Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/536

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rWa tuns to fee and fe.lRun'elsSat 486 C. 14. Anno primo & fecundo Philippi & Marine. A. D. 1554, ' great Advancement of the Commodities of this Realm, and enriching the fame, if fome good and politick ' Laws and Ordinances were made for the good Continuance of the true making of t'le faid Ruffels battens, ' Sattens Reverfcs, and Fuftian of Naples, and fuch like:' II. In Confideration v. hereof, Be it enacted, by the AfTent of the King and Queen's Higlinefs, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Au- Ruiw"Ltte™ S tnor ^y oi ' :ae fame, That the faid Ruffels Sattens, Sattens Revcrfes and Fuftian of Naples hereafter to be SiVensReverfc's, made only within the faid City, may from henceforth bear the Name, and be called by the Name of and Fuffians of ' Norwich Sattens, and Norwich Fuftians; and that the Mayor and the aforementioned Citizens of the faid Naples, made in City, which before this Time have been at the Cofts and Charges of the bringing of the faid Strangers into bc'caHcd """ t ' 10 ' lame City, for the making of the faid Ruffels Sattens, Sattens Reverfes and Fuftians of Naples, and fuch the aforementioned eight Perfons that they have called unto them, fhall be a Fellowihip of then-felvcs; (2) and fhall yearly the third Day of February chufe of their Fellows, four Wardens within the Guildhall of the faid City, or any other common and convenient Place in the fame City; (3) and the fame War!ens fo being chofen fhall ftand and be Wardens of the fame Fellowship during one whole Year next enfuing the- Thcic fh.,11 be a faid Flection; (4) and that the fame Wardens, after the faid Election, lhall come before the Mayor of the Body Corporate laid City for the Time being, yearly the Monday next after the faid third Day of February, and before the raid Mayor fhall be fworn, diligently to view, fearch and fee all the Ruffels Sattens, Sattens Reverfes and Fuftian of Naples then made, or that fhall be made, within the faid City during the faid Year : (5) And fuch of the faid Ruffels Sattens, Sattens Reverfes, and Fuftian of Naples, as fhall appear and be deemed by them to be lawfully, truly and workmanly wrought, fhall leal with a Seal of Lead, bearing the Arms of the City of Norwich, whereby it may be known to the Merchant or Buyer of them, that the fame be al- lowed, and truly made. By whom and III. And that it alfo may be enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid Wardens and Fellowfhip by what Means fl la ji De a B oc |y Corporate, and to be named and be enabled by this Act to fue and be fued, and to give heen'lflfrei of anu ^ t0 ta ' ce » by * e Name of Wardens and Fellowfhip of the Myftery of Ruffels Sattens, Sattens Reverfes and [.uni/hed. ana Fuftian of Norwich making, within the faid City of Norwich; (2) And if any Default at any Time fhall be found in any of the faid Ruffels Sattens, Sattens Reverfes and Fuftian of Norwich, or in any of them, by the faid Wardens, that the fame Default fhall be reformed, and the Offender or Offenders therein to be punifhed, according to fuch Rules and Ordinances as hereafter from Time to Time fhall be made within the faid City, by the Mayor of the faid City for the Time being, and by the faid four Wardens and the Fellowfhip of the faid Occupation or Myftery, or the greateft Number of the faid Fellowfhip, for and con- cerning the fame; (3) and that the fame Defaults from Time to Time, as Occafion fhall ferve, lhall be enquired of and tried before the Mayor of the faid City of Norwich for the Time being, by the Oaths of twelve honeft Men of the forefaid Fellowfhip. The^Authority IV. And that the faid four Wardens fo chofen and fworn, fhall have full Power and Authority to do, execute, prefent and reform all and fingular Thing and Things, of, for and concerning the faid Myftery, making, working and occupying of the faid Ruffels Sattens, Sattens Reverfes and Fuftian of Norwich, within the faid City, in fuch Manner and Form as in or by the faid Ordinances fhall be expreffed and de- clared; (2) and that at all Times hereafter, and from Time to Time, it fhall be lawful to the Mayor of the faid City for the Time being, and to the before-named Fellowfhip and Wardens of the fame Myftery, and the more Part of them, and to their Succeffors, to make and ordain from Time to Time, Rules, Laws and Ordinances, meet and neceffary for the good Order and Governance of the faid Myftery, and for the true and well making of the faid Ruffels Sattens, Sattens R.everfes, and Fuftians of Norwich : (3) And the fame Ordinances fo made, to be at all Times obeyed by all the Inhabitants of the faid City or Suburbs of the fame, and to be put indue Execution by the faid Mayor and Wardens, and their Succeffors for the Time being, in fuch Manner and Form as by the faid Ordinance mall be ordained and declared. V. And that fuch as_now be and that hereafter fhall be Makers of the faid Ruffels Sattens, Sattens Re- of '.making Rut verfes and Fuftian of Norwich, and every of them, within the faid City, fhall not from henceforth occupy fcls s.ittcns, the faid Myftery and Making of the faid Ruffels Sattens, Sattens Reveries, and Fuftian of Norwich, nor SittensReverfes, an y of them, within the faid City, by themfelves, or by any other, before he or they fo occupying the faid

    • ■ Myftery within the faid City, be made Free of the faid City, and admitted to be of the faid Fellowfhip, by

the Mayor of the faid City, and Wardens and Fellowfhip of the faid Myftery for the Time being : (2) And that no Perfon do occupy by himfelf, or any other for him, out of the faid City, the faid Myftery of making Ruffels Sattens, Sattens Reverfes and Fuftians of Naples, or of any of them, before he or they fo occupying the fame have been Prentice to the faid Myftery by the Term of feven Years, or elfe admitted by the faid Mayor and Fellowfhip, or the more Part of them; (3) upon Pain of Forfeiture of the fame Ruffels Sattens, Sattens Reverfes and Fuftian of Norwich, by them or any of them to be made contrary to the Form of this Act. Wardens"* H ^' Proved always, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid Mayor and Wardens t?ke nothing to f° r the Lime being fhall not take any Sum of Money or Reward, to their own proper Ufes, for the :A- thi-ir o»-n Ufe mitting of any Perfon or Perfons to occupy the faid Myftery, upon Pain of Forfeiture of treble the Value for Admittance, of the Reward or Sum of Money fo by them or any of them to be taken. VII. Provided alfo, That it fhall be lawful to the faid Wardens, and to every of them for the Time being, by all Ways and Means, and at all lawful Times, diligently from Time to Time to make Search, by due and ordinary Ways, for all Manner of the faid Ruffels Sattens, Sattens Reverfes and Fuftian of Norwich, that fhall happen to be found by them defective, for lack of good and true Workman!! ip. ThePrcfent- VIII. And that it fhall be lawful to the faid Wardens, and every of them for the Time being, by Virtue ment, inquiry f t his Act, to feife and take the laid Ruffels Sattens, Sattens Reverfes and Fuftian, and bring and prefent and 1 rial of ' '? a r fou Ward Who rnav oc-