Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/537

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A. D. 1554. Anno primo 6s fccundo Piiilipvi 8c ( .1 5. 4.87 tin- fame Clothes fo f ifed and taken, to the Mayor of the (aid City for the Ti ceflbrs, to the Intent that twelve honeft, lawful, and expert Mcnc fworn before the faid Mayor, may by Virtue of their Oath,j make Enqui laid Defaults before the faid Mayor for the Time being, according to fu and Rules a, lb. ill be ordained and made for the Confervation and goodContir and Myftery, and the true making and working of the faid RuflcTs Ban dI Norwich: (.>.) And thai all ana every Per/on and Perfon thai (1 II i Myftery or making of the faid Ruffels Sattens, Sattens Reverfes, antfFuftian hern, contrary to the Form, Tenour, plain Meaning and Intent of this A£t, and • that at any Time hereafter by Authority of this Act (hall be ordained an ■> the true and perfect making of the faid Ruffels Sattens, Sattens Reverie and I'm' and lofe for every Time fo offending, or making any R I Fuftian 61 contrary to the Meaning, Tenor and l-fte<St of the faid A£r, Rules and Ordinance fame, Inch Fines, Amerciaments and Fains as (hall be adjudged, aflefled and affcred by tw of the faid Fcllowfllip upon their Oaths; the fame twelve Perfons to be ('worn before the faid Mayor and Wardens to inquire and make true Verdict and Prefentment of fuch Defaults ; (3) the one Half of which Forfeiture to be to the Mayor of the faid City for the Time being arid his Succeflbrs, and the other M to the faid Wardens for the Time being and their Succeflbrs, by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Informa- tion in any Court of Record ; in which Action, Bill, Plaint or Informati n, no Wager of Law, Protec- tion, Injunction, or foreign Plea (hall be allowed. IX. And in cafe it (hall fortune hereafter, that any of the faid Ruffels Sattens, Sattens Reverfes, r»nd T j| Fuftians of Norwich, (hall lack of fuch Lengths and Breadths or of the true and enfuing Making or Sorting 5^' of the Yarn, as (hall be appointed and fet forth by the faid Rules and Ordinances, and the fame < to be found defective by Verdict of twelve Men of the faid Fellowfhip, before the faid Mayor and Wardens, and their ■[<:' to be ot- Succeflbrs, That then the faid Ruffels Sattens, Sattens Reverfes, and Fuftians of Naples, and everyOfthem, ««»*■ fo found defective, to be cut in two Pieces, and to pay fuch Fine or Fines as fhall be offered and alKcrcd by the faid twelve expert Men, by Virtue of their Oaths ; (2) the one Moiety of which Fine or Fines to be to the Mayor of the laid City for the 'lime being, and to his Succeflbrs, and the other Moiety to the Wardens of the faid Fellowfhip for the Time being, and to their Succeflbrs. X. Provided always, and be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Warden or War- Th« Forfeiture dens for the Time being, of the faid Myftery or Occupation of making Ruffels Sattens, Sattens Reverfes, °' h *™ c ' and Fuftians of Naples, (hall at any Time hereafter leal, or caufe to be fealed any Ruffels Satttens, Sattens J,.'. Rtafl Reverf.s, or Fuftians of Naples, that fhall not be well, fufficient and truly wrought and made according to tens. &c. being the true Intent and Meaning of this prefent Act, he dial I forfeit and lofe for every Piece fo fealed, being not defeftive, well, fufficient and truly wrought and made, the whole Value of every fuch Piece Co fealed ; (2) the one Half of which Forfeitures to be to the King and Queen's Majefties, her Heirs and Succeflbrs, and the other Moiety thereof to be to fuch Perfon and Perfons as fhall fue for the fame by Bill, Action or Information, in any of the King and Queen's Courts of Record; in which Bill, Action or Information, no Effoin, Pro- tection or Wager of Law (hall be allowed. CAP. XV. An Acf: to confirm the Liberties of the Lords Marchers of Wales. ' T TUmbly befeeching your excellent Majefties, your true and faithful Subjects the Lord Marchers, both^H. S. c.;6. XTl. Spiritual and Temporal, within your Highnefs Dominion cf Wales, That whereas in the Parliament

  • holden at Wejlminjhr, the xxvii. Year of the Reign of King Henry the Eighth, Father unto you our natural

Sovereign Lcdy, amongft other Things, one Act was made andeftabliflied, for Laws and Juftice to be mi- ' niftred in the faid Dominion of Wales, in like Form as it is in this Realm of England: (2) In the which what Libertia

  • Act one Article is, That for that the Lords Marchers before the Parliament had uted to put their Tenants tl

' within their Lordfhips Marchers under common Mainprifeand Surety of Appearance, and have had the <*» inWilos ' Forfeitures thereof, which for ever, from and after the Feaft of All Saints then next enfuing the faid Par- foaUbavc. ' liament, fhould utterly ceafe and be determined. ' II. It was enacted, That after the faid Feaft of AH Saints, every Lay and Temporal Perfon then being a B; ' Lord Marcher, fhould have the Moiety or Half of every Forfeiture of all and every common Mainprffe, "-' H - *■ '• l6 * ' Recognifance for the Peace or Appearance, forfeited by any of their Tenants inhabiting within any ot th i ' em _ ' Lordihips March.-rs, (2) and they to he paid the fame Moiety or Half by the Hands of the Sheriff ofp 0r ,iia ■.

  • every of the Counties where fuch Forfeiture (hall be, if the Sheriff can levy the fame ; (3) and the laid ft t

" Sheriff to accompt to our faid late Sovereign Lord the King for the other Half or Moiety, in fuch Exchc- ' ' quer as they be accomptant : ' III. And further it was enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every Lay and Temporal Per- ' fon or Perfons, then being Lords Marchers, and having any Lordfhips Marchers or Lordfhips Royal, fhould ' from and after the (aid Feaft of All Saints, have all fuch Miles and Profits of their Tenants, as they have ' had, or ufed to have, at their firft Entry into their Lands in Times paft : (2) And alio Ihould have, hold ' and keep within the Precinct of their Lordfhips, Courts Baron, Courts Leet and Lawdays, and all and 4 every Thing to the faid Courts belonging ; (3) and alfo (hould have within the Precinct of their faid Lord- 4 (hips or Lawday, Waife, Straife, Infang-thefe, Otufang-tliefe, Trcafure-trove, Deodands, Coeds and CKat- 1