Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/528

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478 C. 8. Anno primo 8s fecundo Philippi & Marine. A. D. 1554. The Lands and (jg) et f c per quofcunq; Judices et Auditores, fublata eis quawis aliter judicandi et interpretandi facilitate et authtritate, CI™ ° C C - judicari et defniri debere, et quicquid /ecus attemptari contigerit,. irritum et inane fore decernimus, non obflanlibus prrsmiffis the Hands of 'defeclibus, et quibnfvis Jlpoflolicis, acin pro'vincialibus et Jynodalibus conciliis editis, Jpecialibus <vel generalibus, conftitu- others (hail con- tionibus, et ordinationlbus, Cceterifque contrariis quibufcunq; (20) Jldmonemus tamen, cum di-uifo Epifcopatuum et ereclio tinue. Cathedralium Ecchfiarum fmt de majoribus caufts, que fummo Pontifici funt refer-vatts, recurrendum ejj'e ad fuam fancli- tatem, et ab ea Juppliciter poftulandum, ut hcec confrmare, feu de novo facere dignetur; (21) Et licet omnes res mobiles Ecclejiarum indijlincle eis qui eas tenent relaxwverimus, eos tamen ddmonhos effe Hjolumus, ut ante oculos habentes di<vini judicij fcveritatem contra Belthafarem Regem Babylonis, qui wafajacra non a Je, fed a patre e templo ablata in propbanos An Admonition u j us concuer tJt, ea prcpriis Ecclefis f extant, <vel aliis rejtituant. (22) Hortantes etiam, et per vifcera mifericordite Jefu hold the Goods Chrifti obtejlantes, eos omnes quos beec res tangit, ut Ja/utis Jute non omniuo immemores, hoc faltem ejf.ciant, ut ex bonis sf the Church. Ecclefiaftids, maxime lis qua rations parfonatuam et <uicariaiuum popfdi minifirorum fuftentationi fucrint fpecialiler •' defti- na'ta, feu aliis Catbedralibus, et aliis qws nunc extant inferiori bit's Ecclsfiis curam animarum exercentibus, ita pro<videatur, 2it earum paflcrcs, parfonrs et <vicarij, commode et honsfe jv.xta co^- ■: qualitaiem et ftatum Jufentari poj/int, et curam ani- marum laudabiliter, et oner a incianhentia corgrus fupp e. Datum Lambeth props hondinum, Vi'intonien. Dioceff. Anno Natifit. Dom. MDLIV. Ncno Cal. Januarij, Pontif. Sanftiff. in Chrifto pains, et Domini ncfri, Domini Julij, divina procidentia, Papcs tertii, anno quint 0. Reginaldus Cardinalis Polus Legatus. (23) We the faid Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament afTembled, rendring moft humble Thanks to your Majcfties, by whofe Interceffion and Means we have obtained the laid Difpenfations of the Pope's HoJinefs, by the faid moft reverend Father in God, his Legate, moft humbly befeech the fame, that it may be ordained as followeth : The Cardinal's XXXIil. And therefore be it enacted by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, That all and angular D.fpenfation Articles and Claufes contained in the faid Difpenfation, a- well touchmg the Eftablifhment of Bifhopricks Parliament/ an( * Cathedral Churches, (2) as alfo the Confirmation of Marriages in Degrees prohibited by the Canons of the Church, the Legitimation of Children, (3) and the Ratification of Procefs, and of Sentences in Matters Ecclefiaftical, touching the Invalidity of them for want of Jurifdiction, (4) and the Inflitutions and Defti- tutions of and in Benefices and Promotions Ecclefiaftical, Difpenfations and Graces given by fuch Order as the publick.Laws of the Realm then approved, (5) and all other Things before contained in the faid Letters of Difpenfations, (6.) fhall remain and be reputed and taken to all Intents and Conftructions in the Laws of this Realm, lawful, good and eftecTrual, to be alledged snd pleaded in all Courts Ecclefiaftical and Tem- poral, for good and fufficient Matter, either for the PiaintifFor Defendant, without any Allegation or Ob- jection to be made againft the Validity of them, by Pretence of