Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/526

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476 C. 8. Anno primo £c fecundo Ph'ilippi & Marine. A. D. J 554. ' mate, fo as thpfe Marriages were made according to the Laws of the Realm for the Time keing, and be ' not direclly againft the Laws of God, nor in iuch Cafe as the See Apoftoliek hath not ufed to difpenfe ' withal. i! lfl!t c "° nS d ? ' XXVIII. That Inftitutions of Benefices, and other Promotions Ecclefiaftical, and Difpenfations made D^penfTtions. ' according to the Form of the Aft of Parliament, may be likewife confirmed. judicial I'mieOcs ' XXIX. That all judicial Procefs made before any Ordinaries of this Realm, or before any Delegates made upon Ap- ' upon any Appeals, according to the Order of the Laws of this Realm, may be likewife ratified and P ea!s - * ' confirmed. The Lands and c XXX. And finally, where certain Acls and Statutes have been made in the Time of the late Schifm, ftoimcks Mo- ' concerning the Lands and Hereditaments of Archbifhopricks and Bifhopricks, the Suppreflion and Diffolu- nafteries.'chan- ' tion of Monafteries, Abbeys, Priories, Chantries, Colleges, and all other the Goods arid Chattels of Re- tries, difperfcd, ' ligious Houfes ; liiice the which Time the Right and JJominion of certain Lands and Hereditameftt^, 3ull fo continue. < Goods and Chattels, belonging to the fame, be difperfed abroad, and come to the Hands and Pofkffions ' of divers and fundry Perfons, who by Gift, Purchase, Exchange and other Means, according to the ' Order of the Laws and Statutes of this Realm for the Time being, have the fame : (a) For the Avoid- ' ing all Scruples that might grow by any the Occasions aforefaid, or by any other Ways or Means what- ' foever, It may pleai'e your Majefties to be Interceffors and Mediators to the laid molt Reverend Fat ,er ' Cardinal Poo!, that all iuch Caufes and Quarrels, as by Pretence of the laid Schifm, or by any other Oc- ' cafion or Mean whatfoever might be moved by the Pope's Holinefs or See Apoftoliek, or by any other ' Jurifdiclion Ecclefiailical, may be utterly removed and taken away; (3) fo as all Perfons having fuliicient £ Conveyance of the faid Lands and Hereditaments, Goods and Chattels as is aforefaid, by the Common ' Laws, Adts or Statutes of this Realm, may without Scruple of Confidence enjoy them without I-rnpeaeh- ' ment or Trouble by Pretence of any general Council, Canons or Ecelefiaftical Laws, and clear from all ' Dangers of the Cenfures of the Church. ' XXXI. And conformably hereunto, the Bifhops and Clergy of the Province of Canterbury have pre- 4 fen.ted to your Majefties a, Supplication, in this Tenour that followeth.' The Clergy's Pe- (2}T%T OS Epifcapi ef Cirrus Cantuarienfis Provincia in hac Synodo more nojiro folito, dum Regni Parliamen Lands and Goods of the turn celebratur, congrcgati, cum omni debits ImmUitCfte et reverentia, 0:0 .' licet Ecclefarura quibus in Epifeofos, Deea.ios, Archidiaconas, Reclm

