Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/529

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A. D. 1554. Anno primo & fccundo Philippi 5c Mart.*. C. 8. 479 ' I athcr h:ith sJfo by the f;ii<l Difp i ' and Danger, win. h by < hrcafion ' ' and difquict the Poflcflions ol fuch i ere of late belonging to any of thi fui 1 rch i(nO| i mandrics, 1 )eanai i . ( 'ol . , (

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1 they be of; (4) Yet for that the Title of all Lands, roflcifions and Hcrcdil 1 1 Realm and 1 omini 1 mnded in the Laws, ! 1 J11iiKii1.l1. n, Authority Royal, and Crown Impi ri; I, and in yoi 1 I ' cried and judged, and none a | ;) and und ' tenl and Detcrm !'h:it all and n and Per- 1 ' km., Bodie Pol. tick and Corporate, their Hei hem, (hall 1 ' keep, retain and enjoy all and every their Eftati m now have, or hereafter (hall have, of and in all an '. ev( ry the Manors, G

  • Tenements, 1 it lies, Penfions, Portions, A Ivowfons,

' (ions, Services, Hundred , Wapentakes, Liberti 4 of the faid Monafteries, Abbii Pri , Commandri . ' ' pit.ils, Houfes of Fryers, Chantries, Rectories, Vicarages, Churches, Chapels, Archbifhopricks. Bifho- ' pricks, and other Religious or Ecclcfiaftical Houfes or Places, or of any of them, within this Realm or ' the Dominions of the lame, by fuch Laws and Statutes as were in Force before the firft Day of this pre- Parliament, and by other lawful Conveyance to them thereof n XXXVI. That it may be enacted by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, That as well yoi jelly, Sovereign Lady, your Heirs and Succeffors, and alio all and every other l'erfon and Perfons, Bo Politick and Corpora e, their Heirs, Succeffors and Affigns, now having, or that hereafter (hall have, hold or enjoy any of the Scitcs of the faid hue Monafteries, and other the Keligioi es, and all the laid Manors, Granges, MetTiiages, Lands, Tenements, Tithes, Penfions, Portions, '■■ 1 Glebe Lands, Advowfons, Nomination:-, Patronages, Annuities, Rents, Reverfions, Services, Hundred . Wapentakes, Liberties, Franchifes, Profits, Commodities, and other the'Pbfl'eflions and Hereditaments of

the laid late Monafterie , Abbies, Priories, Nunn ri.-,, Commandries, Deanaries, Colleges, Prebends, Hof-

pitals, Houfes of Fryers, Rectories, Vic rag< , < tiantries, Churches, Chapels, Archbifhopricks, Bifhoprii and other Religious and Ecclcfiaftical Houfes and Places, or of any of them, of what Name, Nature or Kind foever they be, (hall have, hold, poliefs, retain, keep and enjoy all and every the faid Scitcs, Manors, Granges, Mefluages, Lands, Tenements, Pofieffions, Profits, Commodities-, and other Heredit ments, ac- cording to fuch Interefts and Eftates, as they and every of then now have or hold, or hereafter (hall ha ■ hold, ol and in the fame, by the due Order and Courfe of the Laws and Statutes of this Realm, which be, or were (landing in Force before the firft Day of this prefent Parliament, in Manner and Form as they fhould have done, if this Act had never been had ne made ; this Act or any Thing herein contained to the contrary in any wife notwithftanding. XXXVII. Saving to you our laid Sovereign Lady, your Heirs and Succefibrs and every of them, and to Other Mens all nd every other Perfon or Perfons Subjects of this Realm, and Bodies Politick and Corporate, and to T!tles fjrcJ ' their Heirs and Succefibrs, and to the Heirs and Succefibrs of all and every of -hem (other th tn fuch whole Right, Title or In ereft is bounded or taken away, undone or extinct by any Act of Parliament heretofore made or o.herwife) (2) all fuch Right, Title, Claim, Pofteflion, Interefts,' Rents, Annuities, Commodi- ■ ties, _ Commons, Offices, Fees, Leafes, Liveries, Livings, Penfions, Portions, Debts, Duties and other Profits, which they or any of them lawfully have, or of Kight ought to have, or might have had, in, of, or to any of the Premifles, or in, of, or to any Part or Parcel thereof, in fuch like Manner and Form, and Condition, to all Intents, RefpeiSts, Conftructions and Purpofes, as if this Act had never been had ne made. XXXVIII. And that it may be further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every Article, A Confirmation Qlaufe, Sentence and Provifo, contained or fpecihed in any Act or Acts of Parliament concerning or touch- of ail Sutures ing the Afiurance or Conveyance of any the faid Monafteries, Priories, Nunneries, Commandries, Deanc- [?' L™ ries, Prebends, Colleges, Chantries, Hofpitals, Houfes of Friers, Rectories, Vicarages, Churches-, Chap: Is, Archbifhopricks, Bifhopricks and other Religious and Ecclefia lical Houfes and Places, or any of them, or Chantries, tec. in any wife concerning any Manors, Lands, Tenements, Profits, Commodities, Hereditaments, or other the of King Hen. ?. 1 hings before fpecified, to the faid King Henry the Eighth, or King Edlwirdthe Sixth or either of them, King Ed. 6. or any other Perfon or Perfons, or Body Politick or Corporate and every of them, and all and every Wri- ting, Deed and Inftrument concerning the Affurancc of any the fame, fhail (land, remain and be in as good Force, Effect and Strength, and fhall be pleaded and taken Advantage of, to all Intents, Conftructions and Purpofes, as the fame fhould, might or could have been, by the Laws and Statutes of this Realm, in cafe this prefent Act had never been had ne made. XXXIX. And that all Feoffments, Fines, Surrenders, Forfeitures, AfTur^nccs, Conveyances, Eftates A Confirmation and Interefts in any wife conveyed, had or made to out fi d I Sovereign Lord King /.'. hth, °f. A or to our faid late Sovereign Lord King Edward the Sixth or either of them, or to any other Perfon Perfons, Bodies Politick or Corporate or to any of them, by Feed or Deeds, Act 01 '. rliament or,' otherwifc, of any the Scites, Manors, Lands, Tenements, leffions, Profits, Commodities or Heredita- of Abbey Land's., ments of any of the faid Archbifhopricks, Bifhopricks, late onafteries, Priories, Nunneries, Common- dries, Deanaries, Houfes of Fryers, Colleges, Chantries, Hofpitals, Prebends, Fr >r of any Manors, Lands, Tenements, Reverfions, Services, Tithes, Penfions, Portions, Annuitie Hereditaments-,. 4