any general Council, Canon ot Decree to the contrary made or to be made in that Behalf. -Monkeries, ' XXXIV. And whereas divers and fundry late Monafteries, Priories, Commandries, Nunneries, Dea- L^nd^VndHe- ' naries, Prebends, Colleges, Hofpitals, Hcufes of Fryers, Chantries and other Religious and Ecclefiaftical redibments ' Houfes and Places, and the Manors, Granges, Meffuages, Lands, Tenements, Redtories, Tithes, Pen- were given to ' fions, Portions, Vicarages, Churches, Chapels, Advowfons, Nominations, Patronages, Annuities, Rents, King Hen. s, by' Reverfions, Services, and other Ponefnons and Hereditaments to the faid late Monafteries, Priories, Nun- the Statutes t ner j eS5 Commandries, Deanaries, Chantries, Prebends, Houfes of Fryers, Colleges, Hofpitals, and other e. *8. 27 ' ' ' Rel'g'ous and Ecclefiaftical Houfes and Places, and fundry Archbifhopricks and Bifhopricks within this and 3*1 H. 8. ' Realm, late appertaining and belonging, came as well to the Hands and PoiTeflions of the faid King of e. : j£. ' famous Memory, Henryfhe. Eighth, Father unto your Majefty our faid Sovereign. Lady, by Diflblution, ' Gift, Grant, Surrender, Attainder or otherwife, as alfo to the Hands and Pofleiiion of divers and fundry ' other Perfons, and Bodies Politick and Corporate, by fundry Means, Conveyances and Affurances, ac- ■ ' cording to the Order of the Laws and Statutes of this Realm. Chantries, Col- ' XXXV. And where alfo divers Manors, Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, Parcel of the Poffcf- l e 8fs, FreerCha- .< f lons of Archbifhopricks anl Bifhopricks, and many and fundry late Deanaries, Colleges, Chantries, Land's" given to ' Rectories, Prebends, Free Chapels, Guilds and Fraternities, Manors, Houfes, Granges, Lands, Tene- Kihgkd.'6. ' ments, Rents, Services, and other Ecclefiaftical PoiTeflions and Hereditaments, Goods and Chattels to The Statute of ' the faid Archbifhopricks, Bifhopricks, Deanaries, Colleges, Chantries, Free Chapels, Rectories, Guilds 1 Ed. 6. c. 14. ' anc { Fraternities, late appertaining and belonging, or appointed to and for the finding of Priefts, Obits, . ' Lights, or other like Furpcfe, came as well to the' Hands and Poffefiions of the faid late noble King ' Edward the. Sixth, Brother unto your Majefty our Sovereign Lady, by Virtue of an Act of Parliament ' thereof made, or otherwife; -as alio to the Hands and Pofleiiion of divers and fundry other Perfons, and ' Bodies Politick and Corporate, by fundry Means, Conveyances and Affurances, according to the Order 'of the Laws of this Realm; (2) a great Number of which faid late Monafteries, Priories, Nunneries, 'Commandries, Deanaries, Colleges, Hofpitals, Prebends, Chantries, Free Chapels, Guilds and Fra- ' ternities, and the Manors, Granges, Meffuages, Lands, Tenements, Rents, Reverfions, Services, Tkhes, ' Penfiens, Portions, Vicarages, Churches, Chapels, Advowfons, Nominations, Patronages, Annuities and


Hereditaments, Goods and Chattels, to the faid Monafteries, Priories, Nunneries, Comma ries, Colleges, Hofpitals, Chantries, Free Chapels, Guilds, Fraternities and other Ecclefiaflicai Houfes, Archbifhopricks and Bifhopricks belonging, as' well for great Sums of Money, as for other good and reafonable Caufes and Coniiderations, have been conveyed and afiured to di ers the Subje'cls and Bod'es Politick of this Realm, as well by the faid King Henry trie Eighth, the faid King Edward the Sixth., and by your Highnefs our Sovereign Lady, and jointly by both your Majefties, as alfo by divrrs the Owners of the faid Ecclefiaftical Pofiefiions ; which faid Conveyances and Affurances by their fundry Letters Pa- tents and. other Writings more plainly do and may-appear. ' (3) Forafmuch as the faid rrioft Reverend ' Father