Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 2.djvu/541

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A. D- 1555. Anno fecundo & terfio Philippi & M C. , 491 IV. And I"- it furl Authority . I iftei the lait Day of Colt, th 1 'Hi' vifhly ftol . fhall n 1 alter, talc away, nor exchange tl Perfons I Marc, Gelding or Colt, unlcfs tl | rlcct w lien in th< fame (hall be or kept (landing by the Spac i of on Hour I e ancr, aiia prmg me none, iviare, vreming or v^oit 10 101a, exenang fce appointed for the Toll-Ta : ■ I. eper where no

ntrc I their Nam is and Dwi lling-pl;

pecial Mark at the lcafl of every the fame Horfes, M; I '. . or in the Keep r's Boot for that Purpofe where no Toll is due, as is; their Toll, if they ought to pay any; and if not, then the Buyer to giv< N '. es, an 1 exi cuting the other Circumftances afore rehearfed, to him that tlull write tli ■ fame in th !) k. V. And if any Horfe, M ire, Gelding or Colt, that is or fhall be thicvifhly I fhall after the faid lalt Day of February next coming be fold, given, exchai , ir or et, and not ufed in all Points according to the Tenor and Intent ol n r r fuch Horfe, Mare, Gelding or Colt, (hall and may by Force i the faid Horfe, Mare, Gelding or Colt, or havi an Ai tion of Detinue or Replevin for the fame; Sale, Gift, Exchange, or putting away of any fuch Horfe, Marc, Gelding or Colt, other than accord- ing to this Eftatute, in any wife notwithstanding. VI. The one Half of ail which Forfeitures to be to the King and Queen's Majefties, her Heirs and SuccefTors, and the other to him or them that will fue for the Tame before the Juftices of Peace, or in any of the King's and Queen's Majefties ordinary Courts of Record, by Bill, Plaint, Action of Debt or Information, in which Suits no Protection, Eftoin or Wager of Law (hall be allowed. VII. And be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Juftices of Peace of every Place and The jnflVwof County, as well within Liberties as without, (hall have Authority in their Seftions, within tiie Limits r: ' c<: ^ of their Authority and Commiflion, to inquire, hear and determine all Offences againfr this Eftatute, as they may do any o her Matter triable before them. VIII. Provided always, That in every fuch Fair or Market, where any Toll is nor fhall be due ne leviable, by reafon of the Freedom, Liberty or Privilege of the faid Fair or Market, the Keeper or Keepers The Allowance of the Book, touching the Execution of this prefent Act, (hall take nor exact but one Penny upon and of ,kt . Keeper of For every Contract, for his Labour in writing ths Entry concerning the Premilles, in Manner and Form as i_ r J l J I oil 11 due. is before declared. •v'ficm concerning Horfafn S El t. 8. 31 El. c. 12. 21 Jac. r. c. z8. § 12. 13 Gca. z. c. 19. a.-.i iS Get- 2. c. 34 c a p. vi i r. The Statute for the mending of Highways. ' Tj^OR amending of Highways, being now both very noifom and tedious to travel in, and dangerous to ** ' « J? all Paffcngers and Carriages :' (hMbe (2) Be it enacted by the Authority of this prefent Parliament, That the Conftables and Church-wardens :1 of every Parifh within this Realm, fhall yearly upon the Tuefday or li'c im-fdax in Eafi I togeth a Number of the Parifhioners, and fhall then elect and chufe two honeft Perfons of the Parifh to be Su; ors and Orderers for one Year, of the Works for Amendment of the Highways in their Parifh leading to^'" any Market-Town; (3) the which Perfons fhall have Authority by Virtue here if, to 01 id Perfons and Carriages that fhall be appointed for thofe Works; by their Difcretions ; (4) and the faid Per- fons fo named fhall take upon them the Execution of their faid Offices, up iy of them makinj Default, to forfeit twenty Shillings. II. And the faid Conftables and Church-wardens fhall then alfo I ipoint four Days for the; amending of the faid Ways, before the Feaft oi' the Nati ity :nn xt f ill iwi and ft upon fhall ' Pafti Plow, fhall find and fend at every Day and Place to be appointed for the amending Parifh, as is aforefaid, one Wain' or Cart furnifhed a'f 1 other Cattle, and all other NecefTaries meet to carry T Men with the fame, upon Pain of every Draught makir holder, and alfo every Cottager and Labourer of .that Parifh, able to labour, and being no hired Servant iS'ei. c. 1 by the Year, fhall by themfelves or one fufficient Labourer for every of them, upon every of the (aid four§- *• Days, work and travel in the Amendment of the faid Highways, upon Pain of every Perfon making De- fault, to iofe for every Day twelve Pence. (6) And if the faid Carriages of the Parifh, or any oi 1 R r r 2 - ftiaU . U til ilji >' 1 '. L . U 1 Ji Lll<- .-.ItLWiUUiVC, Ul Llic r T 1*1 O in UIJ.I- " - or the Cuftom of the Country with Oxen, Horfes : 1 nings convenient for that Purpofe, and alfo two al ' ng Default, ten Shillings; (5 and every other Houf-