ntia, exponimus Alajejiatibus vtjlris,

res et Vicarios prafet'i Jiimus, et ani- Jaie difptrfid iriariun, qua et nobis noflra jhbjecla Junt, et earundem bonorum, jurifdiSlionum et jurium, ex facrorum anw.gft the Canouum difpofitione, defenfores et curator es conftituii futnus, et propUrea ipfarum bona, jurifdicliones, & jura Temporally, night To remain. piper hac re mature conlilio, ei deliheratione> ingenue fid emur nos optime cognofcere quam , fiajeicorum difficilis et quafi impojfdilis ejjet recuperatio, propter multiplices ac pens inextricabiles fuper hi contraclus ei difpofttiones, et quod Ji ea tentaretur, quies et tranquillitas Regni facile periurbaretur, et uniteis Ecclefa Catholica, qua; jam jietate ei autboritate Majeflatum vejlrarum, hoc in Regno intreduEta e/l, cum The Clergy do maxima difjicultate fuum debitimi progreffum et Jinejn fortiri pofjet ; (4) Ideo nos bonwn et qaietcm publican prefer the put- £ r } va fj s commeditatibus, et falutem tot animarum pretiofo Chrifti [anguine redempiarum terrenis bonis antepo- fbrciheir pri- nentes y et non qua nojlra fed qua Jefu Chrifli funt quarcntes, Majeftates veflras tnixe rogamus, eafq; bumiutar vate Commodity. fuppliccmw.s, ut reverendfjfmo in Chrifto Petri Domino Reginaldo Cardinal! Polo, ad ipfas ei univerfum tec Anglic regman fanfiiffnii Domini nojlri, Domini Julii Rapes tertii, et Apojlolica fedis de latere Legato, hac nomine nojiro infmuari, et apud eum intercedere digncntur, ut in bis bonis Ecclcfajlicis, in parte i/el in toio, arbi- trio fuo juxta focultates fibi ab eodem fancliffmio Domino nojiro Papa concefjds, eorundem bonorum detentoribm, elargiendis et relaxandis, publicum bonum privato, pacem et tranquillitatem dijpdiis & perturbationibus, atq; The Clergy's animarum falutem bonis terrenis praferre et anteponcre velit. (5) Nos enim in omnibus qua ab ipfo Legato ^"('v'^T^p- Jlaiuta et ordinata circa hac bona fuerint, exnunc, prout extunc, et eccntra confenfum nojlrum prajlamus, vm tion'mavbe ie- c ^ am et in pramijfis fe diffieilem aut rejlriclum redder e non velit, Majejlatcs veftra nojiro nomine eum hortari, ei fiored unto rogore digiubzmtui (b) Infup^r Majejiatibus ve/lris fupplieamus ut pro fua pietatc cff.ccre dignentur, ut ea qua. them, and that act jurifdicJionem nojiram et libertaiem Ecclefiajlicam pertinent, fine quibus debifum nojlri paftoralis officii et euro. "■•■> which an ' ;marum nobis hinder it may abrogated, nobis et Ecclefia p, com?niJfa exercere non pojjurnus, nobis fuperiorum temporum injuria ablata, rejlituaniur, et ea perpetuo illafa ei falva permaneant, et ut omncs leges, qua banc noflram jurifiielionem et liber- taiem Ecclefiafticam tollunt, leu quovis modo impediunt, abrogentur,, ad bonorem Dei et Maje/latum vejlrarum. ei ur.iverf. hujus Regni fpirit: ale et temporale commodum et falutem ; (7) certam fpem etiam babentes, A'lajejiatci veftras, pro fua fngulari in ipfum Deum pietate, proque multis et in/ignibus ab ipfius Dei boniiate acceptis benefiais. neccffitatibus, et incemmodis hujus fid Regni Ecclejiarunif maxime curam animarum habentium, nunquam defuturau cfje, fed prout opus fuerit, confulturas atque provifuras. ' XXXII. Forafmuch as the faid moft Reverend Father the Lord Legate, at the Interceffion of youi ' Majeflics, hath by the Authority of the See Apoftoliek fufficiently difpenfed in the Matters fpecified ir 6 the faid feveral Supplications, as in his faid Letters of Difpenfation- is contained more at large : Th< ' Tenor whereof errfueth.' The Difpcnfa- / 2 ) "O Fginaldus miferatione divlna SanSra Mariae in Cofmodin fancla Rsmana Ecclefia Diaconus, Cardi- p 0n i°/ ^ a - dl <r' •^ > - na ^ s P°' us nuncupatus, ad Scrcniffimos Philippum et Mariam, Anglia Regcs, fidei Defenfores, e latere '^^ C univerfum Anglia rcgnum, Janelijpmi Domini nojlri Papa et fedis Apojiolica de latere Legatus, eifde'm Sereniffi mis Pnilippo et M^rke Regibus falutem in Domino fempiternam. (3) Cum fupremum Confilium ijlius Regm ParlicmenUw