, School Foundations now continuing, made by Authority of Parliament, or otherwife eftal li h Order of the Laws of this Realm, fithence the Schifm, may be confirmed and corttini . XXVII. Item, That Marriages made infra j adus prohibit r confanguinitaiis, t, or which might be made void propter impedimentum publics? boneflatis, jujii - . ' prohibited by the Canons only, may be confirmed, and Children born of thole Mar Ppp 2 ' mate.