Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/535

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A. D. 1554. Anno prima & fecundo Piirurri £c Marine. C. 14. 485 IV. An I thai il ■ f: id I ' , 01 one "l then them for any '. ■ . I the laid Prilbncr, ana Information ol them that brtnj and the fame, or as much thereof as (hall I material to pro make the fame Bailment ; (->.) which faid Exami (ball certify at the next G i al Gaol-delivery to I V. And tl t every Coron r, upon any Inquifi i him found, whei by any Pcrfon or Perl (hall be indicated for Mnrdcr 01 Manil i the fame bi ot Manflaugjiter committed, (hall put in W riting the I material: (2) And a3 well the faid Juftii .. the faid Coroner, (hall have Authority bind all Inch by Recognizan or ( H nyThing material to prove t) Wanflaught' r, Ol or to be Acceflbry or / r.t the next Ger ' [thin the County, City 1 own ( Trial thereof (hall be, then an give Evidence againft the Party fo indicl Trial; (3) and (hall certify as well th nee as (iich Bond i Hi together with the [nquifi ion tmerri before him . tneTimeofhi mination before them, (hall for every fu h ( mence let fuch Fine on every of the f.:me Juftices of Peace and Coroner, as the feme Juftices of Ga (h il think meet, and (hall eftreat the fame, as other 1 and Amerciaments aflefled before Juftices of Gaol-delivery ought to be. VI. Provided always, and be it further enai ted by the Authority aforefaid. That Juftices of Peace • Coroners within the City of London and the County of Aliddlrjix, and mother Cities, Boroughs and T< .wn>,J Lonj"n, " Corporate within this Realm and Wales, fhall within their feveral Jurifdictions have Authority to let to Bail Midalcftx,' t* Felons and Prifoners, in fuch Manner and Form as they have been heretofore accuftomed ; this Act or any Thing therein contained to the contrary notwithstanding : (?.) And alfo fhall take Examinations and Bonds, fbrefaid, upon every Bailment by them or ajiy of them to be made; (3) and (hall certify every fuch Bailments, Bonds and Examinations by them or any of them taken or made, at the next Gaol-delivery to be holden within the Shire, City, Borough or Town, where their feveral JurifJiciions cxtendeth, upon like Pain and Forfeiture as is before limited in thh prefent A£t. VII. And be it alfo enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That no Writs of Habeas Corpus or Certiorari Removing jfa fhall be hereafter granted to remove any Prifoner out of any Gaol, or to remove any Recognifance, except ' J " , ' r " :r o: !i, - _ the fame Writs be figncd with the proper Hands of the Chief Juftice, or in his Abfence one of the Juftices C0En ' z:lcc ' of the Court out of which the fame Writs (hall be awarded or made ; (2) upon Pain that he that writ' 1 1 1 any fuch Writs, not being figned as is aforefaid, to forfeit to our faid Sovereign Lord the King and the.?., ., Car. :. (.ktcen, for every fuch Writ and Writs, five Pounds. 2". §.7. Pirftns committed for Trtafin crFikry, ar.i net inJiBcct tbt nauTerm. CAP. XIV. An A ft for making of Ruffels Sattens, Sattens Reverfes, and Fuftians of Naples in Norwich. c T T 7HERE of late Years paiTed, Rirffcls, called Ruffels Sattens, and Sattens Reverfes, have been praclifed j„ w h- t r ' VV to be made beyond the Seas, of the Wools bred in the County ot Norfolk, and by reafon thereof foRui;'ci»Sattenj, ■ great Quantity of the faid RufTels Sattens, Sattens Reverfes, have been brought into this Realm, fold and * c - ^^ ^ c ' worn as well in every Part of this Realm, as in the Part? beyond the Seas, that thereby the Myfteries of m . a i e ln ' Worfteds making and weaving, whereby Merchants and Inhabitants of the City of Norwich have hereto- ' fore been well maintained and relieved, is now at this prefent almoft wholly decayed and brought out of ' Fftimation, and very little worn, either within this Realm, or in any other Foreign Realms, to the great ' Hindrance and Decay of the faid City and Citizens of the fame City : (2) For Remedy whereof, Thomas ' Mar/ham, Mayor of the City of Norwich, John Corbet, Efq; Aujlin Steward, Robert Lcchc, Robert Rugge, ' John Ball and Alexander Mathe ' Robert He, '• Cofts and < ' City, as alfo in making of Lombes, and all other Provifion for the fame ; (3) and alfo have called unto ' them eight Perfons of the molt difcreet and worthy Men of the Myftery of Worfted- weaving within the ' faid City, that is to fay, fohn Cook, fames Lin, 'John Crofs, Simon Petit, John Marjhal, Roger Lecke, Ed-

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  • City and Inhabitants thereof may and be like again to be relieved and brought to the pld-Eftate, to the