Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/538

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488 C. i : 6, 17. Anno primo & fecundo Philippi 8c Marive. A. D. 1554. ' tels of Felons, and of Perfons condemned or outlawed of Felony or Murder, put in Exigent for Felony or ' Murder, and alfo Wreck de ?nere, Wharfage and Cuftoms of Strangets, as they have had in Times pad ' and as though fuch Privileges were granted unto them by Point of Charter; any Thing in that Act to ' the contrary notwithstanding, as in the faid A£t of Parliament more at large it may appear : ' IV. And forafmuch as Bilhops and other Ecclefiaftical Perfons being Lords Marchers, having the like 4 Liberties, Cafualties, Profits and Commodities, within their Lordfhips Marchers, and Lordfhips Royal ' within the faid Dominion or Principality of Wales, were not provided for by the exprefs Letter of the faid ' Statute, in like Sort as the Lay and Temporal Lords Marchers were, but rather of Purpofe, as it fhould ' feem, forgotten and left out of the faid A£t, againft all Reafon and good Equity : (2) And forafmuch alfo ' as the Heirs and Succeffors of the Lay and Temporal Lords Marchers then being, were not provided for 1 by the Limitation and exprefs Words of the faid A£t, as well as their Anceftors and Predecellbrs were as ' Reafon would they fhould have been :' V. It may pleafe your Majefties of your moft gracious Favours and Benignity, at the humble Suit and Supplication of your faid faithful Subjects, the Lords Marchers that now are in the faid Dominion of Wales, both Spiritual and Temporal, to grant that it may, by the Affent of the Lords tVhat Forfei- Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament aflembled, Be ordained, efta- tures and Bene- blifhed and ena£ted by the Authority of this prefent Parliament affembled, That as well your faid Spiritual J™ tl « :I ' ori ji s and Ecclefiaftical Subjects, Lords Marchers, now having Lordfhips Marchers or Lordfhips R.oyal in Wales SnMtuaUnd aforefaid, and their Succeffors, and the Succeffors of every of them, as alfo the Heirs and Succeffors of the Temporal in Lords Temporal Marchers that then were, or now be, and the Heirs and Succeffors of every of them, bein? Wales, fliall or which hereafter fhall be Lords Marchers, within their Lordfhips Marchers and Lordfhips Royal in the have of their Dominion or Principality of Wales, fhall have and enjoy to them, and to their Heirs and Succeffors refpec- epk?"ph, f j tively and feverally for ever, the Moiety and Half of every Forfeiture of all and every common Mainprife 5j , " ' Recognifance for the Peace or Appearance, forfeited by any their Tenants inhabiting within any of their Lordfhips Marchers or Lordffi'ips Royal ; (2) and they to be paid the fame Moiety or Half by the Hands of the Sheriff of the County for the Time being, after fuch Form and Sort as the faid Lay or Temporal Lords Marchers have been or ought to have been paid the fame, by Force of the faid Statute : TheMifcs, Pro- VI. And further, ..fhall have all fuch Mifes and Profits of their Tenants, as the Lords Marchers, Soiritual fits, Liberties or Temporal, reflectively or feverally had or ufed to have at their firft Entry into their Lands in Times pair. Lord^Mareherf before the Makin S of the raid A3c or Statute : (2) And alfo fhall have, hold and keep within the Precinct reformed. of their faid Lordthips all fuch Courts BiTbh, Courts Leet and Lawdays, and all and every Thing and Fa- farther Pro- Things to the fame Courts belonging: (3) And alfo fhall hav.'_ within the Precinft of their faid feveral '■wifnns concerning Lordfhips or Lawdays, all fuch Waif",_ StiTu ?, Infang-thefe, Gucfang-thefe, Treafure-trove, Deodands Wa, Z'H sH o ( ' Goods and Chattels of Felons, and of i>:ifous oondemned or outlawed of Felony or Murder, put in Exi- e) c %.' 27 El S ent f° r Felony or Murder, and alfo all fuch W'reck de mere, Wharfage, and Cuitoms of Strangers, as the c. 9.' 19 Car. i. Lords Marchers Spiritual and Temporal refpe£Hve'ly and feverally had and ufed in Times paft, before the c 5 . 1 jv.&m. Making of the faid Statute. fat. 1. c. 27. 5 IV. & M. c. 4. 7 & %W. 3. c. 38. II & 12 W. 3. c. 9. g Cc ... r. c. 25. 6 Geo. 2. c. 14. an.tzo Geo. 2. c. 42. CAP. XVI. The Statutes made Anno 22 H. 8. c. 7. 23 H. 8. c. 3 & 17. 24 H. 8. c. 9. 28 H. 8. c. 6, 8, 9. 31 H. 8. c. 7. 35 H. 8. c. 17. 37 H. 8. c. 23. 2 Is* 3 Ed. 6. c. 9. 3^4 Ed. 6. c. 19 &f 21. 5^6 Ed. 6. c 14. 1 Ed. 6.c. 11. 1 Mar. Scff. 2. c. 12 y 13. revived', and made to continue until the laft Day of the next Parliament. EXP. 1 Eliz. c. 1%. CAP. XVII. An Ad touching Leafes hereafter to be made by certain Spiritual Perfons. SutTof^SH.l. ' A/" ^ ^ ^ ^- J" tn ^ Parliament begun and holden at Wejhmnfter the eighth Day of June in the xxviij. c. 11. as con- , Year of the Reign of our late King of famous Memory, Henry the Eighth, and there continued cerneth the rati- and kept until the Difloludca of the fame Parliament the eighteenth Day of July next following, one ASt iyin S of a Leafe ' entituled, An A& for the Reftitution of the Firft Fruits in the Time of Vacation to the next Incumbent, ■'■Sal Perfcn"of"" <. was ^ and made ' wherein are certain Claufes for Leafes then made and to be made by Spiritual and Hs Benefice to a f Ecclefieftical Perfons, to endure and be in Force for Term of fix Years, if the Incumbents did refign their Lay Man, for ' f a >d Spiritual Promotions, or if the fame fhould otherwife become void by the only Acl of the fame In- 1. me Years after ' cumbents, as by the fame Acl more at large may appear: (2) To the Intent the Parfons and Vicars, and the Leffor's Re- others having Cure of Soul-, may the better attend, and be the more vigilant in their Miniftry and LVatb°" toed Function :' y ■ Dyeri-^, p'.'j. H. Be it enacted by the King our Sovereign Lord, and by the Queen our Sovereign Lady, with the Tie Stat, of Ailents of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and the Commons, in this prefent Parliament aflembled, and aSH. 8. c. 11. by the Authority of the fame, That as much of the fame Acft as doth concern the making good of t : e laid to LeaTs her? ^^ fo ' ne any Claufe, Sentence, Provifion or Article therein contained, fhall extend or. be confi icfoi after to be made a . d J ud S ed to extend to any Leafe that fhall be made by any Parfon, Vicar, or any other having any Spi- by Spiritual ' ritual Promotion after the Feaft of the Purification of our Lady next coming. 13 El. c. 20. Pafons. For farther Prcvifions relating hereto, fee 18 El. c. 11. and 43 El. c. 9. 1 Anno